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Everything posted by mom2hunangirls

  1. I have a question for those that use the 3-ring binder. I think I would rather use a 3 ring binder, but I start thinking about how big and heavy it must get. It seems like you would have to put one thing per page to be able to move it around as it's done, but for shorter things like definition of a noun...if that's all that's on a page, doesn't the binder get heavy? I'm sure it's something easy that I'm not even thinking of but I can't figure it out in my head! Obviously I'm new to memory work. :)
  2. i am thinking of using MFW 1st as well. I have already purchased it but I'm confused. I thought the book basket started with 1st. I do see their list of books in the back for math etc...is that what the book basket is? I just don't see where they specifically talk about "book basket". And OP, we are doing Phonics Pathways this year, and in looking at 1st I think she will be ready for it. Are yours reading at all yet? I do plan to do Horizons 1 and FLL with my daughter along with MFW 1st. The math only because she likes Horizons so I figure it can't hurt, the lessons are short. And FLL just because I think it will be an easy compliment to the things she does in MFW.
  3. Is it like The Mailbox? Or is this more like an actual curriculum?
  4. Our schools are doing this too. Changing from 6 pt to 10 pt. I think it's less about the A's and more about letting children get by doing a little less (and not "fail"). No child left behind, right? Lowering standards. Same thing.
  5. I wouldn't say the TM teaches you how to teach the concept. It gives you other exercises for reinforcing the exercise. The example I can think of off the top of my head is how the word "dress" can be used 2 different ways (it had several words from that unit that could be used 2 ways), using their new vocabulary words in sentences, word equations (trip-p+m=trim)....things like that. It's not "pl" says /pl/.
  6. I can see how it's possible to do the workbook pages without the TM, but, like Jessica, we really appreciate the extras in the TM. To be ETC would seem boring without the TM. hmmmmmm....
  7. I think I'm more bothered by my dd not knowing the words than she is because she asks what everything is!!! Sometimes I'll tell her, other times, to finish, I just tell her to keep reading. We are almost to the halfway point and read Pathway readers and other I Can Read type books for practice. She's a good reader, at least I think. She's my first so I have nothing to compare her to, but she's remembering the way PP teaches to split the word up to figure it out. So while PP is not as fun as I would like, it seems to be getting the job done. And we do ETC too. All that to say....the unknown words double as vocabulary for us. If it's a word.
  8. We are set to start it Sept 1, so I hope you get some great replies!
  9. You and I pretty much do it the same Melissel. And it grosses me out every single time! I have resorted to my hands and knees before but I have a pretty large floor area so it's rare that I have an hour+ to mop. I was mopping the other day and thought "geez, there has to be something I don't know about when it comes to mopping..." but I guess not. Oh, I hope someone chimes in with a miracle for me!
  10. Have you looked at http://www.donnayoung.org? I'm just doing mine for the first time too so I have no incredible words of wisdom. Kim
  11. Thanks! I was mainly worried I would miss some great curriculum choices. :) Songbooks and the like I can miss out on. :)
  12. I was about to order the Bible Nurture series from Rodandstaffbooks.com (who I know is not actually R&S) but then noticed that they say the Rod and Staff catalog (from R&S themselves) includes items that the website does not sell. Does anyone know what sort of stuff the website does not sell that is included in the catalog?
  13. Oh my, this sounds like my daughter. I have no advice..but I hope someone can help us!!!! This is the one reason hs'ing her makes me a nervous wreck...or at least the thought of doing it in the next few years. Not to hijack your thread but how does your daughter do with being read to? Mine always wants me to, but with in 5 mins she looks like she has ants in her pants. And I don't know how strict I should be on making her sit still and listen (I don't mind if she colors)... Kim
  14. I do! Before Ambien I had not slept an entire night in YEARS. I never could take the OTC "PM" meds...they made me jittery and didn't let me sleep at all. Lunesta just made me more tired but still couldn't sleep (yeah, that was fun). But Ambien has been great! I was Rx'd 5 mg and can take it 4 times a week. Due to some life transistions (bringing our daughter home from China), I've only been taking 2.5 a night...but I do have to pretty much take it every night. On 5mg I really need a good 10 hours to sleep it off and not "feel" it the next day. But if I did only get 8 I wouldn't exactly say I felt bad, and could do what I needed to, but if given the chance I would nap too, for about an hour. On 2.5mg, I would say it's the best thing to a natural nights sleep...what "normal" people get. So it's been good for me. If something does wake me up I'm able to go right back to sleep. And even when I was waking with our daughter a few times a night I was fine the next day. I am soooo glad I found Ambien. I had no idea just how sleep deprived I was!
  15. I'm a very light sleeper too. For years and years I went on 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Then I married my snoring husband and that would kill the 3-4 hours of sleep I was getting. His snoring is mostly from allergies and a previous surgery...so I'm not worried about him. But I cracked when our first daughter came home and I had to keep up with her with no sleep. Sleeping in separate rooms helped but I still didn't sleep good. I had to get back on bc to level out my hormones and that helped some but Ambien is the only thing that lets me sleep. I've joked with my doctor that when I take Ambien my husband doesn't snore. I'm able to take a very very low dose that allows me to sleep but also allows me to wake up with our 11 month old too. My doctor said at this dosage there was no danger to me. It's not known to cause a chemical dependency, but could cause an emotional one. I'm ok with that. I'd be emotionally dependent on my sleep machine if that had worked too!!! I never could take any of the otc stuff...always made me jittery.
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