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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. Yes. I haven't dug as deep as I'd like, but we're working on it. Jesus celebrated the different Feasts and held to many of the OT traditions. For me, going back to our Messianic roots isn't a salvation issue (I know I'm a blood bought daughter), it's a desire to respect and seek more knowledge. We enjoy this book. http://heartofwisdom.com/biblicalholidays/
  2. Since it sounds like the piggies didn't get a lot of TLC I doubt they know they know their names, I'd name them what you want.
  3. I agree. We used aspen (cheap from a feed store) or fleece. Their cages were made with choroplast and cubes. We had 4 piggies over the years (2 boys, then 2 girls). I didn't find any "potty trained". They did tend to pee in the same corner so we scooped it each day. We bought hay from a local farmer, $5 bale, so they had hay at all times. They need fresh veggies and occasional fruit daily, but it can often be the part you don't eat (rinds, cob, stems, tops, etc; parsley was our piggies fave). We also fed Oxbow. Give them lots of TLC and they'll reward you with happy squeals and popcorning around their cage. enjoy! ETA: Good info here- http://www.guineapigcages.com/
  4. Most people that get car sick aren't bothered with rear facing until they can see out the window. Riding RF in itself isn't usually the issue, it's seeing the world fly by; same with people that get sick FF. I would make sure the infant seat isn't overly reclined and perhaps try a RF convertible seat. My BFF's friend cried all the time in his infant seat (seriously, from the first moment in until the last minute out). Now that he's RF in a RFing Radian convertible seat he's happy except during the hours of 6-8 pm (at which time ALL he wants is rocked). He's 7 months. For your older child, could you try an iPod with music or an audiobook and earbuds? That might help with the stress level.
  5. Is she still in an infant bucket style car seat? Many babies do better once they move to a rear facing convertible car seat.
  6. My ds's favorite kid flavor is Jason's strawberry. However, his absolute fave and what he uses 95% of the time is EcoDent Toothpowder in cinnamon.
  7. I really like Marilla and Hazel. Marilla sounds especially good with your other girls' names.
  8. I'm so sorry! Praying for you and your family!!
  9. We stayed with MUS when we switched to HOD because it was working- and still is in Gamma. I also really like the Demme approach to math and it works for my ds. Sorry, I know that's not really any help.
  10. My dh is a delivery driver. If there's a bell, he's suppose to ring it once and leave the pkg. If not, he knocks loudly one time and leaves the pkg. His intention is never to wake anyone, but when it's late/early I'm sure it happens. My doorbell is covered with a 'please do not ring' sign since I have day care kids sleeping at various hours.
  11. We do one gift at a time too, our oldest usually passes them out. I mark tags if something needs to be opened together, first, last, etc.
  12. All the above sounds good. Any meal was appreciated when I had youngest ds. It meant I didn't have to cook and that was truly all that matter. I try to add fiber/whole grains when possible. Send in disposable pans so they don't have to return anything and can easily freeze, if needed. Adding paper plates, etc is a bonus.
  13. I agree. and natural progestrone can't hurt, so if it may help I say go for it. My last was born healthy at age 40. However, I had two m/c after him. It wasn't until after my last one the dr recommended progestrone and I educated myself on it a bit. I didn't get pg again, so idk if it would have helped. i would, however, have used it in case it did help.
  14. We were married in a church. However, we were suppose to be married in the gorgeous back yard of the church, instead of inside. The morning of our wedding we had a huge thunderstorm which flooded 3 major creeks in the city (including the one near the church). The back yard quickly filled with water, so we moved the wedding inside. Our reception was held in the activities center of a college.
  15. I've never used SOTW, but at your ds's age oral narration should be rather guided and with text they can easily understand. I'd start with storytime type books that he can really grasp the info and build from there. For harder text, even at 8, I break it into a few paragraphs, then a full page, etc. Narration is a wonderful, valuable tool, but it is one to be learned over time. ETA: http://simplycharlottemason.com/2008/07/17/the-charlotte-mason-method-of-narration/ http://www.amblesideonline.org/PR/PR35p610SomeNotesNarration.shtml
  16. Correct. Chest clips are there as a PRE-crash positioning device (to help keep the harness straps in proper position before the crash). They are not there to hold a child in. If in doubt, do the coat check on your child like in the video (page 1, I think). Place the child with coat snuggly in the harness, take child out without adjusting the harness, take coat off, place child back in the harness without adjusting the harness. If the harness is still snug (can't be pinched at the collar bone) then your coat is fine.
  17. I wouldn't call fatal crashes rare. Until recently, car crashes were the #1 killer of kids. When improperly buckled it doesn't take a high speed crash to kill or seriously injure. Fewer kids now die in crashes because of better education (teaching proper installation and use of car seats, keeping kids rear facing longer, booster use, etc) and better vehicle construction. Many do still, however, die or become seriously injured that could have been prevented by being properly restrained. Being a good driver is, obviously, a good thing. However, people (kids and adults) will die today because someone else wasn't. Not wearing a puffy coat in a harnessed car seat is just one way to reduce the chance of injury. As for being cold, we're in Iowa, my 8 y/o has never worn a heavy coat in his harness or booster and he's always been warm. If you you consider it important you'll figure out a way. The same for keeping everyone properly buckled or anything else you deem important. When it matters to you you'll figure out a way. I don't mean that in a snarky way, these types of threads just bother me. As an educated CPS tech I find it ridiculous that we have to have laws to keep our kids safe. Seems to me that should be a priority to all adults without the need for a law. Sadly, that isn't the case.
  18. We're using Truth in the Tinsel and reading Jotham's Journey.
  19. a friend just gave to wigs4kids. idk anything about it.
  20. My youngest loves SkipBo, Blokus, Rummikub, Sorry and Mexican Train played with Dominoes. For two player games he loves Checkers, Battleship, Othello, War (card game), and is learning Chess.
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