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Everything posted by reign

  1. There is so much food she can eat! I don't even see the problem nutritionally. It won't be as easy to transport/eat out. That is the one difficulty I can think of. Lara bars are the easiest thing we keep stashed in cars and backpacks. They have little packets of nut butters which are easy on the go. I do cook in an iron skillet to up our iron a bit.
  2. My girls were asked at the family thanksgiving. They answered... Oldest- socks Middle-frozen baby mice (she received a snake this week) Youngest- fruity pebbles So I told the family there would be an Amazon wish list. Then I filled it with cool things my kids never see but would like. Mainly games, science activities, art kits, and new books. Legos are a good fall back.
  3. We do beast with a second grader. She also does mm4. I suppose mm would be considered the supplement becAuse we don't do every problem. She has really enjoyed Beast. It's not easy and she's a perfectionist who wants to be right on her first try. She's learned A lot about perseverance. It's been good for her.
  4. My 7 year old is on level with her older sister who just turned 9. My oldest has ADHD which has meant major impulse and concentration issues. She is only upset when she is left doing her homework for long periods of time after her sister has finished. I try to manage our time so that it isn't as obvious that she works so much longer on the same stuff. It helps that she is very funny and though it takes awhile her writing makes her happy. The one thing I have found helpful is not working on the same assignment at the same time. I stagger their work. Also no one is allowed to answer someone else's questions. Dd7 really works on keeping her mouth closed!
  5. The Readaloud Revival has several pdfs and podcasts for discussions on literature. I also like Deconstructing Penguins and she talks to the writer on one podcast. Those help me come up with good ideas on how to begin conversations on books with my kids. So we discuss good books and do wwe. That's enough literature work for us.
  6. I think Catholic. My middle name is Terese. Named after my Great Aunt who was a nun.
  7. Goldfish crackers, it works for the toddlers.
  8. I named one of my girls a previous mentioned name! I loved those movies growing up. I really liked the name Illyria. My husband thought that was crossing the line into the beyond weird names. We did pick interesting names but the girls are all named after human characters. So they are real names lol. My youngest has a movie coming out next year with her name. Our boy names were all really odd. The grandparents are lucky we had girls they would have been unhappy. Banning Draco Riker
  9. I have never heard someone say the lottery is immoral. Did not know this issue existed. I'm actually surprised! I don't personally find the lottery or gambling fun but I don't have a moral problem with them.
  10. I'm in Michigan too! It was such a nice day but we spent it at co-op and karate. It was nice not needing a coat. The snow will be here soon enough.
  11. Super suprised about the sugar. Husband will be mad lol he's the vegan in the house.
  12. I wouldn't give anything that I would then make mandatory. My kids have received math books for Christmas but they were for free time. One girl got the SOTW audio for her birthday. We do use SOTW as our curriculum but during that time I read from the book. The audio was for her own enjoyment. She's a Jim Weiss fan. Logic puzzle books for sure.
  13. I have the child sound it out until they memorize it. One kid did it almost instantly another took years.
  14. I agree with making your regular chili but with more beans instead of meat. Add some corn if you want. For toppings I'd do sautéed or grilled veggies for sure. Salsa and a nice olive oil. Lots of vegans do not eat the VEgan Products so I wouldn't rely too heavily on them.
  15. Both gerbils! Siblings even. It was gross.
  16. Gerbils were awesome! I would make them fun houses and mazes. The didn't smell like the mice. They were very friendly and enjoyed interacting. One day Data ate Jordie so that ended that. The leopard geckos are easy to care for. The aquarium doesn't smell. You have to be careful not to drop or hurt them. Probably depends on the kid.
  17. reign

    Trophy wife?

    My husband and I would both think it odd. We go a step further because we would not appreciate being told how our spouse looks. I would never complement someone on their attractive spouse. I personally think that is weird. I wouldn't be offended but I would think it awkward. I wouldn't change anything though.
  18. My girls were invited to a party about two years ago for a little girl who was friends with all of them. The invite asked for money in an attempt at humor. Something like "Bella has too many toys but her piggy bank could use a fill up! LOL" this was a Facebook invite. My girls were so excited to go but I just didn't have the cash. We did have toys they could have brought because I keep extra presents they've been given and shop clearance. I don't have 20$ to hand out though.
  19. We do dictation for spelling so I only rarely use it in WWE. I would just skip it. We do copy work daily instead.
  20. Sweet potato smashed with a little chipotle in Adobo sauce.
  21. My mom also came around after listening to a celebrity. One of the radio talk show advice givers. Maybe Dr. Laura? She also decided she likes being Able to get together with the kids during the day.
  22. Southwest Bean salad (could serve with chips) Black beans Corn Chopped red peppers or green Cilantro (if you like) Chopped Onion (I like red) Tomatoes Vinaigrette
  23. I know them all now but last weekend when we went roller skating I didn't. I am now up to date. Easily enough their shoe sizes are the same as their grades. 1, 2, and 3
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