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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I like the name. However, it immediately brought Leif Garret to mind. He was oh so fab back in the day. And then I would think his life didn't work out so great so maybe I shouldn't name him that. It will be mispronounced alot so if you are okay with it then go for it.
  2. I wouldn't have copped an attitude with you but I would probably walk away from that exchange thinking you were a bit of a nutter to be so worked up over a nickname. Then I would have gone home and vented to my dh about the crazy mom who doesn't know me from a hole in the wall and actually had the audacty to make our first meeting about the nickname our dd called hers by. My dd has a beautiful name which her friends have shortened to another name. I hate it. Family attempted to use this name when she was a baby and I corrected them. Dd doesn't mind and likes when her friends call her by it. She is old enough to know what she wants to be called by her friends.
  3. Now, I feel guilty for neglecting my blog this month.
  4. I took the 3 hour both times because diabetes runs in my family. The worst part of the experience was drinking the glucose drink. The only thing that kept me from throwing it up was the knowledge that they would just make me drink it again. I had granola bars in my purse for when it was over. Overall, I did not find it to be that big of a deal.
  5. I have found it to be more Waldorf inspired. It has the nature emphasis that I like for the older grades without the stuff I don't like about Waldorf.
  6. I use Oak Meadow for English and Science and have found it to be secular.
  7. Where I am wait staff minimum wage is in the $2.50 per hour range. I tip because it is hard work. The service I receive will be reflected in the tip.
  8. I suppose it is all relative. It was a fee I was willing to pay for what we were going to get. That was the fee if I could only guarantee 8 people. The more people who would have committed the less the fee was going to be.
  9. I have found that Land's End quality has really taken a nose dive this past year or two. I find most of it not worth the $$ anymore. I have been very disappointed.
  10. I tried to organize a museum trip once and it was more hassle then it was worth. I got a lot of flak for the $14 per person fee to pay for the tour guide since the museum has a donation fee structure. Plus, I insisted on payment up front. I had been to too many "we will be a group of 25 only to have 6 kids" events. In the end, I ended up canceling because people were unable to commit. I happily go on other organized field trips and I do not mind paying in advance. Now that I have a teen and a tween it is getting harder to find relevant field trips but that is another story.
  11. I prefer Costco to BJ's. If my choice is BJ's or nothing I would probably give it a chance. I think it is better than Sam's.
  12. I will admit to not being well read on the subject. From everything I have read the reason for female circumcision is about denying women pleasure. Another way for men to try and control women. Male circumcision, from a religious aspect, is about the Jewish males covenant with G-d. To me, the subject is apples and oranges. They are not the same.
  13. The article is stating that the fashion industry is pandering to an ideal that most women will never be able to attain. I agree. I think runway shows should show all body types. Just like there are women who will be thin no matter what they do or do not eat there are women who will be larger. To promote one ideal over the other is not healthy for women in general.
  14. My 11 year old loves to get nail polish. The crackle nail polish is very "in" right now.
  15. I would go back to him and ask for a quote that includes those items.
  16. Fluff is a marshmallow creme. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshmallow_creme
  17. Thank you, everyone. I asked him what he wanted to do. Showed him the different resources we could use for US vs. Ancients. Since in my mind I have been leaning towards Ancient History he of course wants to do US History. I appreciate all the input.
  18. I really don't have a reason for following the schools. I haven't been doing so all along. I suppose it is a moment of panic. I have been having a bit of anxiety over homeschooling high school. A sort of, oh my, this really counts now hysteria. I knew if I posted this I would get a helpful reminder of why I was homeschooling in the first place.
  19. OK, I am making myself crazy trying to decide what to do for History for 9th grade. My dilemma: Go back to Ancient History or follow the schools and do US History. Pros/Cons? It just doesn't matter? I should go take a valium and then the answer will come to me? Is it possible to do both?
  20. Depending on the time of year it can take overnight to 2 days to fully dry in my basement laundry room. I just deal with it.
  21. I don't know about the non-pampered chef stoneware but I can tell you I have had my pc stoneware for at least a decade now. It can go in the mircowave. It can also go on the barbecue. BBQ pizza, anyone? Yum. I believe the PC stoenware is worth the investment.
  22. I have a couple of drying racks that I use indoors when it is high humidity and for the cold months.
  23. My teen volunteers at the library and in a few months will be volunteering at an animal shelter.
  24. I cut our electricity by line drying most things. I also wash all the clothes on the same day. The items that do go in the dryer sit in there until all the loads are done and then I run the dryer once instead of after each load. I also wash everything in cold water. Look for those energy trickles. Unplug appliances that are not being used. Make sure there are no chargers plugged in not charging anything. My dh constantly leaves charges plugged in. Once a week I have scavenger night for dinner. The kids can go use whatever they find in the fridge/pantry and make themselves dinner. I find this helps use up what we have rather than it going to waste.
  25. It took me a few years to find a hairdresser I really liked when we moved. Basically, I ask friends who have good haircuts where they get their hair done. Then I try out their stylist. I finally found one who does a great job, is reasonably priced, and is not strange.
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