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Everything posted by mom2hunangirls

  1. Not to the extreme you did, but anything with pseudoephedrine (which isn't normally an ingredient anymore OTC) does that to me. Even its new OTC form does that to me. I'm doomed to a life of nasal congestion when sick. Sigh.
  2. Totally agree with this. I would take my old machine back in a heartbeat. This thing now takes twice as long to do a load.
  3. The table we eat on is covered with a world map and we always talk about some place while we eat. I put Roman numeral charts up in the hallway (they see as they walk to their room) and bathroom mirrors. I've not had to "teach" those yet. Addition or multiplication posters in front of their bed.
  4. I haven't worn a watch or owned an alarm clock since I was 24 after a mission trip to Jamaica. Turns out I rather like the "no problem, mon" method of telling time. I was never late for work or anything else. Well, one time I was, but my boss figured I needed the sleep finally.
  5. We completed FLL 1-4, then moved to R&S 5. There is some review early, but to me it has been the perfect follow up. It has challenged my dd. She does well with it, but I am glad we did what we did.
  6. I use vinegar too. In the wash cycle for sweaty clothes. Just rinse for regular smelly. :)
  7. Here's my favorite that is pretty shameful, but it is great for a crowd: Ranch Chicken Pasta Salad 1 bottle of favorite ranch dressing Corkscrew noodles Chicken (I use canned :0 ) Cucumbers Cherry tomatoes Red onion Combine. :) Love this salad!!! Kids really REALLY love it.
  8. On a Mac the default shortcut is Fn Fn (Fn twice)....or from the Edit menu, Start Dictation. DD is about to start a paper now. :)
  9. I just noticed today that I had that on my laptop! I stumbled on it, though, and now I don't know how I got to it! Any clues?
  10. I have been going through the activity guide trying to plan. I've never seen much said here about the selections in the guide for reading selections and I'm wondering why? Are they all pretty good or does no one even try them? I've been searching for hours :). Thanks!
  11. Ha! Once I heard there was smoke I was trying to find coverage of it and it dawned on me "check WTM chat board!" And here it is!!!
  12. Black, gay men aren't killed in any other state? Or if they are, it's for legitimate reasons? I don't see how it happening in MS makes the whole state religious bigots, but when it happens in other states it's..... what? That's just crazy. We've had black government leaders for decades. It's not like the first person of color who got near a post was shot. Sure there are pockets of ignorance here, but I've seen pretty large pockets elsewhere too.
  13. I'm having the same problem. It's driving me crazy!!! It hasn't worked for a couple of days now. I've tried on my phone, iPad, laptop....rebooting all. Still not working. I'm lost having to go to each board. :)
  14. That is my tale on it as well. I guess I remember copying my whole life, and it just didn't disrupt my world. The few times my dd has said anything I've just said "sorry, there is no work book." I'm horrible. :)
  15. In regards to them questioning why the story changes with age we reason this way: At 9 yrs old you would love to drive a car. I could tell you which is the gas pedal and which is the break. But you wouldn't have the maturity to know all the other aspects of driving that years of living afford you. Just like I won't hand you the keys to a car at 9, I won't give details that I don't think you are ready for. I will never hide your story or refuse a question. And in time, all I know, you will know. It's your story. There are some aspects to my daughter's story that she might not fully get and share details that at 9 seem cool or uninteresting....but years from now could harm her if she shares them willy nilly. I will protect those. When she's old enough to hear and understand she won't want that to be common knowledge among teen girls, I'll tell her. We go question by question. Always answering truthfully, but with details that are age appropriate. Both have heard the beautiful part of their stories from day one. That I prayed endlessly for them. That the day we got them was through-the-roof amazing. That they cried in fear, but soon realized they were loved beyond words. So their foundation has always been positive. And the older has now heard some of the harder stuff and has finally faced some stupid comments from other kids without much of a problem because she knows the good. Not to say she won't have identity issues later or that she doesn't deal with stuff now. But right now, she is confident that more have loved her than not.
  16. I hate talking on the phone now because most I know use cell phones only and the reception is so bad it's just too frustrating to talk to them. Can not stand to listen to people where every other word is cutting out. And then the whole "is this better?" "How about now?" Hate it.
  17. I may have been the meanie today, but come April 24th-ish I will be mom-tastic!! They actually didn't mind too much. They think they are doing half the work. Truth be known, I work them really hard until Christmas break and then after that we work less and less because things start tapering off. I love this time of year!
  18. Reporting back (hope others do too)... It went fine. We played the board games together, built one of the Lego sets together. Truthfully, that's what oldest dd craves is time doing something (somehow living and school isn't the same) together. It soothes her. Their stockings were great. Mostly because 90% of them are traditions. Chapstick, always a slinky, toothbrush, toothpaste, Kleenex....they thought the toothpaste was missing and hunted it! So that was the big lesson for me so far...traditions matter to them. And since none of them were big, I can keep them going. The dirt...even though we are having horrible storms....was not a big "ooooo wooow!" but guess where one of them has been most of the morning? On the patio, moving dirt. Looking at the morning I don't know that there was anything else I wish I could give them. I'm glad we've all played together. I did start a Christmas list for next year on my phone. Things I wish I would have thought of earlier or would be easier bought earlier. They didnt have less awe at the drastic pile size difference either. So all in all...a successful downsize!
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