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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. everyone reacts differently to carb withdraw so it's hard to say how you'll respond. But, the best way is to go cold turkey. Nothing says you have to have steak everyday. I like chicken. The trick is to have low carb items on hand when you hit the cravings and need to snack on something.
  2. my firstborn was like this. She was always either at 0-5% or below on weight and height. She ate like a horse and hit all her developmental milestones just fine. She resembles her paternal great-grandmother more than anyone in the family - very tiny and petite. The thing is I'm 5'10" and no one would confuse me with a petite person :tongue_smilie: So the doctor would look at me, then look at her chart, then look at me, and wonder if there was a problem. I hope that all it is for you too.
  3. Ugh.... I've been off all week and yesterday kept thinking today was Friday. Friday is pizza day at my son's school and I don't have to make him a lunch. I've run out of most of his usual foody stuff for the lunch box. Of course, I kept thinking "no problem, tomorrow's pizza day." :glare: I just realized that it's NOT Friday. Grrr....
  4. I agree. I woke up around 4:30 and I just gave up trying to get myself back to sleep.
  5. I've had orbital celluitis more than once and it's no fun. I will definitely pray for dd. I have something called blepharitis and it seems to make me susceptible to getting it.
  6. congratulations! You must be busting with happiness!
  7. My college aged dd has been struggling mightily with Chem. She's tried to find a tutor but none will respond to her emails :glare: I suspect its because she simply waited too long and now they're booked up. Anyway, she's very concerned she's failing it and to boot she's a terrible test taker. She's doing great on her labs however. She's been home the last few days because of hurricane Sandy and came upstairs from studying for a test in tears. Uncontrollably crying that she just doesn't get it. She has gone to the teacher but has been told it's "your problem". Sigh. A few clicks at YouTube and we found 2 videos that were very helpful. One in particular dealing with figuring out how to name compounds. Now she feels much better about the test. Yay Youtube! It saved the day. She tends to freeze up, shut down, and start crying when she gets confused about anything. Hopefully she'll take my little tutorial on "YouTube for educational purposes" and use it liberally when she's stuck.
  8. A lot depends on where you live. Here in the DC Suburbs pools are expensive to maintain. There was a thread about this not too long ago: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=425818&highlight=pool
  9. ' Have you looked into a pellet stove instead of a wood stove. I don't know how the smell compares. I have family who use one and they love it.
  10. Everything seems okay here north of DC. It's still raining but the wind has died down. We never lost power and most everyone I know never did either. I haven't watched the local news yet to find out how the roads are but there's a lot of debris in our yard and street. I also feel for those in NYC, Atlantic City and the surrounding areas.
  11. I totally agree. My son's at UMBC. Didn't want to come home - says everything is fine there (ie. he can still go out to the cafeteria and get food :001_huh:). Other son lives off campus. I'm sure he's fine too, but he lives in a very old part of town.
  12. oh yeah... I've seen a lot of that. The most often lately has been "chest of drawers or buffet" Umm... and chest of drawers and a buffet are two different things and don't even belong in the same room! :001_huh:
  13. :iagree:. I've never made changes between canned and fresh/frozen puree.
  14. hey - we're neighbors! Yes, the rain has been non-stop. We live at the top of a hill and the way our house is situated I think we're pretty safe from the worst of the winds that may come.
  15. I thought the worst was around Atlantic City NJ. Although I just heard from a friend about 20miles away and she said they're in the middle of the eye right now so it's fairly calm.
  16. please post your pictures right side up. Surely if you can download a photo from your camera/iphone then you can rotate the dang thing before posting it online! and... don't say you can email me photos. Post them instead. Why waste more of my time on something I may not be looking for. :glare: pet peeve rant off.....
  17. No need for details, I can pray. :grouphug:
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