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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Shanvan - I didn't like "Love Actually" much either...and I normally like all those actors and Brit-movies. But, that one didn't do much for me either.
  2. I like that one, but much prefer the studio version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SDMONHHViQ it's less dressed up than the music video - and everyone is obviously having so much fun. (sorry mods... I think it's going to put the video up instead of just a link).
  3. OMG! Are we sisters separated at birth? LOL. I love "Charlie Brown Christmas" but I've never liked "It's a Wonderful Life". I've never said it publically since I figured I'd be quartered and drawn for uttering such heresy. ;) I've always felt like "Groundhog Day" has more of a Christmas theme than say..... Groundhog day. :laugh: Anyway, I don't think that both versions of the Grinch should be together. One's a classic and one is... well.... carp.
  4. I agree with you on all these. Sometimes life is very hard and it would be nice to be on the other side where there is "no sickness and sorrows are no more". But, I doubt it will come with much fan-fair or notice.
  5. how funny, I just asked my teenager this very question. The answer is no for both of us. I think the whole thing is silly. But I guess the news people have to talk about something. And heck...why not this instead of something more important that actually does have an impact on our lives. :glare:
  6. i hadn't seen it and I'm not on FB. It was very inspiring. Thanks
  7. This is me exactly. Something always seems to happen to throw me off my preparations. This year I was out the last week in Nov. and got quite a lot done (it was wonderful having Thanksgiving a bit early this year). I was feeling quite proud of myself as I figured this would help relieve the stresses. Then I got sick for a week. Then one project I was working on took WAY longer than I anticipated. Then I got sick again. I'm just starting to feel a bit better this morning and I already have to jump into Christmas preparations. Ugh.
  8. yes, we brushed off the snow. But, that was when it was stuck to a pole in the ground. Now it's on the roof. Dh says we may just have to wait out any storm we get. :glare:
  9. I'd recommend a parakeet too. I have one that sits with me next to my computer. She's very loving and fun. The key is to get a hand-raised one. Mine comes out of her cage to visit all the time. When I get home from being out she gets all excited that I'm there. However, as with any bird, there may be other members of the family the bird doesn't like. Mine doesn't like my youngest. Fortunately the nips she makes doesn't hurt - too badly. One suggestion is to go to youtube and find some videos of all the different birds you're considering. You can hear the kind of sounds they make and see if you can live with it.
  10. This is how we did it too when I homeschooled. The schoolroom was for storage and computers. We did school around the house: kitchen and family room mostly. I liked the setup. . Finally I had a place to put stuff and could usually find what we needed. Before that everything was scattered around the house.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. My grandfather died unexpectedly when I was 12. I went to the viewing and I guess the funeral (I don't remember the funeral, just hte viewing). It was good to be surrounded by people who cared and be part of the process of saying goodbye. As the the holidays. Of course,it will not be normal :grouphug: You've just had a huge shock. But it might be good to still gather as a family. The kids will need to see that even through grief that life does continue. Perhaps plan something simple to commemorate him on that day. Maybe go to the gravesite, or make a special dish he would have liked, say a toast in his memory. Just something to remember him by and to acknowledge your loss during the holiday season. May your father rest in peace.
  12. superfine is sugar that is just that... super fine. I've had a recipe I've used for about 5 yrs that uses superfine sugar. I had no problem finding it in the baking aisle of my reg. grocery store... until this year. I couldn't find it *anywhere*. I discovered that I can make my own. I can't remember the exchange but you basically take reg. sugar and whirr it in a food processor or blender. Look it up on google. You use superfine in a recipe that wants to ensure that all the granduals are dissolved. It really does make a difference in the overall taste (or feel rather). It won't be gritty. You can substitute all-purpose with self-rising but you have to add baking powder or soda (also can't remember what). Self-rising flour has one of those added already. Again...google substitutions Good luck and enjoy!
  13. I thought it was a great article and definitely agree with the others who said it was a disuccusion we need to have. Unfortunately I think it will do little. I remember it being discussed when Va.Tech happened.
  14. I make: Martha Stewart's White chocolate peppermint bark every year to give away. It's very easy and the kids and can help. The only thing is: DON'T use the white chocolate chips. They *never* melt properly. I use peppermint I get in the baking aisle at a regular grocery. Tastes fine.
  15. we are similar ages (except my husband is 8 yrs older). We live in a largish house with a basement bedroom/bath. currently we have a college-aged child sleeping there, but who knows what will be needed in the future with the older kids. However, we do plan to downsize about the time our youngest (11) graduates and goes off to college. That's would I would recommend. But then it really does depend on your personalities and stamina. I have absolutely NO interest in running and holiday rental (B&B???). None. I'm becoming more and more reclusive as I age (always been rather solitary anyway). So you should take my recommendation with that understanding.
  16. I do the same thing... although I don't think I've ever found one of my search subjects in a coffin!
  17. woohoo! It is a good feeling, but yes, the sadness will be there too.
  18. I'm sorry. I went through that too when my kids were little. :grouphug: It can be very discouraging.
  19. this is what happened to us. Mine didn't say much either. Perhaps over the next few days it might come up.
  20. Hospice. Please call them and ask them all your questions. You will probably need to get a doctor's order for it to formally start, but your local hospice will know all the proper proceedures. They can properly care for pain management where the weekly visits do not. If you live in a major metro area you may have more than one Hospice option to look into.
  21. Goodness! You're a totally allowed to vent or feel sorry for yourself. :grouphug: :grouphug:
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