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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. See what your library uses. Our uses Wilbur for digital. I love booksshouldbefree.com. Any MP3 type player will work. Just make sure it has plenty of storage and is easy to navigate.
  2. My oldest didn't need to use his finger or any other guide. My youngest did best with an index card with the corner notched out. He slid that along as he read. If he got stuck on a word, or read incorrectly, I'd slide the card back over so he could sound it out. And, I agree with the above, I wouldn't keep pushing. Back and up and let her read what she's successful at, adding just a bit of challenge as you go along. Reading should be, for the most part, enjoyable, especially once you're reading a book. The challenge should be before that when she's learning the sounds, how to blend, how to segment, etc. Book in hand needs to be at a level she feels confident. best wishes!
  3. YouTube, start small, use a light colored yarn and H or bigger hook. You can do it!
  4. We prefer Netflix. We also have PlayOn so we can watch basic Hulu and a lot of networks via the TV.
  5. Indian unbleached are my faves, but I used mostly Chinese. They both wear like iron, stay soft, and work well.
  6. That's a great organization. Our youth give to Speed the Light. We give to http://fomministries.org/ .
  7. All I have to do is look around, how a flower grows, how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, into the face of a newborn baby. I have no doubt in the Creator. The details are by faith because of my belief in the One that made it all.
  8. Right there with you except I love Downton Abbey- maybe enough to make up for all the other things, lol.
  9. I work a lot of weekends (child care) and we have church on Sunday. Dh works every weekend. Friday nights are usually family movie/game night. Oldest ds usually joins us if he's not working. If I schedule any evening out with friends it's usually a week night. We use Heart of Dakota so no planning, and we clean a little every day.
  10. We have a minimum of two for outings, and it has to be at least one man, one woman if both sexes are present. I'd mention your concern because in an emergency there would be no one to stay behind.
  11. Some of our top faves: Sticky chicken Baked whole with honey and OJ Pot pie Chicken and (frozen style) egg noodles Tacos Chicken noodle soup Chicken tortilla soup White bean chili Joyce's chicken (cut up with apricot perserves, western dressing, and spices, serve over rice)
  12. We've had our Kirby for over 8 years. Still works great. We've changed the belt a few times (super easy) and bought bags, that's it. However, it was $1000.
  13. We have a bunch too. KJV NKJV/Amplified 2 NASB 4 NLT 2 NIV NIrV Message Amplified NT Message NT Not sure what oldest ds's pocket Bible is. He carries it in his backpack. 6-8 story type Bibles 3 Bibles on the Nook 4 Bibles on the Kindle
  14. On the radio and Pandora we listen to Christian contemporary. However, we listen to some classical and jazz CDs and dh listens to old 60-70s rock (Beatles, Stones, etc), oldest ds listens to some dubstep.
  15. Have you looked at playontv.com? They have a $40 deal going on right now for a lifetime subscription. You can then watch Hulu, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc as things become available online. Just make sure your computer will work with it. It does have a 30 day return policy. You might also try going through the Internet link on your Wii, type in the Hulu addy and see what happens. I haven't tried Hulu that way, but I can get ABC. hth.
  16. I have a Corolla with 220,000 on it and it still runs like a dream. Ds has a Civic with 160,00 that drives like new. The Civic does offer a bit more leg room in the rear. The Corolla isn't bad for short trips, but if we're traveling together the Civic's backseat is more comfortable. Can't help with the Camry, sorry. When buying used always check crash test ratings and get a CarFax.
  17. This is how it is in our home too. I read a lot of twaddle, never had discussions about what I was reading, etc. I try to avoid that with my kids. My oldest was an avid reader. Our biggest problem was finding appropriate books at his reading level. Now, when he reads for fun, it's generally classics. The youngest is a struggling dyslexic reader, so I encourage lighter reading. It, however, has to be appropriate (pleasing to the Lord) in content. Thankfully, that hasn't been too much of an issue.
  18. I wear my day care kids when they need it. Some days they may get worn a lot, other days not at all. It just depends on how they're doing. My younger babies, say under 3-4 months, get worn a lot more than older ones that are playing.
  19. Sure. The only book my dh reads is the Bible. 28 years later and we're still going strong. He has no problem with all my books or reading and even loves to shop book sales with me. His time is just limited, so he prefers to spend it in the Word.
  20. NO Gerber type prefolds! The sizing is weird and most are useless at absorbing anything. You can often find used Chinese or Indian prefolds for super cheap, start with infant size- and a Snappi.
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