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Everything posted by sgo95

  1. Yes, we have that too. Ours is https://www.casetawireless.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwtajrBRBVEiwA8w2Q8En9Pl9NAv7S2Ejoxs-CRXc2Aky0zflV7Qsd01QMDUv5ypZqYSc3PhoCXDEQAvD_BwE
  2. We used these from IKEA (https://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/50417812/) in a theater room and they worked well. We also used the VIGDA track, which can be hung from the wall or the ceiling.
  3. I really like my Yamaha Arius piano (I have the 181 model I think). I think it's close enough to an acoustic piano that the average person wouldn't be able to tell, based on feel and sound.
  4. Homeschooling in MI is super easy. The teaching parent doesn't even need a bachelor's degree unless you are registering with the state for services (as pp wrote). The vast majority of homeschoolers I knew were not registered. Homeschoolers in our area could take elective courses for free at their local schools. If you have a child registered in public school already, you just need to send a letter notifying the school that you are pulling your child out to homeschool.
  5. We bought a lazyboy sofa in 2002 and gave it away in 2010 because I didn't like the style. But it was a solid sofa and still in great shape. It was our main sofa and DH slept on it for several years. So we had a good experience...but haven't tried it recently.
  6. I don't really know... maybe something like this https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-speed-controller/nffaoalbilbmmfgbnbgppjihopabppdk?hl=en?
  7. I wouldn't feel safe doing it. I've had to drive from 8-11 pm several times and by the end, I really feel like I'm zoning out and have to make a serious effort to stay aware of my surroundings.
  8. We've been happy with the scotch brand, but after taping, I take a second to scratch the tape down so it adheres to the surface of the box better. Otherwise it can be too easy to remove the tape because it's not making enough contact with the paper surface.
  9. No, my teens don't work and I'm OK with that right now. They don't need spending or college money and they're busy with school. With any extra time they have, I like them to spend it being kids while they can.
  10. For my DH's company, bonus money doesn't have 401k contributions taken out. So only his base salary counts for 401k stuff, not sign-on bonuses or year-end bonuses.
  11. How about this from Portland Leather? https://www.portlandleathergoods.com/collections/leather-totes/products/deep-water-zipper-tote?variant=21724485353554
  12. Thanks, ladies. I knew you all could help me think this through. I will definitely measure the space carefully and check out what fridge repair people are available in my area. Also, great point about testing how shelves and drawers come out/apart to be cleaned! Like pp's, I'm also disappointed that these newer appliances are so crummy reliability- and effectiveness-wise I'll look through my options again but I think I'm going to avoid LG and Samsung. Maybe I should spring for an extended protection plan, which I usually don't do...
  13. Hi all, we're moving into a new (to us) house in a couple of weeks (we're in the continental US). There is no fridge currently and all the rest of the appliances are stainless steel Kitchenaid ones. I am looking for a fridge that: 1. is counter depth 2. has french doors 3. has an icemaker/water dispenser in the door. I usually try to do some research, including paying for access to consumer reports, but I feel stuck. On the consumer reports site, their highest rated fridges have posted reviews that are horrible. Is it just a case of only people with problems making the effort to write reviews? Can anyone recommend a reliable fridge that meets my criteria? Help please.
  14. For us, Watermark is lowest @ 4%.
  15. 😄 Just a quick phone call to say we had a baby [girl/boy]. It's nice to live far away when they're not supportive...
  16. Things my parents haven't approved of but I did anyway: becoming a Christian, not pursuing a graduate/professional degree, getting married at 21, staying at home instead of working, having DD1 at 22, having DD2 at 24, homeschooling my kids, having DD3 at 26, having DS1 at 29 (although this was tempered by their approval of birthing a boy instead of another girl), and finally having DD4 at 33. They think we're done, but we're probably not...I never tell them I'm pregnant (I live across the country from them).
  17. sgo95

    Baby pic

    Congratulations!! She's beautiful!
  18. I've never remodeled a kitchen but have bought two houses with granite countertops. I've loved them. Never had any maintenance or wear issues. Both were pretty variegated in terms of color, which hid crumbs well (a bonus in my mind). I'm open to quartz countertops in terms of look and wear, but have no idea about cost compared to granite.
  19. I don't have the stadium squall but DH and a few of the kids have the squall parka. With warm pants, boots, gloves, hat, and a fleece pullover that's plenty for them even in <20 degrees. Maybe you could get some fleece lined leggings to wear underneath your regular pants.
  20. How cold are we talking here? If you don't want down, have you looked at the Lands End Stadium Squall? Do you have appropriate gear otherwise (layering fleece/sweater, gloves, hat, warm boots)?
  21. Hope this is in the right forum...we are currently in the midwest but hubby just got a job in Orange County, CA. I'm trying to debate whether I need to stay here until the end of the school year (May 2019). My high schoolers are taking online classes, including AP classes that I've made testing arrangements for at our local high school. If we move before the end of the school year, I'd have to find a testing site for those AP exams in CA. Does anyone here have info on accomodating schools in Southern California that could help me with AP exam testing? Thank you!
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