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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. thank you everyone for understanding my whine. Mergath and Wendy - you both made me laugh. Lisa and Mimm - thanks for the ideas...
  2. I hate going to bed with cold feet (hands are rarely an issue) - and wind up not sleeping well if I don't take care of it. I have something almost exactly like this: http://www.comforthouse.com/el2.html except I lay it lenghtwise so it heats up my feet and legs. I turn it on as I'm getting ready for bed (or sometimes an hour or so before) and my side of the bed is nice and toastie when I get in. Mine turns up very slowly (slower than a reg. heating pad) - don't know about this one though. I often end up turning it off sometime in the middle of the night because it gets too hot.
  3. Totally agree with the bolded part. I remember your story about your SIL following you and printing out your posts.
  4. I'm sorry she's like that. But, I do think it should be okay if he wishes her a happy birthday. Not saying he should go above and beyond that though. And I'm also wondering how you're supposed to get a job AND do all the cooking (lunch and dinner) and laundry, etc. etc. :confused1: :confused1:
  5. I'm so sorry... that is just so pathetic (and petty and juvenile!!). I'm sorry their lives are so small that they feel the need to do this... and I'm sorry you are not the first person this has happened to. :grouphug:
  6. Me too!! Maybe if I sat in front of a fire the whole time. I keep it around 74.
  7. It's possible it might be a Greek church. There are a lot of Greeks in FL. Also, some Catholic churches will use a dome. That Bascillica in DC has one too. It could also be a mosque. I thi;nk they use a dome too
  8. I'm sorry but I don't think you can. I know of a couple of other people who have been followed here. One changed her screenname to something very different and got rid of most of her siggy information. For me I'm shocked that people do this kind of thing. When I first heard about someone being stalked over to here it made me take a pause and consider my online presence.
  9. I suspect the GB will be dead, but that there'll be plenty of kilts and cupcakes here on the chat board for everyone. :D
  10. She was here a few days ago. Perhaps she'll notice this thread was resurrected and reply. to the original question. I'm also in the same boat as others. I'm not totally over being done. It's been 11yrs since I had my last and I was pretty sure he would be my last. There was a lot of those bittersweet moments (last nursling, last crawling baby, last first steps, etc. etc.). At 48 I know in my head that having another baby would be VERY hard (I get very ill during pregnancies) but that doesn't mean I don't wish I could. Now that my oldest is pregnant I have to admit that I have conflicting emotions. I'm very excited for HER but sometimes I wish it were me. Does that make me an awful grandma to be???
  11. nice idea. Are you going to move all the non-educational related threads over there to help things along and generate more activity there?
  12. the Dec issue of Everyday Food arrived this week and they have Christmas cookies in there. Yumm... except we're trying to go gluten free. Anyone have any tastie gluten-free cookie recipes?
  13. what a beautiful photo. Your children and lovely.
  14. I am surprised by this, Wendy. I always took you for the geeky type.
  15. Happy Birthday.... My husband leaves the keys in the ignition with it on way more times than I care to remember. :toetap05:
  16. Sometimes a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. Hope you've figured out dinner by now.
  17. 4ish check in I'm doing very bad since my first post. I did work on both looms today. Almost finished with the project on the floor loom so I can put on a Christmas present for one of my college kids. I don't think I'll get to the master bath today. But I should get the kitchen tidied up a bit in the next hour or so. I got distracted because I forgot that I wanted to make some soap for Christmas presents and they need at least 3 weeks to cure! So I'm in the midst of that right now. Maybe I'll de-clutter my desk while I'm waiting for the oils and lye to cool down. :laugh:
  18. The opportunity to move back to my old house. ooops - posted before I finished!!! also: - 45-48" cherry wood floor loom (my current one is just a tad too small) - a trip with the whole family to Greece (we always said we'd do it) - the backyard landscaped so it wasn't so hilly - or at least more usable than it is now.
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