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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I went to college in the city from 1984-1988. I can tell you that if rents were only $400 a month I would not have been living at home.
  2. I don't get notifications when blogs I follow edit a post.
  3. My kids have never gotten a flu shot. I just never saw the need. They are healthy and we promote frequent hand washing in our house. When I was working full time my company gave them for free and I did get one for a few years. Then one year there was a shortage and I did not qualify for one. I did not have any more or less illnesses then previous years when I got the shot. I no longer saw a need for me to continue getting them. My dh gets one every year as he believes they keep him healthier during the winter months.
  4. There are many things I do not remember from childhood. The only 2 things I could tell you about 4th grade would be my teacher's name and the boy I had a gigantic crush on. Oh, wait, and I remember how she always stabbed my cheek with her fingernail so I would have a dimple that matched the one on the other side.
  5. Mine were shocked when I told them that I smoked when I was in 9th grade.
  6. My ds is in 8th grade and we are using Oak Meadow science. He enjoys it. What exactly would your dd find fun?
  7. My dd likes aeropostale and Delia's. I like Delia's because they have a more generous cut then aero. They usually have decent sales.
  8. I believe you are old when you both forget, as dh and I did a few years ago.
  9. I believe that the difference is that extract is a derivative of the actual product whereas flavoring is artificial. Personally, I would go with the extract.
  10. Homemade chicken soup with oodles of noodles and matzoh balls.
  11. It really depends on the kid. My dh eeked out another inch when he was in college.
  12. Uh-oh, I forgot that little fact. Perhaps she will have a friend who will one day have the patience to teach her to ride a bike before it is time to submit her application to Harvard.
  13. My ds is 13 and I can almost look him in the eye. I have 1" on him. I figure by this time next year I will be looking up to him. Dd is 11 and I still have about 3" on her.
  14. I always rinse my rice. It seems my rice comes out better when it is rinsed first.
  15. The only time my nutrimill spews flour is when I don't have the bowl pushed all the way in. The first time I used it-flour everywhere. So not pretty. 1 cup of wheat berries yields a bit more than a cup of flour.
  16. My son taught himself to ride when he was around 8 or 9. My dd tried and tried but she could not get it. Now at 11 she still can not ride a bike. Now she is embarrassed that little kids can do it and she can't so she won't even try anymore. To me this is not a make or break life skill so I let it go.
  17. When mine were younger I would puree any and all vegetables and add them to tomato sauce. I would also take a jar of babyfood butternut squash and add that to macaroni & cheese. I would add a little at a time because there was a fine line between hiding behind the cheese and overpowering it. Will they drink smoothies? Mine were quite horrified when they found out there was swiss chard in their smoothies. I have also been known to throw in an avocado. You can hide a multitude of healthy things in a smoothie.
  18. When my kids were taking swim lessons my goal was that they be able to survive. To me that meant solid strokes (50yds with no stopping) in freestyle and backstroke. Learning how to float, not panic in the water, tread water, etc. As it turned out, both my kids love swimming and do swim team
  19. My dh does this, too. A big bone of contention in our soon to be 19 years of marriage. I think clocky is cute but the dog would be the one chasing it and he would immediately break it. If dh was the one chasing it he would just crawl back into bed after he caught it. When we have the extra $$ I want to invest in the clock that mimics sunlight as I think that one will be least disruptive to me.
  20. For birthdays, my parents and in-laws give me a gift. For the kids, grandparents and parents give a gift. That is just how we roll.
  21. Is there really anyone left who does not know that too much tv watching is bad for young children? How many more studies will be done to let parents know that they are supposed to talk with their children, allow them to explore their world, and give them art supplies, and plenty of outdoor time? At this point in time isn't that kind of a "Well, duh" conclusion?
  22. Is there another team you can join? From what you have written this does not sound like a healthy environment for your dd. If you are going to continue with this team I would start documenting every single thing. Any verbal communication needs to be followed up with an email to the coach reiterating the conversation. You can certainly take the issue to the Director of the Aquatics department. Depending on how much $$ the swim team brings into the program may color any assistance you get.
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