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Everything posted by mom2hunangirls

  1. We went from overflowing to realistic this year as well. My mom did the all out thing too. But it just makes no sense to me now. So much got tossed or not cared about within just a month. My oldest couldn't even write a list because there was just nothing she really wanted. So under the tree were 4 gifts each. And 2 more each from relatives. Not a big deal. Tomorrow is what I'm worried about. They know it won't be as much, but if they really get that, I don't know. Their combined gift is, no lie, a yard of dirt. A pile. Some good shovels, and good buckets. They will use the fire out of them even if it doesn't look like a gift. But there are bows on all of it. Then inside they will find a Lego set and pajamas and a cozy pillow. And board games. 1 each. I'm thrilled with the final outcome... No wasting money just to look impressive. But I admit it's a tough transition.
  2. Thanks! We'll check that one out! Would love if he had a few to check out. It's been so frustrating that the few places we've tried haven't been able to accomodate a young, 6' tall man.
  3. My brother lives in Alexandria and had a hip replacement due to cancer (so not exactly standard hip replacement). Tomorrow he's due to get his brace off and needs to start rehab but is having a real trouble finding a good one. He's young. 42. And needs to be rehabbed as such. Does anyone have a place to recommend????? We never thought it would be this hard to find one. Thanks!
  4. We had to use Classic Starts version. Dd really enjoyed reading it and I read a couple of chapters of the Green version just for comparrison. She just would have never made it through the whole thing (Green).
  5. I'd let him finish 6/5 out and then if needed, test him through the review in 7/6. My reasoning would be to let him get the instruction as intended for new material, not trying to figure out what was introduced when the lesson assumes prior knowledge. Make sense? For example, we are on lesson 65ish in 5/4 and it's just now getting to be really new instruction. So it has seemed easy up until now, but we are just hitting new stuff. My dd would get more of a confidence boost getting to test out of lessons at the beginning of a new book. She would be deflated if she had to figure out something in lesson 4.
  6. Still like the new content button. Sort of like the white for neatness, but I think it's going to blind me at night when I'm reading. I like the status update. Not so sure about the sharing buttons until I understand them more. I like how it looks on the iPhone so far.
  7. And it's newer to them. I don't think they think olders don't know but more that they don't know what they don't know. I'm new to being the older mom and I see the same thing but I think it's just new and fresh for them. What only-child 4 yr old isn't the smartest ever??? It's fun. I giggle listening.
  8. I came back to start (albeit late) but I can't figure out if we have an official plan yet. I saw it was delayed because of the storm...just making sure I'm not missing anything since. Thanks!
  9. I don't know where on the site to find them, but there are different types you can copy from the back of the test booklet. We used plain graph paper for a long time.
  10. Timers. I agree. Set 'em and forget 'em. If he doesn't finish x during the 15 mins allotted time, take it off his next eating time. He won't starve. And if food is that motivating, use it. I have a sloooooow eater and she's the one that is always asking for food. Drives me crazy. But we have set times to eat....breakfast, 2-3 hrs later fruit, lunch, a 3 pm snack if she's done more than think that day, dinner. Period. Trust me, you want to babysit now and get it under control at 6 than wait until it blows up at 16. Even 10. And I am so with you on having to watch them every second while the good natured one gets ignored. I have the same thing. But that's the great thing about my good-natured one....she gets what I'm doing. :). And it has gotten better. Have hope. :001_smile:
  11. We started Mandarin at age 5 (she's 9 now) because there is a free school at the Chinese church in town. It's 2 hours each Sunday, daily homework. It works well for us because she can't remember a time that she didn't go to Chinese school, so it's just life....not a subject. I quit after a year :001_huh: but duh still goes with her and is the home teacher for it. We use the curriculum they use...which is all Mandarin so I couldn't tell you the name. I really think having native speakers/teachers is the best (in such a tonal language). The same dd started Latin (Latin for Children A) at a hybrid school this year (4th grade)...so far it's been a piece of cake for her. She's maybe slightly above avg, but not gifted. I think it's a case of "the first second-language is the hardest". :001_smile: Thats what her Chinese God-mother told us....she was learning her 62nd language/dialect when we last saw her. (I feel so behind!!!) Our 5 yr old has lots of Mandarin/Latin/Spanish vocabulary just from being around big sis during lessons, but won't start Mandarin until next fall.
  12. Me too. I avoided opening this because I didn't think I wanted to know. But since I had finally gotten the nerve up to look at the giant eyeball washed ashore in FL, I figured I could handle an ear worm. :lol:
  13. Our yard sounds the same (no pool here though). My dd are 9&5. They have taken the swings off the set and use it to hang from. :) I have 2 big buckets from Walmart (they are big enough that 1 could sit in it as a size perspective). They are filled with kitchen "stuff" from Dollar Tree (measuring cups/spoons, strainers, plates, etc) and they have provide 3 years of mud fun. Don't forget whisks, pitchers, etc. we have some little foot stool size things that they set up in the yard as the oven/stove. Tons of buckets. Get real stuff, not summer toy section stuff....it lasts longer. And they are more creative when its an actual item... Ours do have free reign on anything...they can pick leaves/flowers/grass....dig holes where ever (but I have trained them to stick to spots near fence so we don't have landmines). Right after mowing is when we have some of the best "salads" and "tacos". We don't have rocks because that would cause major lawn mower issues for us. But any sticks/limbs we get we pile in one corner because I know they'll eventually find a use. Everything goes in one of those big buckets when it's time to pick up. We also have lots of ropes. Foam pads (the kind gardeners kneel on) get great mileage as make shift sleds. Basically, I've created what I remember of playing in the empty lot as a kid. Stuff they've seen used and the freedom to do it. Oh....and on the days that I bring out the boxes of corn starch and say "enjoy!"....oh I don't see them for hours!!!! (except as I watch through the blinds) And mine don't even have super great imaginations inside. :)
  14. Without giving details can you say if she is the reason she's riding the bus? I think my response would be different if her choices were putting her there or if nothing in her power would change her being there. Kwim? If it were within dd's power to change situation I would be less empathetic and more "do something about it"..if weren't anything other than the hand she was dealt I would be more "it stinks, life is unfair, do you want to think of ways to deal together?".
  15. So odd. I've never heard of oral allergy syndrom but yesterday a friend said she had it and could no longer have fresh fruit in the burch pollen family which seems to be anything with pits or seeds. She also developed a form of auto-immune vasculitis, seemingly at the same time.
  16. We are doing 5/4 and the book said to just check them together and record time/result on chart. Dd takes hers, I call out answers while she checks, she records. I really think the recording on that chart is valuable more than simply taking test because they can see themselves getting better.
  17. For my K dd - My Father's Dragon series For all - The Little Princess (we LOVED this!)
  18. Love that book!!! It's one of the ones I bought several copies of and gave away. We are blessed to have a Chinese godmother who is nearly identical to liQuan. It's a fictional story, but very much based on real people. :) The last time she came to America I held her hand-written copy of the book of John. I couldn't read a word/character...but I wept as I held it. I miss her so much.
  19. I'm partial to Sarah and Sophie. :) A dear friend of mine is Sarah Ann...we call her Sarah Ann. My daughter is Sophie Grace.
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