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Everything posted by mom2hunangirls

  1. First, I know it's not called the patella ligament. :) My daughter is a dancer (14yr old) that has had her knee cap pop out of place twice (and so they think it will be problematic, even non-dance). I'm trying to find anyone with some experience with having the ligament tightened to prevent this in future. Or lessen the likelihood. It seems a common suggestion in her situation. I just can't find anyone to actually give me "real" experiences with the tightening surgery. Anyone?? It's a long shot but the surgery date looms and I need advice!!!!
  2. I am guessing my daughter spent at least 3 hrs a week on it. But she completed it in 6 months. The syllabus he gives is a good balance, but it isn’t light. Mr Owens took right at 48 hrs to grade papers which worked out well for us. I just planned her days with that in mind. I have a friend that has even received a personal video response when he was stuck. For my dd he sent additional general videos to answer her questions. We never had the text book. His workbooks had plenty of info for her.
  3. I will be ticked if I get charged for the one I just had! They told me it was covered in my well visit (I assume bc of family history). They only have one machine though. Do the 3d and traditional machine look the same? I’m wondering if I had declined 3d would they have made me go elsewhere to get it?
  4. My daughter did Derek Owens's Honor Physics this year, she is in 9th grade. She is mathy. We chose Derek's class because she could start it in the summer and finish by Christmas...reducing her load when her ballet season is typically harder. She LOVED his class. I got a tutor for her just before each semester test to make sure there was nothing she missed and she always amazed her tutor with what they had covered. I can't compare him to other physics classes, but his honors class involved extra time, but it never seemed unreasonable. And being able to go at her own pace was great for us. I really wish we had signed up for his Alg 2 class so she could have done it starting in the summer too. Sigh. Right now, I plan for her to take Chem and then biology her 11th grade year. 12th grade we'll decide when we get closer....see which way she is leaning. But I don't think there is enough additional topics to take his honors physics as a followup to Clover Creek or WHA. They all seem the same from what I understood.
  5. There is a video on their main website of a class with Lawrence. Under the "student" tab, then "welcome to class."
  6. At the bottom of the gray box listing areas. "Unpaid balances"...then you will see the new fees listed.
  7. If you pay the 30% they add the $150 to your FACTS bill. I had already added it to my cart by the time I saw that note, so I paid it early. :)
  8. does anyone know when the summer schedule will be out? I don't know if I can take certain courses in the fall if I don't know if I can take the readiness course in the summer. Or maybe they are recorded?
  9. I’m curious how to do the shopping around, too. If I don’t go to cvs (the one I’m required to go to if I’d care for my Insurance to do what it’s intended to do...but I totally have a choice. Wink-wink.) dining just tell them I dthink my have insurance or don’t want to use it?
  10. What is that family cap fee of $500? I think I’m reading correctly, that if I have a returning 10th grader, I will pay $150.
  11. I just ran into this this morning. I had convinced my daughter to take Etter and then realized it's Lawrence. Sigh.
  12. To the schedule? I had to be logged into the parent acct for pull it up. Even when I was just pulling it up from my email.
  13. We need a car, but don't have enough saved yet to buy a good, used one. A friend's daughter hit a pole (small, parking lot type) in her 2001 Honda Accord. The car has been theirs for at least 10 years and i have no doubt that it is mechanically sound prior to this. The pole hit right behind the wheel on driver's side and scraped down the side. It does scrape the front door when you open it, but does not seem to hit the wheel at all. It took off the driver's side mirror (hanging by the wires now). The windows still work fine. They don't want to deal with getting it fixed so they went and bought a new car for her already. So now they have offered to give the car to us. As is, obviously. I don't care at all about how it looks. But I'm not experienced with how to think this through. If they give it, do I have to pay taxes on it? (value with damage is nothing) In terms of my insurance, do I care that it is damaged? How should I decide if the damage is too much? Or what questions should i be asking myself? I can't think of anyone IRL that knows this stuff....but surely there is some smart shopper here.
  14. The gym might be hard to do this, but easily you could ask your PT to take a cell video with your phone of before and after correction. Sometimes it just helps to see it. Maybe you could post it here! Ha!!!
  15. I haven’t tried this, though I will need to soon...they want their money. They want any money. Often if they think you will not pay they will negotiate. If the bill is $6k, ask them what they will take for cash right now. One friend paid 50% of the amount if she paid within the week. That’s what I’m hoping for. It’s supposed to be illegal to have an insurance rate and a cash rate. Back in the day it was because the insurance companies balked at having to pay more. Now, it seems to be the opposite. I know for a fact that the place I’m dealing with charges $150/hr to Insurance. But $65 for non-insured. As someone with a $5k deductible you better believe I’m ticked off about it. Also, I know we’ve paid $500. But the bill I got was well past the month I made payments but the payments were no where on it. So it said I owed $700 when really I only owed $200. Ticked again. I called the billing company and they said “yes, I see your payments, but they haven’t been applied yet. I can do that for you.†Oh my word! So deceptive. Of course, I want the payments applied to my balance first. All this to say, watch your bills closely. I’ll be watching to hear what others say because I’m no expert.
  16. I keep our budget in a spread sheet. We have sinking funds for auto insurance, school exp, termite insurance, basically things that we know we will pay once or twice a year. On my spread sheet categories that roll forward are highlighted. So each paycheck I roll stuff forward. It’s basically the envelope system in Excel. :)
  17. Suspiciously, our total is close to the amount of the debt we are currently trying to pay off. hmph.
  18. I, personally, wouldn’t buy one bigger than the eye of the stove. But I also don’t have to make large batches of pancakes either. For that sort of cooking I would use an electric skillet. But I hate cleaning those so I just don’t make big batches. :)
  19. I just had to replace ours as well. I got the GreenLife ceramic one from Walmart. I joked that I couldn’t even believe I was trying it, but it’s amazing!!! We have been making eggs everyday and no one minds cleaning it. Its says it’s dish washer safe but we hand wash. They had several sizes.
  20. I’m excited to see this! Dd is taking Honors Physics with Derek Owens now, so Chemistry is next! Will parents need to check homework?
  21. Put a wet tea bag (black tea, like Lipton) on it, then wrap it up. Tight, but not cutting off circulation. About 30 mins.
  22. Yes, I do that too. I just mean (at least at all 3 of my CFA's) the order doesn't actually "go" until you are so close.
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