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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. very nice. I like the layout, it doesn't hurt my eyes and I especially like the larger font.
  2. we still have about 17 hrs to go, but Happy New Year!!
  3. thanks. I'm trying very hard not to be offended... except this isn't the first time something like this has happened with these family members. Yes, I plan to send out a card with a note over the next day or so.
  4. He was killed in a car accident. I'm just so sad for the family. We went to church together for 13yrs but lost contact once we all started going to different churches about 10yrs ago. The thing that makes me extra sad is that my BIL and his family heard about it and went to the funeral and I just found out about it from another family member. They never called to tell us!?! Why don't people make sure old friends find out about this stuff.? :crying: (I'm not on FB - I couldn't know about it unless someone let me know). We were all having our kids at the same time and the dad was our homeschool reviewer for many years when we first started out. I remember when J was born and he's between the ages of two of my college kids. So, so sad. I can't imagine the heartache they're feeling and I feel awful I didn't know about it and wasn't at the funeral (even though it's been a while since we've seen them - I'm sure they would have appreciated the support at such a tragic time in their life). Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. It's been heavy on my heart since I heard about it yesterday.
  5. I closed my account a little over 2yrs ago. I don't miss it, but sometimes it would be nice to keep up with my college kids.
  6. I'm so sorry you've been treated like that. Prayers and hugs.
  7. agreeing with all the others. Granddaughter needs to learn some manners.
  8. Yes, it would annoy me... I think it's incredibly rude to those with allergies, etc. just as others have stated.
  9. No bashing from me either. I think you did the right thing and from your follow-up it sounds like it had some positive results.
  10. I agree. I also don't like to cook it in the oven because the grease spatters everywhere and it's harder to clean the oven than the stove-top. There's two things I don't really like about bacon. One is the smell lasts forever... the other is it is very messy.
  11. okay, thanks for these ideas. He usually does snack in the evening - after dinner. But I'm talking about waking up after going to bed and getting a snack. I'm going to check into some of these ideas. I eat LCHF, ut I make a carb for the rest of the family. I think he's getting enough fats to keep satiated. It could be stress, but he's been under much more stress in the past and wasn't snacking then (not sleeping well yes- but not snacking too).
  12. My husband has taken to snacking in the middle of the night (not every night, but more than once a week). He's not on a diet and mostly eats the way he wants. He's probably between 50-75lb overweight. But the night-time snacking is fairly new. Besides the fact that this will cause his weight to increase, is there any other health condition which would cause someone to start snacking in the middle of the night?
  13. what a huge bummer for him. I hope the pain subsides some over the next few days.
  14. Yes! If you click on the "search inside this book " just under the photo it will take you to a close up of the book and the first few pages. It include the Table of Contents with all the names of the recipes. Enjoy!
  15. yes - I think early is better. However, the world is supposed to end at 9amPST tomorrow - so if you wait long enough you may not need to go afterall :laugh:
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