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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I am using Early Modern Level 1 with my 5th grader this year. So far, there has not been a lot of cut and paste. A lot of reading, answering questions, and map work. She did do one art project on the sun king. My 7th grader is doing Level 2. A lot of outling and summarizing.
  2. I will be snugly under my covers while bargain hunters are out shopping. Cyber Monday is more my style.
  3. I have added additional veggies. It is good that way, too. Sometimes I mix in some avocado, tomatoes, peppers, pretty much whatever I have on hand. It is very versatile.
  4. I use this as a main dish all the time: Quinoa cooked in chicken or vegetable broth black beans chopped red onion a lime freshly chopped cilantro to taste (I like a lot of cilantro)
  5. Our schedule looks something like this: Daily: Math Grammar 2-3x per week: History Science Spanish Vocabulary Logic/Critical Thinking Lightning Lit Swimming- 3x per week Homeschool gym class-1x per week Alternating weeks: Discussion Group Philosophy Class
  6. 100% eclectic with a strong classical bent. I pick and choose what works for my two. There are things I love about all the philosophies and I incorporate what I can from all f them.
  7. No, I am not afraid of divorce. I think it is a viable option after a couple has tried all avenues of working things out. My concerns would be for my children. There is almost nothing I hate more then parents who use their children as pawns in the nasty end to their marriage. I have seen it and it is ugly.
  8. I have not seen that one. Sounds very funny. I <3 gift cards. My MIL is a gift giver. She is highly offended by the gift card. Dh is in charge of her gifts.
  9. My dd has Rebecca. I have not noticed any long term issues with her hair.
  10. Same here, with the exception that I also had a coupld of male friends. I am friends with a homeschooling dad but we normally only see each other when our girls get together. I am also friends with his wife I just happen to see the dad more often.
  11. My 7th grader is doing the following: Language Arts-grammar, lightning lit 7, logic/critical thinking, vocabulary from classical roots) Math History Spanish Phys Ed (Swim Team & Homeschool gym class) Philosophy Science I am still trying to work in art history and music appreciation. These always seem to get dropped from my days.
  12. I have a friend whose daughter has a corn allergy (along with a host of other food allerfgies). It has been quite an education for me. I had known the obvious ones but had no idea about vanilla (Purchase vanilla powder instead of the liquid) and ascorbic acid. If you have a whole foods near you they will bulk order items (such as rice crackers) for you and I believe also give you a 10% discount.
  13. Not silly at all. The owner of our local hardware store passed away a couple of days ago and now the store is closed for good. He was amazing. The kind of guy where you walked in with some obscure part and he went in to the back and pulled it out for you. Plus, he was real contributor to our community. All I am left with now is The Home Depot and Lowe's. I understand what you are feeling.
  14. Overall I loved the movie. Like, you, there were a few things I wished were in the movie. I agree with everything you said. I also want to see the back story as to why his family was so awful to him. Mad Eye's Eye-totally with you. Why couldn't he take it with him. It was just wrong, wrong, wrong, for Harry to leave it there. I cried when Dobby was killed. In the book and in the movie. I am hopeful Dumbledore's past will show up in the next movie. I can't wait for part 2.
  15. It was visually stunning in Imax 3D. The movie itself-nothing to write home about.
  16. You are definitely not the only one who thinks that way! For me, it is a family culture thing. You always make enough for 10 armies and at the last minute you must make enough for 10 more because, you know, there might not be enough. Nothing is more embarrassing then running out of something and you with a guest who wants more. I will admit that these past few years I have been trying to break the chain a little. I stick to the enough for 10 armies without making enough for 10 more. So far, I have still had plenty of leftovers. I will be happy to partake of your table that is overflowing with good eats. :)
  17. It is great that your dd had a great day. It is also great that it is a group of nice kids. In my own experience I have come across a mixed bag. I think it has more to do with parenting then with where the child goes to school.
  18. Sorry, I am no help at all. Teens communicate via texting. The only time they actually speak on the phone is if it is an actual emergency. It is difficult enough being the odd man out with your public school friends. Sometimes conformity is not all bad.
  19. I have used http://www.vrbo.com (vacation rental by owner) and have gotten excellent places to stay. Here is the NYC link: http://www.vrbo.com/vacation-rentals/usa/new-york/new-york-city/manhattan#a9396
  20. You are better off taking it to a reputable jeweler.
  21. That is an interesting read. The author made some interesting points. I love my books. I love to hold them and nap with one resting on my chest. I love the tactile experience. I love the portability of an e-reader. There is room for both in my world.
  22. We have two of them (and we have had them for years). They still use them. They love them. Their hands stay dry longer (and this keeps them outside longer), they form perfect snowballs, they make it quick and easy to stockpile. They use their hands, too, but these things were a great investment for us.
  23. Games enjoyed here: Blokus Pictionary Rummikub Trouble (sometimes you have to go back to the basics-and really, are you ever too old to get a kick out of the popomatic?)
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