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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. I can't tell you what to use, sorry. Mine are almost 11 years apart, so combining has never been an option/issue. ;) I successfully used Apologia science, Truthquest history and Teaching Textbooks math for high school. He also used Rod & Staff english 9-11, he didn't need any english his senior year. We used mostly lit guides for high school lit, and he took several electives including foreign language and AP art classes at the high school his jr and sr years.
  2. We love HOD!! We've finished LHFHG, BLHFHG and 4 weeks of Bigger. Love it more each day. :D
  3. I haven't read all the responses, but my answer- just keep loving him. Show him, tell him, hold your tongue when needed. When you do need to say something use the least amount words and try to use the kindest words possible. Let him know you're hurt/disappointed, but that you love him. It IS hard, but keep that relationship open and safe for him. :grouphug:
  4. My cousin traded his sleep number bed because of the center issue. I have no idea what their numbers were.
  5. I love what I'm using with our youngest. That wasn't always the case with our oldest. It took time to figure it all out. He was home 7-12th and some years were stressful. I'm really hoping that won't be the case once our youngest gets to that stage.
  6. I got these yesterday for my Kindle. Make sure to follow each step. I think you have to have Whispersync enabled. Buy the free book, then look for the free audible link on the right. If you don't have an Audible account you can sign in with your Amazon account. I got 29 here yesterday: http://blog.booksontheknob.org/2012/09/free-classics-from-audible.html Heart of Darkness is $1.42.
  7. I think it depends on your preferred style. If you're happy with OPG then go with it and start AAS 1 (if he finished AAR 1 or is reading at that level). If you prefer the style of AAR then you could get 2 and still start AAS 1.
  8. The thing with an expired seat is that we simply don't know. The seat could be just fine and perform perfectly in a crash, and it could not be fine and cause injury or worse. Using it is taking a chance with a child's life. If she needed to use it for a very short time until she bought a new seat, that's one thing. But to give it away as a seat to simply use, is another. The risk is too high. The CRS manufacturer's engineer team make a scientific guess to how long a particular seat shell will last without any compromise. This date is decided on after a lot of research, testing, etc. hth.
  9. My ds's neighborhood friends are at school during the day too. I try hard to schedule a bit of time after school for them to get together for playtime, even if it's just 30 minutes before a lesson or for dinner. Most of his friends are church friends, so we try to plan something a couple Sunday afternoons a month with one of them. That seems to work best since they can come home with us after chuch, then we take them back for the evening service. I've also found we can stop at McDonalds' Play Place mid-morning and find younger kids to play with. My ds is 8, but he loves to play with the little ones.
  10. Oldest ds says have some pizza. http://www.giordanos.com/ or http://leonas.com/ Ds prefers Giordanos, dh prefer Leonas.
  11. That's why you need to educate yourself with real crash dynamics. I've been a tech for 11 years, being rear ended, even when RF, is NOT the same as a frontal crash. Again, incorrect. Crumple zones are built in the rear too. Like it or not, kids ARE safer RF and should be kept RF as long as possible. I don't even need crash testing to prove that. Just looking at real world crashes show us the increased safety of RF. Take the 4 day class or, at least, keep your misinformation to yourself.
  12. Re: the post above about rear end collisions. Rear end collisions have completely different crash dynamics because both vehicles are traveling the same direction, in the vast amount of rear end crashes they are at much slower speeds, with one or both vehicles decelerating at impact. Rear end collisions also have, by FAR, the least amount of serious or fatal injuries each year. Frontal and side impact crashes cause the most deaths and serious injuries. Children in those crashes are MUCH safer when rear facing. We'd ALL be safer RF, it just isn't possible. To SKL, take a class or do some serious research on crash dynamics. You have a lot of misinformation.
  13. Mine stay rear facing as long as possible, over age 3 with the seats now available. It's at least 500% safer, protects the fragile neck, head and spine- the areas most likely to sustain fatal or life altering injury in a crash. I've had around 18-20 kids in my care over the past 10 years that have stayed RF that long-or longer- and not one has ever complained. The 4 1/2 y/o I care for now was just turned in May when he exceeded the weight limit on his Radian and he still complains about being FF because he doesn't have anywhere to put his feet and his head falls forward when he sleeps. The 3 1/2 y/o still happily RF.
  14. We're doing Bigger too. I did pick from HOD's choices, BUT I picked the books I knew we'd love based on what my oldest loved- or I loved reading to him. We're currently reading Ben & Me and we both love it. So funny from the mouse's perspective, but still good info. Some others that I know we'll love based on my reason above: Snow Treasure The Indian in the Cupboard Balto and the Great Race By the Great Horn Spoon Rascal The Whipping Boy (I consider these last three don't miss titles for every child!) My ds was excited to see Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective on the list, so we'll read that too. A few of the ones we'll miss, like The Balloon Boy of San Francisco and Misty of Chincoteague, we'll read at bedtime, over breaks or the summer. I have some other non-HOD titles we'll be reading and we read those almost exclusively at bedtime. All of that said, if you have other titles available go with what you want. There are soooo many good books available.
  15. :D We're only in Bigger and I can't wait to get to these books. So glad you're loving them as much as I think we will.
  16. We had baked chicken, fresh mashed potatoes and corn on the cob, compliments of dh since he was off today. :D
  17. A couple of his texts have certificates. I fill those out and hang them by his work area. Otherwise, he just gets a high five, good job. Honestly tho, just getting done so he can move on has been all the reward he's needed.
  18. And they are listed in order on the web site. Are you using the ER set too? The Bible is first and used for several units.
  19. Links are still working and should be for a few days. I'm working on LOTW and they're all d/l fine.
  20. Bought mine tonight. I have it all d/l except LOTW. I had to take a break. That's a LOT of d/l'ing! To the pp: I "open" then "extract" with no issues using Vista. There's an email listed if you need help. I think it was on the page you had to click to buy.
  21. It would also be helpful to know what guide you're using.
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