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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Same thing happened to us. While we were on our honeymoon he closed up shop and took off for parts unknown. Fortunately my mother picked up the proofs the day before he took off. We contacted the DA immediately. It took almost a year to track him down (he was in Pennsylvania) and claimed he was going to contact everyone once he was all set up in his new location. We got our negatives and had our album made up from a local photography lab. It ended up costing us an additional $800 because we had to pay the lab (They certainly deserved to get paid for their work) and we were lucky. There were other couples who had not even gotten their proofs yet and they would have to pay for those as well. It still churns my gut a little that my in-laws recommended this guy and that if my MIL had not called my mom to tell her the proofs were in we would not have gotten them. My MIL had told my mother she couldn't wait for us to get back and pick them up so she could see them. My mom asked her why she just didn't go pick them up for us. My in-laws did not want to pay the fee due. My mother went and paid him for the proofs (as stated in our contract) so the proofs would be waiting for us when we returned. We paid her back when we got home.
  2. What is he allergic to? It may be something food related such as wheat. Then all you would need to do is eliminate it from his diet.
  3. This has been eye opening for me. Growing up we lived in a 3 bedroom house. My sister and I each had our own rooms. She had the larger one. It never even occurred to me to take over her room. It was hers. My parents didn't change anything until she graduated from law school and decided where she wanted to live. My mother did start using her closet at one point but everything else was the same. When my sister struck out on her own she took her stuff and then my mother started making small changes in the room. She started using it as an office/exercise room. It wasn't until I got married and took my sisters bedroom furniture that my mother truly redecorated the room.
  4. I have zumba dance for the Wii (although, my favorite is the cardio boxing because I can do that). It is a lot of fun and I work up a sweat in places I did not know I could sweat. I have no coordination, I have yet to successfully manage my hands and grapevine feet at the same time, but I have mastered the salsa step. I would take a class if I had the $$. I hear it is a lot of fun in some of those groups.
  5. They both know how to the laundry. All clothes go in the communal hamper. If there is something specific they want and I have not gotten to the laundry they can either do a load themselves or do without it.
  6. I can't believe no one has mentioned the unicorn song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo7NUro-xAo&feature=related
  7. My first thought when reading this was this Martha Stewart doesn't live here: http://with-heart-and-hands.blogspot.com/2007/11/martha-stewart-doesnt-live-here.html I do like when things coordinate but I really do not have the $$ to invest so I am happy if there are enough forks to go around.
  8. If you are in NJ I can put you in touch with our Philosophy teacher who studied with Matt Lipman (creator of the Philosophy for Children program). My kids love their philosophy group.
  9. Anywhere he wants. Sometimes the floor, sometimes the couch (although he knows if his blanket is not on the couch he is not allowed), the kid's beds, or our beds.
  10. If I recall correctly my parents went way up in the smart department shortly after I got my first real job after college.
  11. I am guilty of a twang now and then. Our current house only had one twanger but it broke a few years. All the others are boring hard ones.
  12. I am married to a computer guy and people used to ask all the time for his assistance. He tells friends (and so do I) that he will not work on a friends computer because if something should go wrong or if he is unable to help he does not want to be blamed for it.
  13. I shower every morning. I like to feel clean. I also don't drink coffee so it is a nice wake up. I don't stand in there for a year and a day. I get clean and get out. My kids shower every evening because they are quite rank at the end of the day. In the winter when they are not as active (and if there was no swim practice that day) they will skip a day. Dh showers daily (sometimes 2x a day) because he gets quite ripe.
  14. So true. Although, dh gets a pass because he is color blind and can't tell if the light is on. The children on the other hand.....
  15. I buy from both. Whoever has it cheaper when I am ordering gets the order. I have never had any issues with Rainbow Resource and I love their phonebook of a catalog.
  16. I have had that same thought. I will tell you that my ds (about to be 13) has shown improvement in this area. My dd (10) will get a new roll out and leave it within easy access of the next user. I want to know why I am the only one who can see an overflowing garbage can.
  17. It goes something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNkp4QF3we8 When they were little I was mommy. Now, I am mostly mom. Sometimes mommy when they are tired. Dd will sometimes call me mama.
  18. Not a Christian, but here are my 2 cents: DD (10) got her ears pierced at 9. She campaigned for a year. She had to prove to me that she would be capable of taking care of her ears. Anything else she wants pierced-when she is 18 and can pay for it herself. Make-up. She is following the same guidelines I had to follow. At 11 she can wear lip gloss/light lipstick out of the house. Age 12-she can add blush. Age 13-eye make-up. All make-up subject to approval by me. Clothes-always an issue because she finds clothes hot and cumbersome. She would still run around naked if she could. We have numerous discussions on modesty and what message our clothes send. She does have much better fashion sense then me. Hair-No Permanent dye until age 16. She can color it whatever color she wants. It is just hair and it will grow out. Same for hair style. Whatever cut she gets-it will grow out and back.
  19. I've unfriended and have never been notified. Usually, I notice when I think to myself "You know, I haven't seen a status update from so and so in awhile" or when I notice my friend count went down.
  20. For strictly school things, we are out of the house 1 -2 days a week. However, once I factor in swim practice and other assorted things it seems I leave the house daily. No wonder I always feel like I get nothing done.
  21. The elementary school my kids attended ranked 8. The highest out of all 5 elementary schools in my district. The others ranked 5-7. Both middle schools got a 7. The high school 9.
  22. I just went to gas up the van yesterday and almost fell over at the price of gas. Up 25 cents from the week before. There will be a lot more keeping it local for us. No more "Hey, that sounds cool. Lets go check it out." Swim practice now means waiting at the Y for 3 hours instead of taking dd home when she is done and returning for ds when his practice is over.
  23. I don't care if they are out of style. My legs look better with hose so I wear them. Unless, of course, I am wearing sandals. Long live the foundation garment!
  24. I've been doing this for years and I still end up chasing people down.
  25. No, I don't test after each unit. Either my child has got it or they don't. I know this by how they do on the worksheets. I do give them the final exam at the end to make sure they have retained what they learned.
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