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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I think it is a narrow minded view of the world. It is not just "Oh, if they were willing to be a 1 car family. Oh, if they would just live more simply. Oh, if they only had their priorities right. Oh, if they really wanted to do it then the father would go get a job that provides health insurance rather then relying on moms job." There are a myriad of valid reasons why a family would choose not to homeschool just as there are a myriad of reasons why a family would choose to do it. I'll be honest, this kind of thinking does get my knickers in a twist. I don't like being judged for my decision to homeschool and I am not about to judge someone else for choosing not to homeschool. It is a personal decision that every family makes for themselves. It reminds me of when I was pregnant with my first and my friends mother was horrified that I was going to be putting my baby in daycare for strangers to raise. She made no bones about telling me how she thought mothers should just do without things and stay home with their babies. I looked at her and asked if she thought the things my baby should do without were food and shelter and which one did she think we should do without so I could stay home? That is the choice I had at the time unless, of course, dh and I were willing to move miles away from family to where the cost of living was less expensive. Our priority was that our children should live near their cousins not far away from extended family just so I could be home with them.
  2. VS does not cater to the full figured woman. Plus, I think their quality is lousy. I get fitted at Nordstrom.
  3. If my dog had never bitten anyone before the first thing I would do is take him to the vet to rule out a medical issue. If there was no medical issue I would discuss options with my vet. If putting him down was the best option then that is what would happen, no matter how much my heart would be breaking.
  4. Both my kids do swim team. Neither one of them is going to be the next Olympic Medalist. They participate because competitive swimming is great exercise and because they both enjoy it. From participating, a few things they have learned: The importance of being physically fit. Commitment: If you want to improve you have to put in the time. Gracious losing: You are not always going to be first. Sometimes you lose by a tenth of a second. That sucks but you still shake hands with the guy in the next lane. How to listen to someone other than mom. To be honest I would rather not be spending 20 hours a week at the pool (that is including commuting time) but swim team is not for me, it is for them. They are getting something from the coaches and their team mates that they would not be getting if they did not participate. I also don't believe that team sports are all that and a bag of chips. They are one way of challenging my kids and keeping them physically fit and active.
  5. Every movie mentioned so far makes me cry. I 2nd Mr. Holland's Opus. Gets me every time. Some others that have not been mentioned that have made me cry: Forrest Gump My Girl Love Story
  6. Personally, I do not care for frozen grapes. My father, on the other hand, thought they were da bomb and that they tasted like grape candy. They freeze fine. My dd loves frozen grapes, too.
  7. So, not just boys. This summer my 13 year old discovered girls are not icky. I kind of almost sort of miss the days when he did not care. That boy spends 30 minutes on his hair some days. He does still need frequent reminders on nail hygiene but he is getting better there, too. My dd, otoh, lets just say arguing can ensue.
  8. My son was hit by a car while riding his bike a couple of years ago. Their insurance company went after ours for the damage to their car.
  9. The reality is that video games are part of the culture. At age 10 he is chafing at the restriction that no one else has. I am not saying that one should always bow to peer pressure but gaming is very much a part of every day culture. Not knowing or being able to participate in what the other kids are doing or talking about will have social effects and it is something to consider. In our home I restrict access to electronics. When they are at friends houses they follow their friends house rules. This means that sometimes my ds comes home quite wired but it gives us a life lesson to discuss after the effects have worn off.
  10. We love The Coral Reef. I am surprised at so many bad experiences at Chef Mickey. We did the breakfast and had a great time. No rude people at all.
  11. I'm on it but I have not seen a need to leave facebook for it. No one (myself included) ever seems to post anything.
  12. Lunch around here usually consists of any of the following: Hard Boiled eggs. Egg salad and crackers. Hummus and pita. noodles and sauce. Soup cheese, crackers, and olives last nights leftovers.
  13. The facts of life came from me not dh. Dh did not mind at all. I am the one who is home and available when questions arise. Plus, sex ed is just another course in our school. However, there have been a couple of things that ds has asked me over the past year or two where I did answer his questions but also suggested that he speak with his father about the question. As I put it to him-I understand the mechanics but I don't own that piece of equipment and can't really speak to some of those feelings and experiences that he is having. I think you handled it just fine.
  14. For me, the store honey just doesn't work as well. I am feeling mildly envious.
  15. If I was the one with all the can't haves then I would not expect my host/hostess to accommodate my needs. I would be supplying my own food. As pp stated, I would look for activities that do not involve food.
  16. I think my son was around 7 or 8 when he really started kicking up a fuss about coming into the women's room with me. So, depending on the location I would let him use the men's room. In the beginning I stood outside with the door cracked and made him talk to me the entire time. He really hated that but he hated using the women's room more. There were some locations where his wants didn't matter, such as the rest stop on the NJ Turnpike. It was very difficult for me to start letting him go to the men's room by himself. I know it was more my issue then his abilities. One last piece unsolicited advice for public restroom safety: Do not let your child use the food court restroom at the mall. The majority of drug deals, flashers, general bad stuff will happen there. Teach your children to go to a department store restroom. They are always located near the women's department and a suspicious individual would be noticed and reported.
  17. I keep a small tub of honey by the sink and one in the shower. They usually splash some water on their face, then dip their fingers and take a small scoop. They use their fingers to rub around their faces. If they do have some small bumps on their faces they will use a wet washcloth to rub the honey around. Then they rinse. When they use it in the shower they will apply to their face and leave it on for a couple of minutes while they shampoo. I also use honey to wash my face (which is why my kids use it) and have been very happy with my skin. I have been using honey for about 3 years now.
  18. Both kids (13 & 11) wash their faces with raw honey. Rarely a blemish to be seen.
  19. I had a friend make me a few dozen napkins from a nice flannel material. No wrinkles and they are nice and soft.
  20. I am always amazed that people can get more then one meal from one chicken. We eat it and then I throw the bones in the crockpot to make chicken stock. Of course, now I am wondering just how much I pay for my chicken at the poultry farm. I am always buying more then just chicken and I never thought to add it up. Probably a good thing. I may faint if I figured out what I was paying for that delicious chicken.
  21. In our ps school the 8th graders take algebra. The advanced kids take it in 7th. My homeschooled 8th grader will be doing pre-algebra this year. When I was in school back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth I tool algebra in 9th grade.
  22. I am also in NJ. I think the rate is reasonable for a 13 year old. I pay my college babysitters $15 an hour. I wouldn't change the rate for a whole day. Her hourly rate is her hourly rate. Period. It doesn't matter if it is 1 hour or 12 hours.
  23. My 14 year old slef would surprised that: I did not marry a doctor or a lawyer. I am not living in a mansion in Great Neck. Finances are a daily struggle. I worked full time until my oldest was 10. I am homeschooling my kids. I am living in NJ. In spite of all the surprises/disappointments I think in the end she would be happy that I am happy. At least I think she would be happy after she was done throwing a hissy fit and sulking over all the decisions I made that led her to the place I am at now.
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