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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. Gentle :grouphug:. I do hate that rear end law. As a CPS tech I've studied many crashes when it was in no way the person in the rear's fault. :glare: So thankful everyone was buckled correctly!! Make sure to replace all car seats/boosters. Insurance should pay for them (at least in the US they do). Praying for your quick healing!
  2. Calls should have been mom/parent, 911, supervisor. Since she didn't have mom's # (and she should have), the supervisor should have called her immediately. Shock is such a real danger. No way should he have been left to lay. He should have also been covered, head placed properly, etc. ETA: I've seen shock after a break two times (once an older child, once a younger). I'd have called 911. That said, we had a boy break his arm when I worked at a ps. Mom said she'd come get him. It took her 3 HOURS.
  3. Quality paper and a good metal sharpener, masking tape for giving edges.
  4. We love MUS. A big plus is it is child led. If she doesn't get something keep going over it. Get out the blocks. Work on the whiteboard. Use Decimal Street. Make it real. There's no time limit. We just started our forth year (Gamma) and the only thing I've supplemented is extra practice with the clock and money because he seemed to lose it if we didn't keep it fresh. Now he has both down well, so I don't worry about supplementing.
  5. I finally made it through RH by listening to the audio while reading the text. I don't think I'd have been able to do it otherwise- and will likely looked for abridged versions of other classics as to not tortue myself. However, my 19 y/o reads super fast and he can't stand to have to follow the audio while reading, so it didn't work for him.
  6. Both of mine were about 3, maybe 4 weeks, but they were both 6 weeks early. A full term baby probably isn't as long.
  7. Touching the jaw helps too. The jaw drops with each syllable. The rules listed should help with reading the words, the jaw thing helps my son with spelling.
  8. Guns for General Washington before bed, Ben & Me during school time.
  9. Glad you got the knot out. With that type of hair, close to my sister's at that age, I think you need to be diligent to help her everyday. Keep it super moisturized, something with a light oil in it. Keep it trimmed, I'd do every three months, at least until the damage is gone. I would not clipper cut it!
  10. I'm almost 49 and can't believe the difference in how I feel since I upped my D3. I take 3 mini-gels per day along with my whole food multi (higher D3 and Bs) and fish oil.
  11. Living history of any kind! I so wanted to love history, but it was sooooooo boring. Now that I've used living history with my kids I LOVE History.
  12. We watch together, that way I know how Mr. Demme is teaching the concept and ds gets an idea of what we're doing. Sometimes it's all he needs and he can do the work without further explanation (like today). However, even when he needs more help the DVD lesson has at least introduced the concept. I always stay close by so he can ask questions or I can just see how he's doing. Best wishes with MUS. This is our fourth year and we love it.
  13. We went from instant to regular (not quick), then to steel cut. My kids still prefer steel cut that has been soaked and baked/Crock Pot'd. For easy and quick in the a.m. (if I haven't made it) they prefer the regular oats with a bit of brown sugar and apple. ETA: Now they don't like the instant packets, they say it taste like mush, lol.
  14. My ds has really enjoyed Baby Island and Buffalo Knife. The Sword in the Tree is, so far, is his all time favorite. I could have read it in one sitting he loved it so much.
  15. :iagree: This is our first year using BB products (after the Staples sale post). I'll never use anything else. I even moved all my day care records into one. The quality and ease of use is worth the extra $. I will move my ds's work to a cheap binder for storage when the school year is over, but for using it'll be BB from here on out. :D
  16. My oldest used both 1 and 2. Love this writing program!
  17. IDK about similar, but I've read rave reviews on Cheerful Cursive. We've used HWT from the beginning, so I plan to try their cursive this fall. If it doesn't work I'll go to Cheerful Cursive.
  18. I haven't used it yet, but it's scheduled in HOD's CTC guide (9-11 y/os). More info here: http://www.heartofdakota.com/hearts-for-him-descriptions.php#write-the-best
  19. :iagree: Praying for your husband! and all your family is going through. :grouphug:
  20. Well, I'm gonna be the odd man out. I recommend using a non-permanent color the first time. It's more forgiving if you end up not liking it and washes out in 28'ish shampoos. I'd go one shade lighter than your natural color. Follow the instructions on the box, color all over the first time, only the roots after that. I like to color when I have clean hair, so I'll shampoo the night before, color in the morning or vice versa. Make sure to use a shampoo and conditioner for colored hair, no SLS is best to keep color truer longer. Once you feel comfortable coloring your own hair, if the non-perm isn't covering your gray like you want, you can switch to a perm color. I used non-permanent for about 6-7 years before needing to switch to a permanent. I've used a permanent color once a month for over 8 years. My personal faves are Garnier and L'Oreal products. I've used the Garnier mousse for about 5-6 months and love the coverage. Deep condition once a week (leave conditioner on for 10-20 minutes before rinsing) and keep hair trimmed to keep it looking fresh. Oh, and I keep a shirt and 2 towels just for coloring. That way I don't ruin every one in the house. Best wishes! ETA: I do think the above mentioned Revlon product is decent (It's a permanent color). It doesn't have built in conditioner, so, if you use it, make sure to use a good conditioner with it. I don't use it because it doesn't come in a shade I prefer.
  21. I haven't used R&S phonics/spelling, but I can say I love All About Spelling. Every rule, every step, every explanation, every everything is right there at your finger tips. I think it would be great for older struggling spellers. I know I love it with my 8 y/o and am glad I found it when I did.
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