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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I would love to entertain frequently but time and funds are always an issue. We probably average 3 times a year.
  2. That is a great costume. My friend told me my kids were the poster children for homeschooled kids. Locked in the basement and injured if they try to escape.
  3. Most have been tossed. Some have been used in various "what happens when a tooth sits in this medium" experiments.
  4. I know the dish washer would get them clean but it grosses me out.
  5. In spite of the inches accumulating outside I refuse to accept that it is snowing. No one has snow boots. The gutters need to be cleaned. Trees in the backyard are touching the ground. The occasional loud snap of one of the branches on those trees as the snow weighs it down.
  6. I am pretty sure you do not wrap it. Infant services would only have to unwrap it to donate it.
  7. I will fess up to wearing my grandma pants for Holiday Dinners. Plenty of room for over indulgence.
  8. I probably should not have been laughing as much as I was because that kind of stuff really does happen.
  9. I would have my mom teach gardening. She loves it and I hate it.
  10. Nothing, because I don't have one. My dining room table, however.... 1. Laptop 2. Grammar Books, Vocabulary books, science book, civics book, math books, stack of mail, stack of library books, some watercolors, a couple of glasses, and the phone.
  11. Honey, Hon, or sweetie. I really only use his name when I am angry with him.
  12. Growing up I had German Shepard Dogs. They are great. Loyal, protective, great with kids. My mother tells me our GSD used to lay in front of the stairs and push me away when I was a baby crawling around. However, they shed. A lot. Clumps of hair. When I was older we had a Doberman. Also a great dog. Loyal, protective, loved to play. As a matter of fact, I told my dh that if my dog did not like him when he came to pick me up we would not be going on our date. We now have a pitbull mix. He is wonderful. Gentle, great with the kids (they snuggle him all day), protective, loyal, he just wants to play all day. As you can see, I am partial to larger breeds. I find they make great pets. My Doberman and our current dog were both rescues ( a couple of years old when I got them). I will take a rescue dog rated "No concern" any day. They are already housebroken and are usually somewhat trained. You normally just need to teach them the rules of your household and they catch on pretty quick.
  13. I am a flylady drop out but the getting dressed thing really does make a difference. I am not putting on my heels and pearls but dressed in something other than pj's does make a difference.
  14. Do you need to bring a dessert or a dish? I like mini-food at a shower. Little sandwiches, bite size appetizers, etc.
  15. I am in the move or set fire to the house camp. My mom lives in AZ and the minute she told me not to leave shoes on the floor because scorpians crawl into them I scratched the Southwest off of my places to live list.
  16. Have you tried one of those 5 hour energy drinks?
  17. We switched to magic jack for the landline. We also have the Roku box for streaming tv. Internet only through cablevision.
  18. Personally, I would miss eggs, honey and cheese too much to make the leap.
  19. Static cling works for all ages. Just apply mismatched socks in a few spots on the clothes.
  20. My sharp knives have individual covers and I keep them in a drawer. My dream kitchen has enough room for a magnetic strip.
  21. At this stage of the game I have a young teen. House rules are all phones are on the charging station in the kitchen before heading up to bed.
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