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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I don't remember ever getting vaccinated at school. I atteneded elementary in the early 70's. There were annual scoliosis checks. I remember everyone lined up in the gym. Girls on one side and boys on the other. Thanks to that check my scoliosis was caught. I wore a brace for 4 years. Although, to this day, my mother is amazed that the school nurse caught it. She always thought that particular nurse was not the brightest bulb in the box.
  2. Is there supposed to be cake under the frosting?
  3. My father's answer: That is what rain is for. My mother's answer: Vinegar and water. Use newspaper for a streak free shine. My answer: That is what rain is for, but when there is dog slobber on the window I use my mom's answer.
  4. The neighbor children have repeatedly told mine that they will never be able to get into college if they don't go back to real school. Now they just shrug their shoulders at it and move on.
  5. Should I vaccinate my Cub Scout? That really depends. Are the other scouts vaccinated? Can you rely on herd vaccination to keep your scout safe? If you are going to vaccinate, make sure you keep your germ ridden kid away from mine. Should the people who I invited over for a delicious crockpot dinner take off their shoes? Yes, and make sure you don't give them any advance notice of your shoes off policy so they will not be prepared with a clean pair of socks or ones without holes and this way they can complain about your unreasonable demands when they leave. Should men in kilts drink milk? Absolutely. And they should drink it in front of me. And since it's almost that time of year....what do you think about Halloween? It is the Devil's own Holiday. Chock full of cavity causing candy and teaching my children that it is okay to beg for candy from everyone and that when you don't get what you want you play a mean trick on them. We will be going to a Harvest Dance Costume Ball instead.
  6. I have no words to describe how I feel about what these kids did. I understand the hurts of an average childhood and how they create baggage that you carry around. However, as an adult in your 20's, well, there comes a time when you stop blaming your parents for your problems and grow up and take responsibility for you own actions. They talk about the mother's accoutability; where is their personal accountability. The mother, most likely, did the best she could. I ddin't realize that birthday gifts to your children were mandatory. My grandmother stopped sending me birthday checks when I turned 30. Maybe I should sue her.
  7. I'm sorry you are having a tough morning. I wish I had some advice but my 13 year old knows how to push my buttons and there are some days that I really think "Why am I homeschooling him? Maybe he should go back to school."
  8. I don't know why I looked at that. I have the heebie jeebies now. A number of years ago I had climbed through my sons bedroom window onto the patio roof to trim back my neighbors tree. As I was happily lopping away I turned and saw a giant wasps nest. Truthfully, I did not know I could move this fast as I dove through the open window and slammed it shut. I then ran to dh to tell him of my harrowing experience. He was not properly sympathetic to my plight. His response was to shrug and point out that I did not get stung. :glare: I watched that thing from the window for the rest of the summer. Patiently waiting for the nest to be abandoned. Finally, in November when it was shredded beyond belief I went out there and lopped off the branch. Then I tossed it in my neighbors yard (okay, not proud of that but she was a lousy neighbor). Good luck with your nature study.
  9. Add it to soup. Or make one of my favorite dishes..mushroom barley: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/byrdhouse-mushroom-barley-pilaf/detail.aspx
  10. Both kids have an inexpensive laptop. I find it very handy. Ds who acts as if you asked for a limb when assigned a writing assignment complains less if he can type it. I also found it handy when doing virtual field trips. Everyone follows along on their own screen. No crowding, pushing, or shoving.
  11. Some tea with honey will help soothe your throat. Or just swallow a teaspoon of honey. Eventually your throat will get used to talking so much.
  12. I am right there with you. My baby boy turned 13 a few months ago and he is almost as tall as me. Sniffle.
  13. The water has reached my driveway. This is a first. My slop sink in the basement now has a few inches of water in it. Another thing that has never happened. The streets around me are officially closed. Fortunately, we have enough water and food for a few days.
  14. Mostly the dining room table. Sometimes in the living room. If one of the kids needs more quiet they go to the basement or their rooms.
  15. We are not in the dark but the river is creeping closer to the house. It is only 2 houses away now and it is not expected to crest until tomorrow afternoon.
  16. I don't keep any reading material in there. I don't like to encourage dilly dallying in the bathroom. Although the Rainbow Resource Catalog usually works it way in and stays there. Everyone brings something in with them at some time or another but it is not stored in the bathroom.
  17. Israeli Salad is one of our favorites: 2 tomatoes, chopped 2 cucumbers, chopped 1 green pepper, seeded and chopped 1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped 1 small onion, finely chopped juice from 1 lemon 4 tablespoons olive oil salt pepper Sometimes I use a lime or 2 instead of a lemon.
  18. Yes, leave them in longer then 6 weeks. My dd couldn't wait to change out her earrings and her ears were still very tender at 6 weeks. Plus, she changed them for cheap earrings and she had a reaction. Once I put the gold ones back in I made her leave them in for 6 months. She only wears gold or silver now. She wishes she could wear the cute cheap earrings but she remembers the infection and has no desire to experience that again. If you do have a piercing place near you I would def. check it out. Needles are supposed to be better then the gun the stores use.
  19. We have a Weimstaff. He is a Weimeraner/American Staffordshire Terrior mix. He is a great dog. 75lbs of unconditional love. He is loyal to the family. He loves everyone we meet. He just wants to play with every person and every dog he meets. I call him my velcro dog because wherever I go he goes. The only downside to him is that he is a jumper. We had to run chicken wire around the top of the fence to make it taller to keep him in the yard. He sails over 4' as if there is nothing there. Growing up I had German Shepard Dogs. They are also great dogs. Loyal and loving. They will play for as long as you want to play and then when you are done they will go lay down. I also had a Doberman. He was also a great dog. I had him when I met my dh and told my dh that if my dog didn't like him the date was off. He tried to bribe my dog with a toy bone. The dog hated that bone but he did like my dh. The one lab I had as a kid we had to find a new home for him. He required a level of activity that we just could not provide. He became very destructive. He chewed up shoes and toys and anything else he could get his paws on. He went to a woman who lived on a farm and jogged 5 miles every day. Plenty for him to do there. As you can see, I am partial to the larger breeds and the misunderstood breeds. I find these breeds to be the best family dogs.
  20. When the Zombie Apocalypse happens I am heading to my friends house. He has taught his kids what to do when the invasion happens. In the meantime, I am trying to get us a few months supply of grain, rice, beans, other non-perishables and water. I am saving up for a water filtration system. Dh would like to invest in a rifle but I am leary of the idea. I am not really a gun fan.
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