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Everything posted by kewb

  1. My mom was actually a pretty healthy cook (if one can overlook the steady stream of fried food). She rarely bought processed foods of any kind. I can still remember begging her to buy Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Rice a Roni, and Chef Boyardee. Which she never did. The few bad things we had: Fluff. I can remember coming home from school and my sister and I would dig in with our spoons. Deviled Underwoods Chicken Spread on white bread or crackers. I don't know what my mother was thinking. Special Treat when she would buy Count Chocula. Usually our cereal choices were Rice Krispies or Raisin Bran.
  2. I didn't want to read and run but I truly have little help to offer. My 13 year old is the same way. Everything this year has been a struggle. I usually sit him down every couple of weeks and discuss with him how if he can't do his work I really will have no choice but to send him back to school. That in order for homeschooling to work he has to do his part and if he is not going to then I don't need to be giving him my time. This usually helps for a couple of days.
  3. Besides the executive recruiter there are also job websites dedicated to executive placement.
  4. Now I want a thermomix but they are currently not available in the US. Probably a good thing since I don't really have $1400 laying around waiting for something to do.
  5. My dh bought me a couple of the books in the series. It was very thoughtful of him. I don't think I have made a recipe from any of them.
  6. Growing up we always had large, scary looking dogs. Our door was rarely locked. When I was a teen the last person home would lock the door and turn off the light. My dh was horrified when we were dating and learned how our door was rarely locked. He spent his formative years in Da Bronx. 19 years of marriage later, I have learned to keep the front door locked. However, there is a pretty good chance none of the other doors are locked. But that is ok because I have a big, scary looking dog.
  7. I have done it. In my younger years I was quite righteous in my belief that my way was the right way. Somewhere over the last decade or two it no longer became important. I am just happy when there is tp in there.
  8. That song cracks me up. I actually posted it on my wall a few days ago.
  9. No snow here. And I doubt there will be any this winter because we purchased a snow blower after the Halloween snow storm.
  10. When ds was 11 he cried over everything and anything. It is the hormones. This too shall pass.
  11. No one but me can find things. For example, they can be looking right at the bottle of ketchup in the fridge but if the bottle is turned around so the front is not visible, they can't see it.
  12. The kids and I each have a fanny pack. Wallet, tickets, hotel key, and a wet washcloth in a ziploc bag for cooling off the back of the neck. Dh carries the backpack. In it we have snacks, bottles of water, sunscreen, and a small towel for wiping things down.
  13. In the food category: I love ketchup on pasta. My mother served it up that way throughout my childhood. I don't think she discovered tomato sauce until 1979. Weird quirks: When I go to bed at night the bedroom door has to be cracked open 1" . It can not be closed all the way or open more than that or I am unable to sleep.
  14. I always make prepare my salad in my wood chopping bowl. Similar to this one: http://hollandbowlmill.com/xcart/product.php?productid=162&cat=0&page=1 I store my salad in my glass snapware. Sometimes, if the fridge is crowded I will put it in a ziploc bag. Leftover tomato bits have never been an issue.
  15. When I am truly motivated I cut up a bunch and freeze them. If I am super motivated I get the Costco size box of vidalia onions. Chop them, throw them in the crockpot with some coconut oil and cook on low for 6-8 hours, then freeze the cooked onions. Anytime a recipe calls for sauteed onions I just break out a chunk, throw it in the pan, and carry on with my cooking.
  16. My dd has oily hair. She needs to wash it every day. I have found that what helps greatly is once a week I wash her hair with Dawn dish detergent. Sometimes, when she can't shower I use the dry shampoo. I have also used corn starch. I find the corn starch works better than the baby powder.
  17. I usually use romaine or red leaf lettuce for my base. Standard additions here (based on seasonal availability)are: carrots cucumber tomato mushrooms green & red peppers corn peas onion celery string beans turnips radishes broccoli cauliflower
  18. I do a combination of raw and kibble. My dog is just to large for me to feed him 100% raw. I use Holistic Select and sometimes Blue Buffalo for the kibble. Sometimes I cook him up an egg and some veggies. I think your best bet is to do mail order for a quality dry food. The stuff most of the supermarkets carry is just not good for them.
  19. All I can think of now is the movie Them. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047573/http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047573/
  20. Yes, that is what happens. Wart turns black and then falls off.
  21. I have had success with the gentle leader. http://www.gentleleader.com/View.aspx?page=dogs/products/eco/gentleleader. Our dog is close to 80lbs. Once I started using the gentle leader pulling stopped being an issue.
  22. I can only speak for myself. I was terrified of having the same bad relationship with my daughter that I have with my mother.
  23. My dh is a night owl. It takes a lot of effort on his part to shift his body clock so he can get to bed early and be up in time for work. When left to his own devices he happily stays up all night and sleeps most of the day. With me being a morning person, well, lets just say sometimes we only see each other a few minutes a day. My dd shows all of his night owl tendencies. She is happy as a clam listening to him explain weather patterns at one in the morning.
  24. Our dogs name is Noble. He came from the shelter with that name and when we looked at him we knew he was named correctly. He is our noble steed. Such a shana punim my pup has. (Pretty face for those who do not know yiddish)
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