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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. YES! I totally and completely 2nd guessed. I cried so much. You probaly don't want to hear my story, because I really really struggled. I remember asking my husband on the day of closing.. "can we change our minds?" It's not that I didn't love our new house, but after 19yrs in one spot it was really hard to make such a change. I worried about so much (the amount of parking space, the hill in our backyard, kids making friends, noise level iwth an open plan, older kids feeling like it was "home", etc. etc.). The house you've picked is LOVELY!! I love ranch style homes and that one is so unique. I love all the stone and flat yard too (ours is on the hill - but wooded).
  2. /\ /\ /\ gracious! That first one looks like a cow wearing a thong. :scared: My eye, they burneth!
  3. My favorite was TNG too. I'd give it another try. It did get better with age. You'll come to love Piccard. Troy was annoying and rather unnessesary - but I loved Data and Worf. What great characters. Q was my favorite recurring guest. My least favorite series was Voyager, but maybe I should give it another try. I did enjoy Enterprise. Mainly because of Scott Bakula. yum.
  4. It doesn't always get better. We moved last year and it turned out to be a very traumatic and soul-searching experience for me. I plunged into terrible depression thinking that we had made the worst mistake in our lives. About 4 months ago the family was talking and my 19yr old piped up that he liked the new house. I asked him "why?" and was hanging on his every word hoping he would say something that would help me stop feeling like I was the worst mother in the world. He said "Because it's cleaner". uh...thanks. :glare:
  5. I think it's cute.. and I would carry it. The only thing is it seems a bit smallish for my needs.
  6. I was planning on joining in the group today but youngest ds woke me up at 6am with a terrible sore throat. I *thought* yesterday that I was getting better from this head cold I've had all week, but instead I feel worse. I took a nap at 9am. Just got back from the doctors with ds. Dosn't look like strep but not ruling it out so he sent me home with a prescrp (just in case). DS feels miserable, nonetheless. I may still try to clear off my desk which has collected another pile of clutter. Jean ie: postage - that would really irk me too. I hope they give you a refund.
  7. I agree. People can be terribly cruel. She made a big mistake, but like you said - human nature. We don't know what frame of mind she was in or how much pressure/ridicule she was under. How very sad and tragic for everyone.
  8. I use Airborne, but would also add zinc, which is supposed to help lessen the duration if you get sick. I hope you don't get it.
  9. oh my goodness... :001_wub: . all I need now is a personal chef in a kilt.
  10. This CDC Flu Map might be of interest to some. As of today it hasn't been updated yet this week.
  11. Joyous Feast! It doesn't quite feel like it for me today. I've been sick all week and didn't get anything together this year. I can't get to services today because I have workers here re-doing my laundry room.
  12. :iagree: Babies are a blessing! Even though it isn't the way any of us may choose for our daughter's to become a mom - it's still exciting! And you'll have such a lovely blessing. I'm also a first time grandma-to-be - and I don't feel like a grandma either.
  13. Cool! I'll check these out too. I remmeber Amy Grant's Tennesse Christmas too - and my mom played over and over again too. I also grew up with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Christmas album. Brings back fond memories.
  14. no, you have to comb - especially if it's early in the infestation. My son complained for weeks that his head was itcy. I looked diligently. And washed with head-n-shoulders thinking it was itchy scalp. Still, I kept looking and never saw anything until I broke down and bought the chemical stuff that comes with the special comb.... lo and behold - he had lice. Ugh. Either get a fine toothed comb or the special lice comb and use a magnifying glass to look at what you pick up in his hair.
  15. The instrumental one sounds like something I would like too.
  16. This could just be a "what are you currently listening to" or "your Favorite CDs" share links if possible so people can sample (if they want): First I Love..love.. LOVE :001_wub: Anonymous 4: They have several Christmas themed CD's so I'll just pick one (all of them are good): On Yoolis Night Of my Orthodox collection this particular one is my favorite: Orthodox Hymns of Christmas ("O House of Ephratha" is particularly good and the setting we sing at our parish). And my Christmas collection would not be complete without some Bruce Cockburn: Bruce Cockburn: Christmas So what's your Christmas favs.....?
  17. Nope... I don't like them either. I'd heard of them for years and then a friend gave me a CD a few years ago and I was aghast. Yuck.
  18. :bigear: We were just talking about this at dinner. I'm not particularly interested for myself...but I have one child with moderate to severe asthma. I would like to know if this particular strain is hitting the respitory system hard like it did a few years ago.
  19. I remember when you asked. I'm glad things are looking up and turning around for the better.
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