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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I think my dh needs a bbq hooker. He will be the envy of all his friends.
  2. I am a timeline dropout. I hate doing them. Ds hates doing them. I never even tried with dd.
  3. My gut reaction is in camp #1. You want to be an adult and get married, well that includes fiscal responsibility. Whether or not I would follow through is another thing.
  4. I don't know anyone who has done this nor have I heard of it. However, I can totally see on of my sil's thinking this is a great thing and if she knew about it when her kids were 5 she would have done it.
  5. I would be angry that it happened. Angry because someone could have been hurt. If they are going to fix it I would not bother with a lawsuit and would not be angry for long. I doubt I would want my house on tv.
  6. This is how I feel. I like who I am and being comfortable in my own skin came with the wisdom gained with age. The physical stuff is what is getting to me. The slow healing, the failing eyes, pain when I used to have none.
  7. My 2000 baby was always more spirited than my 98 baby. I think that has more to do with her personality. And now at 11, hormones are not fun.
  8. We have the original one. It has not been played in awhile but I don't recall anything over the top explicit.
  9. I am so glad I am not alone in this. I was beginning to think I was some kind of loon for always making sure there is a bag in my bathroom trashcan. I have a couple of friends who have perfect bathroom cans along with my mil. It seems so much easier to empty if there is a bag but if you keep it bagless people will feel weird using it and then I guess you never have to empty it.
  10. Do you have a trash bag in the garbage can in the bathroom? Whenever I am at my mil's I feel like I can't throw anything out in her bathroom because there is no bag and the can is sparkling clean. I end up walking through the house to the kitchen where I know there is a bag,
  11. Lack of community/support can definitely play a part in depression. I am an introvert and most of the time I would rather not be social. It is very emotionally draining for me. It takes a lot of mental prep and then I need a full day of down time after the event. My dh loves to be surrounded by people 24/7. Our neighbors, we are cordial. We chat for a few minutes when we are outside. But dh and I never fit in with our neighbors. In the beginning I tried. I would invite them all over if we were having a barbecue and some even came but the invites were never reciprocated. I had to find community elsewhere. It took me over a decade but I finally have a few friends who are truly friends.
  12. I forgot about "lets talk dirty to the animals" Gilda was one funny lady. My sister and I used to listen to the record of her show all the time.
  13. He looks like my dog. He is an American Staffordshire Terrier/Weimerainer mix. It sounds like he has an anxiety to different situations. You may want to seek the assistance of a professional trainer to help. One thing you can do is bring him out to a quiet place that has some pedestrian traffic and let him observe the world go by as you sit with him. He should be able to see the people but feel safe that they won't come near him. Do not comfort him or reprimand him if he is acting nervous. He will take this a sign that he was right to be nervous or upset at the situation. Just continue to speak to him in a normal voice as if nothing is going on. The anxiety will not be fixed overnight. It will take time and patience.
  14. I think they are horrid. My sister's boys each have one but she upgraded the frogs into their own aquariums.
  15. Yes, I do worry, even though I know people are coming. Perfectly normal anxiety disorder.
  16. I would probably think you have just gotten out of the shower, if I had noticed your wet hair at all. Then I might wonder if you had been to the gym, or if maybe you were lucky and got to sleep in, or that you must be cold walking around with that wet head. It is cold where I live.
  17. I voted other because our current dog does not drink from the toilet. I am assuming his previous owners trained him not to do that. Not that he would have a lot of opportunity because most of my family is trained to put the lid down. Growing up, however, every dog we owned loved to drink from the toilet. The water was constantly being refreshed and the porcelain probably keeps the water quite cool.
  18. No, I would not want to have a child at 62. I wouldn't mind being a grandma at that age. What someone else does, that is their business.
  19. I dread them because I am naturally introverted. When I was working full time spouses were not invited to the company Holiday party. I would imagine your dh does not want to go because these are your coworkers and friends not his and probably has nothing to do with a preference to play video games over spending an evening with you.
  20. My teenager normally wakes up on his own around 8am. If he is not up by then I will go in and nicely say "Time to get up, rise and shine." as I raise the blinds to let in the sun. If this does not produce the desired result it is then followed up with a pulling off of the covers while I sing the good morning song and let the dog jump on the bed and lick his face. Did I mention that the dog weighs about 80lbs?
  21. Definitely need an advocate. And for certain, try to avoid going into the hospital near a holiday.
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