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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. This is our first year with Better Binders and we love them. I 3-hole punch his papers and put them in his binder with empty page protectors. Then, when completed, he slips it into a page protector. We're on week 7 and no issues. Ds keeps his in his desk, but I have mine on a shelf. I love the rubber because they easily stand up without a book end.
  2. I haven't noticed it with TV shows, but a few movies have had a "no longer available after (date)" on them. I'm sure shows could be the same. I'm guessing they have a contract for x amount of time. You could try searching for them online.
  3. I agree with keep a few and donate the rest. However, we love coloring here. My day care boy is coloring a rooster as I type. :D We keep them where they're easily accessible, have lots of crayons, and now my 8 y/o and I have moved onto good colored pencils. My ds and I love to color mandalas. http://www.hellokids.com/r_262/coloring/mandalas-gallery-coloring-pages/
  4. God created us in His image and likeness, and gave us dominion over animals. That doesn't mean were are completely separate from animals. We were, after all, made by the same Creator. As mammals we classify as an animal. That doesn't make us equal to other mammals, it just means we have similar characteristics (live births, mother's milk, etc). The same way if an artist created a bunch of paintings we could likely see similarites in them even if some were superior to others. If, however, it causes him to struggle I'd let it go for now. He's young. As he matures he'll understand the difference.
  5. I think that's a very full day for anyone... but, I've found plenty of B-12 and D3 to be very helpful.
  6. I have double aluminum sinks with awesome lighting and love it! However, I don't have good lighting elsewhere in the kitchen.
  7. Last year: HOD's Beyond Little Hearts MUS Beta AAS 1 & 2 with readers & Early Reader's Bible HWT Lots of read alouds, field trips and 4H
  8. Have you looked at the "What will my student learn in level 2?" list? You can also look at samples of the two books. The second to last story is shown in the Queen Bee example. Look through them, even print it out and see where her ability is. I bought it this morning for my dyslexic ds. I know we'll zoom through the beginning, but I'm ok with that.
  9. We're using All About Spelling and will start AAR 2 as soon as I can get it ordered and here (it's set to release tomorrow). I am seeing good progress. We also plan to have him tested, so he can attend an O/G learning center. However, right now the cost of the dx is way out of budget. Once he's tested he'll get one-one tutoring twice a week for two years at the learning center. The biggest thing to do right now is educate yourself so you'll know how to help him. Not all dyslexics are the same. You need to identify his strengths and weaknesses. I have listened to nearly all of Barton's and Craft's seminars, read Overcoming Dyslexia, talked in depth with a couple friends that have kids dx with dyslexia- and will have him tested asap. If you can get him tested try not to wait. I also recommend a thorough eye exam. :grouphug:
  10. We use K-9. It takes a bit to get all your allowed sites going, but after that it works well and you can override a block with your password.
  11. There's also additional tiles as you go thru the levels. But, I agree with nukeswife, too much work for me. I'd rather have it all in front of me and just go with it. Plus, hand written wouldn't be as neat and printed would cost ink.
  12. I agree. There are always a few exceptions where a child/person needs the ER for fever or some other minor ailment, but in general I think ERs are waaaay over used for non-emergency type illnesses and injuries. I'm always shocked at the things people I know go to the ER for, or the doctor for that matter.
  13. My boys were born at 34 weeks and 34 weeks 2 days. How it goes will really depend on baby. My boys were good size with good lungs. They both had extended jaundice, but were otherwise healthy. I had to pump for the first couple weeks. Oldest had a bottle and nursed when he could, youngest had a feeding tube and nursed when he could. It took a bit of effort, but they both ended up nursing just fine. Enjoy your baby! Let the medical staff do their job while you babymoon with your new blessing. Oh, and take any and all help offered, and ask for it when needed. :grouphug:
  14. I haven't skimmed the 6 pages. Other than lots of activity, snacks, someone back there with him, making sure he's cool and comfortable- make sure his seat is upright enough. For a 13 month old RF, most seats would allow around a 30-35* angle. Many kids are happier more upright. Drop me a PM if I can be more help with that. :grouphug: ETA: And thank you for ignoring anyone suggesting you turn him. Turning a 13 m/o shouldn't be an option- and you said it didn't help anyway. More hugs!
  15. We schedule field trips and appointments on Fridays, do our weekly state study, math and reading, catch up on anything we missed (today it's science because he had handchimes yesterday), play some games, and relax a bit with a good book, movie or just plain ole snuggle time.
  16. We love Math U See! We've used it from the beginning. The manipulatives help my ds "see math". He can use them as much or little as needed. I agree with boscopup. If it's facts I'd let her use what's needed to get them and just keep working and working on them. If it's concepts then I'd slow down and help her get it before moving on. We work a lot of problems on the whiteboard, switch roles, play games, etc.
  17. Grandma's or a friend's house, or I've seeked out an event. Now that the oldest is 19 I'll give him the $ to take the younger to a movie, swimming, etc.
  18. I have a 3rd grader too. Gamma is 3rd grade multiplication. If he can easily do Alpha, I'd move him to Beta, let him use the blocks so he can "see" math. Especially with the story problems it will help him to see "Susie has 3 apples and Joey takes 1 apple. How many apples are left?". Once he gets more comfortable with it he'll likely need the blocks less and less. Have him tell you how to do the math in each chapter; when he can, move on. I would go at his pace, which may be different for each chapter. We're using Rod & Staff English 2 this year. I feel no need to push quicker than that. I know some do, I don't. I've never used SOTW. However, I know many love it. ETA: Your geography and logic look fine to me. It's your first year. Take it slow and steady. ETA again: For reading comp, I prefer having the child tell back the story, chapter, paragraph to me. I think they organize their thoughts better when done verbally. Once they are proficient at oral narration I move to short written narration, just a sentence or two at first.
  19. Not a blogger, sorry. Maybe someday. I thought that too when we started LHFHG mid-way thru 1st. But he loved it and contines to love it. And, even what was a tiny bit young for him he has learned from, so that's a win in my book. For us, the new price is pretty steep at the higher levels. However, I buy used when possible (haven't bought anything new for 3 guides now). A lit based approach can be more $$, but, for us, it's worth it.
  20. I think it depends on the child. My ds loved the successful feeling he got from using the workbook, so we did copywork 3 days and HWT 2 days. We waited to move to cursive until this year, 3rd. Many kids are ready earlier, many aren't. Currclick has some nice HWT style copywork books.
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