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Everything posted by kewb

  1. At first I thought "This is ridiculous" Then I really started thinking about the information given in the article. Then I started thinking about how this is becoming more and more common. For me, I think the schools are out of ideas and/or options on how to maintain discipline in a classroom. There are so many things they are not allowed to do. School is not designed to teach to every child. It aims at the middle. If you have a class with multiple students with an IEP, behaviorial issues, super smart, special needs, etc. it becomes about the teacher managing the classroom all the time and not actually teaching anything. To be honest, I think a lot of this could be corrected by the parents. There are parents who are not involved, think the school is there to train their child in everything not just the 3rs, think that the purpose of school is to get their kids out of their hair for 6 hours a day, or just don't know how to parent and this spills into the classroom. Not all parents are like this but enough are to make it incredibly difficult for the teachers. I think we expect too much from the teachers without any support from administration and parents. I think the increase in using police for these things is a clear warning sign that something is very wrong and needs to be fixed. But those parents who could help fix this are not looking for some self reflection and change they are looking for the school to fix it without having personal accountability in the outcome.
  2. NJ just got one and I know a few people jumping on the bandwagon. I have no interest in joining in. I am satisfied with the path I have mapped out and the progress being made. It is not my cup of tea.
  3. Mostly in my head. Sometimes my sister. Depending on the vent I may vent to a friend. I don't like to vent about him to others because it can color the relationship dh has with the person I vented too. Never, under any circumstances to my mother.
  4. Having spent time in the UK-this is a scone. Hmm, now I want some scones.
  5. For me personally, 40. For anyone else, whatever age they feel is right for them.
  6. I am somewhere between rarely and often. I get choked up a lot and my eyes will water but full out crying is probably rare. Happy movies, sad movies, happy kids, sad kids, a sappy tv commercial can do me in. Extreme frustration will make me cry, too. Which was just awful when I was working. Nothing says unable to do the job like red in the face, weepy woman.
  7. Dh has cried quite a few times in the 20+ years we have known each other. The first time was when I made him watch Beaches with me. I don't think he has ever forgiven me. So, yes, internet my dh cries at chick flicks. One of the many things I love. He has cried over the passing of close relatives and pets. And he has cried when we have had some pretty serious will our marriage survive this kind of fights over stuf happening in our lives.
  8. Looks like aplantars wart. Both my kids have had them. I got rid of them with apple cider vinegar and duct tape.
  9. My dh drinks hibiscus tea with cinnamon every day to help with his diabetes and high blood pressure. I think actual cinnamon is better than the supplements but I imagine the capsules would help.
  10. I use kefir in all of our smoothies. It is a good source of protein. I recently started making my own because we go through so much of it. Our smoothies usually consist of a banana, some kind of green (the kids like spinach because it is mild), and some sort of combination of frozen berries-blueberry, strawberry, black currants, etc. Sometimes I throw an avocado in.
  11. Depends on who you talk to. In my book the advice is the same. Get out. Your spouse can work on their issues without you being their verbal whipping post. Once they get their act together you can see if you want to get back together.
  12. Mine know, but for the last 2 years I have been trying to convince my ds that he should put on dress pants, a white shirt, and tie, and hand out cards that say Audit on them for Halloween. I told him it will scare the adults more than any monster he could think of.
  13. Cherry tomatoes are the only ones my black thumb has not managed to kill.
  14. One of my favorites from http://www.elanaspantry.com Thai Vegetable Soupprinter friendly 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 cups sliced shiitake mushrooms, trim off bottom of stems 1 quart Pacific Foods Organic Vegetable Broth 1 cup coconut milk 1 head broccoli, trimmed and chopped 1 tablespoon fresh ginger root, minced 2 tablespoons lime juice, freshly squeezed ¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt ½ cup cilantro, minced Warm oil in a large saucepan over medium heat Add onion, stirring frequently until softened, about 10 minutes Add mushrooms and saute for 5 minutes Stir in broth and coconut milk, bring to a simmer Reduce heat to medium, add broccoli and ginger and cook until broccoli is bright green, 3-5 minutes Stir in lime juice and salt Ladle soup into bowls and garnish with cilantro Serve
  15. I voted other. I think if you had no debt to begin with then a typical blue collar job could support a family of 4 where I live. However, around here there is a big sense of entitlement and most people do go in to debt and can not live on that one salary.
  16. I think there are people who are very in tune with the spirit world. I think people profiting off of such a gift are fakers.
  17. We use a timer. So far it works. If it fails I think I will utilize the empty the tub with a bucket method.
  18. Love the rant and I agree with all of it. My biggest beef is the cheap quality. I have been a Land's End shopper for years and the shirts I bought 10 years ago are in better shape then the ones I purchased 2 years ago. I don't mind paying more for quality but I seriously object to paying more for the same quality I can get at Target.
  19. My up and coming high schooler does a combo. Some in his room and some downstairs with his sister. It depends on the subject.
  20. I was a sneak when I was a child. I would sneak food. I would sneak things out of my sisters room, and my parents room. I was also a snoop. My parents did catch me and I would be punished. Didn't change a thing. Oh sure, I felt bad when I got caught but I still did it. I can't tell you when I stopped but I was probably around 12. Well, I still sneak food. I am a horrible closet eater. But I did stop taking my sisters stuff. I did not turn out to be an untrustworthy, career shoplifter. I can't even tell you why I did it. I am the youngest so I was probably after some kind of attention. My dd is just like me. She has to return what she has taken. She knows she is the reason we no longer keep ice cream in the house. I am hopeful that she too will stop as she matures.
  21. On this, I want to say that my ds was an angry young man when we made the decision to homeschool. 4 years later he is the happy boy I used to have. It will take time but your daughter will get there. To the original poster, I would pull your child as soon as possible. The meeting with the teacher you had does not sound promising for your childs success in that classroom. I would also be meeting with the principal to discuss why you received all these "great job" weekly notes and had no knowledge of your daughters failures until you initiated a meeting.
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