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Everything posted by mom2hunangirls

  1. You can see them on line (pbskids). The class is set up basically like a day in SID's class. I haven't actually seen what they have to use, but from what I find on line there is a curriculum sort of thing. When I hear more i'll post it.
  2. We started Saxon with Intermediate 3, just started 5/4. We do not skip problems. I'm getting better about doing the investigations. Here's our method: Dd has a folder that has about a week's worth fact practice sheets plus a spiral notebook to work in. (we used the graph paper last year, but she asked for a spiral this year and I'm fine with it.) At math time she pulls out her timed sheet, she does it, we check together and record. Then we do the mental math stuff mostly orally. She reads the lesson. We work the lesson practice together most of the time. Then the mixed practice is homework that she can do anytime before 4 (tv time). Turns it in. I check that night or before math the next day. She fixes the errors. (she has never needed to have it explained, usually just careless.) If she gets way careless (a C grade), she has to do the entire lesson again from scratch. She has only done that once, and it was careless not needing help. I don't think 20-30 problems is a lot, even with the timed 100 problems.mshe's never really complained about that either. I do try to use Singapore's CWP's because she can get used to way Saxon does word problems...I think they (Saxon) gets the job done with word problems but I want her to have to think differently...slow down....read...concentrate. That's her though. I may not do it with little sis.
  3. We're doing Explore, Investigate, Discover from Sid the Science Kid.
  4. Sounds like we are doing this together! I have a KitchenAid mixer and I'm borrowing a bread machine to decide which I like. But I don't even know what kind of yeast to get and how to activate and everything. So I hope we get some good advice!!
  5. I have a friend who did her walls and an antique world map on the ceiling. She used the roll of paper too.
  6. At the time Sandusky was barred from campus (?) what did every one think it was about? And why did he stop coaching? I don't keep up with sports at all, but I thought both things were tied to suspicions?? If it was suspicions, how could everyone say they had no idea?
  7. If I have ever looked at anyone's profile I can assure you it was an accident. :001_smile:
  8. All I could think of reading Paterno's family's response was that he could have had a fair trial and given his side if he had come forward before it all blew up. Sorry I've no sympathy for his lost legacy. But I also agree Sandusky should be dragged through more mud...and I hope after the point is made that football and a school is not above humanity that he can enjoy a little more of the media attention. I also don't agree that innocent people are paying some price. I assume most people mean the football players....it's football. It's not like their degree won't count. If they were so good that a potential professional career is being lost then surely another school recognizes that and will pick them up. A free degree seems perfectly fair to me. Will the university lose money? Sure...but that was the gamble they thought was worth it from 1998-2011. I was a gamble, they lost.
  9. I'm pretty sure the alcohol is a bad idea. I think it breaks down the tissue??? I think you want to make sure it's clean and liberally apply neosporin and bandage. Oozing is a sign of infection I would want to go back to the doc. ETA- sorry I didn't read your post well at all! I say, go back to doc!!
  10. I agree, Denise. I wish I could trust either side to really work something out and not give sound bites to win....I'd give anything to hear someone say "here's a plan, here are the draw backs."
  11. Isn't some of our problem the insane amounts insurance companies and hospitals charge for their services? Everybody wanting a piece of the pie so everyone raises the rate for an X-ray (as an example) until the thing costs $1000 which is no where near what it actually costs to have one? In other countries, is there the greed for more and more profit to more and more people that actually have nothing to do with the service? What are they/your countries doing different with the habitual assistance seekers? It is common for that group to come up in our debates about what to do with our system....don't they exist in other countries? I don't even mean it in a good or bad way, I'm just curious why we don't hear how the other systems handle that. And I guess I don't just mean in regards to health care (clearly they get it)..I guess generally. If you don't have the long term users, why don't you? Because I usually avoid politically polarized topics, I'm really hoping I can just ask questions because I genuninely really want to understand and so often I can't get real answers because people don't want their side to have a negative piece. I'm thankful for those here that will take the time to answer so thoughtfully. The other question that I'm wondering is in response to people saying they can't get appts because of a shortage of doctors in their area....wouldn't universal coverage make this worse? I'm thinking of all those that I see at the ER suddenly going to the regular over-booked doctor...plus the ones that don't bother going to the ER but suddenly could go to the regular doctor anytime they had a sniffle.....wouldn't that part get worse? So basically, if there are not enough doctors now when only some can go, what will happen when everyone can go? Or is the assumption doctors would come because demand goes up?
  12. And then you can go to the bottom and do forum jump to and pick "subscriptions" and poof a whole list of ones I'm interested in. (I guess you sort of get this with having email notifications but I don't check that email so this works better for me.)
  13. Nope, not a thing. We got a high school graduation invitation from the son of an old college roommate. When dh saw the picture he said "who is that?". Which is a big clue they won't get a gift. I'm sure I sent invites to people that said the same thing. I don't remember who it would have been and I don't remember them not responding so it all worked out. :)
  14. If you called a church near by and asked for a pastor and told him your situation they (I'm thinking what mine would do if someone called) would tell you to come to Christ's Pantry and get some meals (we have freezer meals made by members and stored in the church's freezer. Those in need come and get a meal or two). They would likely know a doctor in the church that would work with you somehow. And we have paid nursery workers for various functions and you'd be able to bring your kids along, and they'd tell you who to call. You wouldn't need to be a member or even a believer...a mom looking for help would be qualification enough. Obviously large churches will have more resources. Good luck. I admire you for looking for help.
  15. We've gone straight from nap time to quiet time too, but to help the 5 yr old (I agree sitting in your room never knowing when it would be over is miserable!) I've got 2 clocks (analog and digital to teach both :) ) and some days she has an iPod touch sometimes. On days I want her to sleep I tell her I'll open the door when she can come out and I open it while she's sleeping. She likes being able to come out when she wakes up. I'm a pretty solid 2 hour girl. :) although today I got a bonus hour after they when nuts in the grocery store. Grrrrr
  16. I think either would be fine. We did Intermediate and really liked it. We are not manipulative types here. I agree the placement test is unnecessary. If she did 2, just pick either of the 3's.
  17. That is WEIRD!! I house/dog sat for 8 days last week, I've known the family for years....and even on the nights my kids stayed with me (they are best friends with this family's kids), they didn't play with the toys there! We brought our own toys. Do you know any other neighbors that have used them???
  18. I just went to pinterest and searched "schoolroom"....now I'm miserable. :001_huh: But full of ideas!! Even saw one with a desk like you are talking about.
  19. I will not look....I won't....I will not look. If I look I'll never stop and the list would be useless....I won't look..... :001_huh: I looked..... Gggggaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!
  20. Would you have to administer to the same grade? Meaning, if I had a couple of friends that want to test but the kids aren't testing in the same grade we could still do it? I know the whole oral part would be weird....but could you technically do it that way?
  21. I think consequences are my biggest problem. If mine forget to do chores assigning them more doesn't seem to work.....or it becomes a headache for me to keep track of and/or check. And I don't mean just annoying to keep up with, but a major ordeal to come up with a task, allow time to do it and then remember to go verify it was done, likely I'll have to have it redone, wait, remember to check that it's done..... Am I the only one with this problem??? I apparently don't give enough because there isn't much I can take away. I always expected/planned on being the one who would just tell them what to do and they would, but certainly if I assigned more they would get right in line! I didn't expect my "or what?" child. :tongue_smilie:
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