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Everything posted by kewb

  1. My personal preference would be a hand written note. It is important to me so I have taught my children to write thank you cards. However, the fact that they took the time to send any kind of acknowledgement of your gift should be appreciated. So many people today don't even say thank you let alone send some kind of card.
  2. For me, the question that jumps out is "What are your education goals?" Or to look at it another way "Why would you transfer out of the school where you are experiencing academic success?" Are those reasons truly worthwhile? They may be but only you can decide that. The extra-curricular activities: If your district is anything like mine there are budget cuts and activities being cut left and right. That may not be an issue in a private school but it is worth researching. Being surrounded by peers: So what. Most of them you will not be friends with. Like attracts like. You will find your core group of friends. The majority of the other students will be acquaintances who will neither add or detract from your life. There are other ways to be surrounded by peers. Volunteering, signing up for classes, community or religious groups.
  3. Other. The majority of the time the leftovers belong to the person who ordered the meal. As a pp mentioned if dh leaves leftovers from his fancy work dinner they are mine. If we went out for Chinese then the leftovers belong to whoever gets to them first.
  4. Me-don't care. Ds-does not care. Dd-for the most part does not care but she does get sucked into the Justice/Aeropostle drama every once in awhile. I will buy her the occasional shirt when it is on clearance. The reality is those clothes do not fit her well. They are not designed for someone with her body type. It is frustrating. I have also completed the transformation into my parents by constantly saying "When Mr. Abercrombie pays me $50 to have my name plastered across his chest I will return the favor."
  5. We will be celebrating our 19th anniversary this year and I think our marriage is pretty solid. In a typical week I can go through all the emotions: Love, hate, indifference, passion, anger, general liking the other person. It really depends on what is going on that week. To me, the difference between a solid marriage and one that is not is how you deal with those feelings. Knowing when to give the other space until you can have a rational conversation. Being able to admit you were wrong. Conflict resolution is a key to success.
  6. Refuse to engage. My MIL never discusses the topic with me anymore because the only response she gets from me is "Thank you for your concern. You raised your children, now it our turn." Repeat over and over until she stops.
  7. My dh uses it for his heartburn. He immediately rinses his mouth with water. To date, no issues with his tooth enamel.
  8. Lots of dessert recipes that will allow your friend to showcase the tools. http://www.pamperedchef.com/recipe_search/results.jsp?keywords=dessert&x=0&y=0
  9. I use the barefoot contessa's recipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/homemade-granola-bars-recipe/index.html
  10. My kids love juice but it is a rare treat around here. Empty calories.
  11. I do not think the more recent vaccines have been tested enough. Nor do I agrree with the combining of shots and the amount of shots kids are expected to receive by the age of 5. I do believe in proper nutrition to keep the body healthy. As close to the tree as possible; That is my motto. Dh takes herbal supplements. He purchases them from reputable companies and has yet to have any ill effects.
  12. Growing up we called it Indian Style. I guess that would be Native American style now. When my kids were little we called it pretzel legs or cross legged. I had hear criss cross apple sauce but that always seemed like a mouthful to me.
  13. 8th grade plans: MUS - Pre-Algebra Growing With Grammar 8 Vocabulary from Classical Roots Oak Meadow English Oak Meadow Physical Science Oak Meadow Civics History Odyssey Modern Times Outside classes: Philosophy Class Music Appreciation/Theory Swim Team
  14. I am in awe of your ability to not turn on the ac. I hate being hot. Even our dog is only going outside when it is absolutely necessary and he loves to be outdoors.
  15. I have left my keys in the car by accident but never on purpose. That seems like an invitation for some kind o trouble.
  16. I always give cash for the wedding gift. The amount varies if it is dh and I or the whole family. So it is anywhere from $250-$400. The rule I was brought up with was "You cover your plate." Meaning the amount you give should cover the cost of feeding you at the event. I live in the Northeast. although, technically, I believe my State is considered Mid-Atlantic. Shower/engagement gift is in the $50-$100 range, depending on how close I am with the couple.
  17. Frankly, I am horrified about the ballot initiative. PSA about routine infant circumcision and what it is-sure. Making it illegal, that would mark the beginning of a bad time for the Jewish People. Banning circumcision is nothing new. It happened in ancient Greece when Antiochus came into power. It happened in ancient Rome when the Roman Empire conquered the Land of Israel. It happened in the Soviet Union. It happened in Nazi Germany. Governments banning Jews from practicing their religion and then attempting to annihilate a race of people.
  18. Furthest from the door. Statistically less likely to have your purse stolen while otherwise occupied.
  19. Other. In general during the summer I like it to be between 75 and 80 with no humidity. Overall, I prefer cool to hot. You can always put on another layer but when it is hot you are naked and still hot. No fun at all.
  20. It almost makes me wish my kids rode the bus so I could wave at the bus in costume. They would be totally mortified.
  21. I have found more modest apparel in the petite section for my almost 11 year old.
  22. Our summer goes something like this: Breakfast Swim Team Practice relax and hang by the pool for 2-3 hours. lunch If we have nowhere else to be-shower and put on jammies. Math, grammar and alternate between history and science. Dinner Watch a movie Bed We do take the first 2 weeks summer break off. Other then swim practice there are no commitments. Just chilling at the pool with friends.
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