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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We always start either the Tues. or Wed. after Labor Day. It doesn't feel right if we start before then.
  2. No he is not. I refuse to accept it. He will forever be my young Dr. Noah Drake. Excuse my while I go play Jessie's Girl and dance in front of the mirror.
  3. Are we married to the same man? I have told him that he better hope he goes first because otherwise hoarders is his future. I also move out bags of his stuff when he is not around. He is fine with me getting rid of the stuff but he has extreme difficulty doing it himself. As for government involvement, only if the hoarder is in violation of a code or law.
  4. I am very happy that my rescue dog does not have any thunderstorm baggage. He does sit pitifully at the window when the kids go outside without him. His big baggage is nail guns. He is terrified of the noise they make. When my neighbor was doing some roofing work the poor dog refused to go out all day.
  5. It definitely originated with agriculture and the fact the buildings have no cooling. The Winter breaks had to do with the cost of heating the school. If they close during the coldest time for a week they save money. Where I am in NJ it has more to do with tourism now. And I will admit, having been on the school starts the day after labor day and ends in June train all of my life I like it. There is a certain rhythm to my life. Of course, I do shake it up a bit by taking vacation when I feel like it without being a slave to the school calendar.
  6. I use a half and half mix. I usually swish it around, let it sit for a few minutes, give another swish, and then rinse.
  7. I use an assortment of mason jars and snapware http://www.amazon.com/Snapware-Glasslock-Tempered-Storage-Containers/dp/B0029U57RA for food storage. For traveling with cut up fruits/veggies I keep some gladware around. It is lighter then glass and the toxic leaching is more a concern if you are putting hot food in or heating up food in it. For your dh, I had a coworker who kept a plate and silverware in his desk. He transferred the food to his plate to heat it up in the microwave.
  8. At the beginning of the school year and 2 or 3 more times throughout the year I sit down one on one with my kids and discuss my expectations of their behavior and work habits for the year. We talk about how in order for to continue to be their teacher then they have to do their part. I have no interest in wasting my time teaching someone who does not want to be there. We talk about how it affects everyone else when they choose not to do what is required. We talk about cooperation. Didn't that sound all nice and Pollyana. Sometimes, when I remind them of the discussion they actually correct their attitude and do what is asked of them. Sometimes I step back and look at myself. I have found there are some weeks out of the month where things that normally don't bother me send me over the edge. Sometimes I break down and scream and yell and send them to their rooms. All that said, both of them know there is no screen time or any kind of fun until the schoolwork is done. The choice is theirs.
  9. We went last September during the homeschool days and had a great time. We stayed at the Powhatan Resort for the week. It was great having our own kitchen for our stay. Saved some $$ on dining. My kids enjoyed the reenactments and the tours of the Governor's Mansion, The Powell House, The Silversmith, The Blacksmith, The Apothecary, and the horse tour we took. After the 3rd historic home tour my kids were of the opinion that if you have seen one historic house you have seen them all. I dragged them through a few more anyway. We did spring for lunch at one of the Inn's for the experience. It was definitely overpriced and mediocre but the kids really liked it. We also ate at the Golden Corral one night and no food poisoning here. I wonder if the really cute silversmith apprentice is still there. My dd and I thought he was just as fine as the silver.
  10. When I am consistent with taking the B1 vitamin I rarely get bit. To relieve an itchy bug bite I use Adolf's Original Formula Meat Tenderizer. It has to be the original. Wet the bite and sprinkle on. Takes the itch right out.
  11. I usually clean mine with a vinegar and water solution.
  12. I texturized my walls with a nerf ball cut in half and crumpled up plastic wrap.
  13. Why does: My eye twitch My mom turn me on It rain hair turn gray my dog eat poop
  14. No, I don't. When he met me I rarely wore make-up. I only wear it if we are going out somewhere-such as a wedding or a special dinner.
  15. Am I the only one who keeps them in the cardboard box they were shipped to me in? They fit perfectly in there.
  16. That is fantastic. I can't wait to party with friends in this thing.
  17. No, I would not live there. I wouldn't mind vacationing there for short periods of time.
  18. If I wore shirts with slogans I would def. get this.
  19. :bigear: My 13 year old is the same way. I believe part of it is hormones and part of it is the normal growing up and being his own man stuff. It drives me nuts. I have found that unplugging him for a week tends to help get him back on the right track but at the rate he is going lately he will never have anything electronic again so I am thinking there must be another way.
  20. It was definitely my first job. I was a Recreation Aide at a local park. I signed out tennis courts, made leisure passes, drove the boat around the lake (it had 2 speeds-slow and slower), or office work-asnswering phones, giving permits for picnic areas, etc.
  21. That is not the way I was taught the story. I was taught that he was denied entrance to the promised land because he did not ask the rock for water first as instructed by G-d. Not being able to enter the promised land was the consequence of his action. Hopefully someone with more Torah knowledge than I will chime in.
  22. I have been using my pampered chef bar pans (I have every size) for years and have never until this moment made the connection to bar cookies. I always thought the name was odd. Talk about a duh moment. I guess it is because I live in the North East.
  23. Before going for the more invasive procedure have them redo the pap. I get an abnormal pap if I go for the test close to my period. My 2nd pap has always been normal. The cells of the cervix are always changing and abnormal paps are not that uncommon.
  24. There is hope for your dh to come around. When we started homeschooling ds was going into 5th grade. Dh had it in his head that the kids would go back for highschool-for all the same reasons as your dh. Now ds is going into 8th grade. This past year dh has seen that he really does not need to go to hs. He has a great social life. He takes a philosophy class, a music appreciation class, and other assorted we find them interesting classes. He is on a swim team. After the last couple of family gatherings where he listened to his 2 sisters who are teachers complain and gripe about every blessed thing that is wrong with their schools, the administration, the parents, etc. and then my recap of the documentary The Race to Nowhere he finally realized that he does not care if the kids ever return to school. He can see the difference between our kids and our neices and nephews and he likes our kids. I found the best way to handle this with my dh was to ignore him. When he would say he wanted ds to go back to hs I would nod and listen. Discuss his reasons and things we were doing that addressed these concerns. Mostly, though, I just smiled and nodded. The proof is in the pudding and there is no denying the results. One of the things I got my dh to agree to early on was that they would stay home through middle school. He agreed because I showed him where we deviated from the public school schedule and how by 9th grade they would have cycled throguh everything the ps school did and they would not be behind.
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