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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Well, when I used it to wish my dh a happy birthday on facebook it was pretty darn funny. However, in general, I think it is an awful term. Sadly, it is also an accurate one for many men. It is just as awful as Baby Mama.
  2. Political: A people who are afraid are more then willing to give up their constitutional freedoms for the illusion of safety. Corporate: Alarm systems, gun sales, personal protection items, etc. I scared public will buy more of these items.
  3. What happened? 24 hour negative news coverage. This has instilled a level of fear that is unhealthy for us and our children. Which is why I no longer watch the news. I read about it. Overall, I don't think much has really changed in terms of safety. Kids would be more free-range if parents were not so afraid of the boogyman. Something bas is more likely to happen from someone you know. The biggest changes I have seen are: Lack of manners. Either people don't know or don't care. They think only of themselves. I think it is sad that I am the one who stands for an elderly person or a pregnant woman so they can sit while the able bodied youth stare sullenly. Parents who don't parent. You are not your kids best friend. You are their parent. Your job is to help shape your childen into productive members of society. Not self-centered ingrates who think the world owes them. 2 parent working homes. I think both parents having to work just to pay the bills has had a negative effect on society. There is a difference between choosing to work because you enjoy it and having to do it to put food on the table. When both parents are working just to make ends meet there is not a lot left over to give to your family. You are tired all the time and emotionally drained. Lack of support for single parents. See above. Without a strong support system the children suffer and grow up without the necessary skills to be civic minded. Overall, I think society has lost sight of the fact that it does take a village. We have forgottent that we are supposed to look out for one another and help one another. That society is not every man for himself but a collective. Working together for the good of everyone vs. thinking only of oursleves.
  4. Our mattress is 20 years old and def. needs to be replaced. Ds's mattress is 14 years old and needs to be replaced. Dd's mattress is 14 years old and still going strong. I am old so I remember when a mattress would last forever. It ticks me off that they all so cheaply made now. I am saving to replace our mattresses with latex.
  5. It depends on the subject and if his sister is really being a distraction. Sometimes he gets a little lost up there.
  6. I think we may be the funny thing. Our neighbors don't get us at all.
  7. I think it is ridiculous. I also thought the magnetix recall was ridiculous. Slap a "do not swallow" warning on them and move on.
  8. :iagree: This is what we do when ds gets swimmers ear.
  9. :iagree: And believe me, I rained on dh's parade plenty when our kids were younger and we had many relationship damaging arguements over things like this. It took me a long time to let go and let dh forge his relationships with his children. To be honest-I still struggle with it and still rain on his parade on occasion but I am better about it.
  10. I chose 4 or fewer just thinking about my friends. But then I really started to ponder. If I expand the circle to people I know but am not necessarily friends with I know over 10 couples who have been divorced.
  11. The house I grew up in had a bath and a half. We were a family of 4. It was not an issue. The house I live in now has a bath and a half. We are a family of 4. Still not an issue only having 1 shower. I don't see what the big deal is.
  12. Yes, we all make choices as to where to spend our money. Since I can only live my life I make the choices that are important to me. I can't live anyone else's life or make choices for them. I have not walked a mile in their shoes therefore I really have no idea what their financial situation is or what they value as important. I find my life is much more peaceful since I gave up trying to figure out what is up with most people ad focused on myself. I am probably a bit hormonal today so please take what I said with a grain of salt.
  13. I do feel like this happens to my kids more then my friends kids. However, if I asked them I suspect they would say it happens to theirs more then mine. Perception is reality and I think as a species we can be a little hyper-focused on our stuff.
  14. When we had a swingset there was grass underneath.
  15. Goodness, we are only halfway through summer here. No back to school talk! I am not ready. We always take a 1st day of school mug shot (as we fondly call it) of the kiddos holding a sign that says First Day of X Grade with the date. However, I will admit when I see all of my schooler friends posting those oh so cute pics of their kids with their backpacks full of new school supplies and smiling kiddos I get a pang or three. There is a definite tug to go with the flow and stop fighting against the stream.
  16. I line dry most things and when I started my electric bill dropped about $30.
  17. • when my kids were elementary age our formal lessons were usually completed by 11am. Now that they are both in middle school we definitely finish after lunch. • My kids are definitely best buds and mortal enemies. However, I do think they are better friends then they would have been if they went to school. • Definitely lots of hands on learning and lots of drudgery. Sometimes you have to read a book you hate and sometimes you have to learn what I decided you should learn. • Field trips all over the place. Yep, we have definitely taken some rocking field trips. Now that they are older I am pickier about the field trips we take. I do try to tie them in to what we are learning. When they were younger if it sounded cool we were in. I still do some of those but not as often. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with our experience. Is it all unicorns and rainbows and cupcakes? No. It is a satisfying life.
  18. 4 years later I don't have to many of those moments but I usually just smile, nod, say "thank you for your concern. Please pass the bean dip." When they look at me with a blank stare since there is no food around I smile, nod, and say "I know, I am changing the subject." If they still can't take the hint I point blank tell them that the subject is not open for discussion and walk away. My in-laws and I discuss the weather.
  19. I tried and tried and tried and just could not get any cup to work for me. I am hoping my dd has better success when she reaches that stage of life.
  20. I don't know off the top of my head who our insurance carrier is because my husband does take care of that, along with the cell phone service and tv. However, I do know where to get the information should I need it. I know how much the bill is. I balance our budget and pay all the other bills. I went from my parents house to my marraige. In the beginning I handled all the bills so that I could be in control. I remember when my grandfather died my grandmother didn't know how to do anything or where any of the paperwork was because my grandfather took care of everything and had told her he would always take care of her. I would say I let go of the control of the cell phone, television, etc. because my life is more pleasant without thinking about it. But, like I said earlier-if I need to know I can access the information.
  21. I have a small one that I use during vocabulary lessons.
  22. I will admit The Pour Farm made me giggle. How about One Hive Honey? Honest labeling. I don't really have a name for you but good luck with your bee farming. I love local raw honey. I use it for everything.
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