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Everything posted by mom2hunangirls

  1. In theory it's good. I think it's just not cut out to be customizable. Or maybe if you could utilize all their training things would make more sense. I don't have issues with getting assignments through it. And we take quizzes with it. But on the teacher side, it's just not intuitive. I'm having a hard time describing it. We don't love it. And if we could find something else we'd likely switch. But it's hard to beat free.
  2. We only use the free version. Not their paid school version. Not sure if that matters.
  3. I should also say that we are not that crazy about the system. This is our third year and it gets worse each year. :(
  4. We use it for our co-op. Some of the teachers use it at home. I think the easiest is to set up as a group, then set up your child's acct and link it.
  5. Our 15 yr old JRT ate our raisins from Raisin Bran all the time. We had no clue they could be bad for her. She never got sick. Of course, she's also survived without incident on Dog Chow for 15 yrs (with table food).... Now we are educated puppy owners and shocked the JRT survived us. :)
  6. For us, there are 3 rooms with laundry baskets and the main 3-basket sorter (whites/colors/towels) by the washing machine. Dd1 empties on Monday, dd2 on Tues, mine/oph Wednesday and then start rotation again on thurs...so every 3 days or so. I wash 2 loads a day. 2 kids put their stuff away and fold towels/socks. I usually don't have to wash on Friday or Saturday so that's when I do special stuff. Sometimes, if the kids are filling up fast, I just dump their basket in, unsorted with a color catcher sheet. It's such a fine oiled machine now I hardly think about it. Oh, if only I could get more of the chores down like that.
  7. Just finished my stroll down memory lane. No pics for me, but I sure did think of some old threads that I'm going to miss. :) Of all the things I thought could blow up here in our little world, kilts and cupcakes never came to mind. :) So sorry for the mess, SWB.
  8. I always thought it was only annoying too. My dd had it when she was two. But, my friend was hit hard with it about two months ago. It started with their 6 yr old then everyone in the family got it. Almost cleared and the a relapse all through the family again. The da ended up with viral pnemonia (because hfm weakened his system), the mom's feet became completely covered in raw blisters. She couldn't walk. It was the craziest case I've ever seen. I don't think this is the norm but it made me aware it could be more than I thought. What I learned from her, be diligent about washing until you are weeks out from it. You can get it again. Hopefully, you'll just have the annoying case...if at all. But, it's true, in incubation period is longer than you'd think.
  9. I agree with this. It's important to do the program.
  10. This is what I have done. Sometimes I even get paid to be alone!
  11. We've done both. After 4th grade, the 2 day a week just gets harder. Especially if none of your core subjects are done at the school. To me, the one day a week works best if you want to homeschool. I have one that does an elective only Friday (2nd grade), and one that actually has Latin/LA/math Olympics/science. So technically the older one gets a lot of the teaching done at the program. When we did 2 days a week the days at home were just too rushed. However, I am considering it for high school. (A 3 day hybrid) so it really just depends on why you want to do it and what you want to juggle.
  12. I had horrible migraines for years, then one year they were worse. During the time I was training for a half marathon they were less severe but not cured. Things that helped then: Cold compress on inside of wrists...still do this for headaches. Solonpas (sp?) patches. These helped but I ended up needing them all over to work. 3 Tylenol and a coke real fast...worked if caught early. Ugh...I was so miserable. Finally after I went to neurologist and he rx'd all sorts of things, I never took any of them and got off BC. Know what? No more migraines. My cholesterol went from 300 to 194. I don't think it was all BC. I think it was this one brand I was on. But now, the only migraine I have gotten are related to barametric pressure. And I have learned that if one of those are starting I have to drink lots of water (4-5 cups) quickly, but not chugging it :)...and I will be fine. I found that online somewhere and rolled my eyes at it. It's a little frustrating that getting off a med and water are my great cure! But I'm thankful!!
  13. I think so. I mean, unless you feel like working everything out yourself and making up tests.
  14. I got mine for free from an office that was closing. Very sweet deal. :)
  15. Saxon Intermediate is done by Hake, the same that does 5/4 and up. So it's done in the same style. All we got was the homeschool kit. A book and the test booklet I think. No manipulatives. It was perfect for us.
  16. War Games All John Hughes' movies... Father of the Bride ('91, but so close) Ever After (ok, it's the 90's....)
  17. It says if you have thoughts or questions to ask them on the fb page.
  18. You can print several reports. We took it at the beginning of the year (would have been end of last year, but didn't know about it) and at the end of the year. It compares 3 scores. Which I really like. It took both my 6 yr old and 7 yr old and hour and 20 mins to take (roughly). We didn't take breaks but you may need to. The ADAM takes longer. I do not let my children make random guesses. Although I will let them guess if they have a method to doing so.
  19. Italian dressing mix with 1/4-1/2 c water. An hour before being finished at cream of mushroom (or chicken) soup and 8oz cream cheese. We serve with all kinds of stuff...noodles, rice, veggies. Yum
  20. I agree with this. My friend's daughter had this and it was so rapid that they opted to give injections to stop the onset. It had a lot to do with her growth plates, though I don't know enough details. But I think it's definitely worth checking with a specialist.
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