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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. zinc didn't work for my daughter either. She tried the acne.org prior to zinc and also didn't work. I think it's wheat related but, since she's at college, it's hard to go gluten-free.
  2. Just got back from running errands here just north of DC. Lots of rain. The winds are not too bad. However, my gutters are already filled again. I'm keeping an eye on them to make sure they don't start overflowing. How fun to be cleaning gutters in a hurricane :glare: No problem getting gas at the gas station. I'm so glad I kept an eye on the weather reports and waited. I heard from friends that the lines for gas were ridiculous all weekend.
  3. raining here, not much wind in the DC metro area. Just heard that UMBC cancelled classes tomorrow.
  4. my son does a lot of fun things with duct tape. He'll love these sites! Thanks!
  5. Thank you everyone. It's so wonderful to see other young grandmas here! I don't know what I'm going to be called. It is something I should consider since whatever the name is will be it for the rest of my life! I was thinking of starting a new thread "Grandma names idea". One of my grandma's was "Nana", but I don't really feel ready to take that title. My other grandma's title was "MeeMee" which a friend referred to as a "Poodle name" :D Ack!
  6. meant to add in my previous post- To the bolded part: I probably wouldn't go that extreme over one overheard conversation.
  7. :iagree: It's not a hill I'd be willing to die on either. I'd probably say I disagree and leave it at that. Everyone is untitled to their opinion, no matter how clueless it is.
  8. My oldest and her husband are expecting their first child next June. This is a first for us too. It feels so strange. Many of my friends look shocked when I tell them. I'm not yet 50 and I hear there are nice benefits to being a young grandma.
  9. I got a callfrom UDel too. My daughter's coming home tomorrow.
  10. At 10 I don't know that I'd expect my child to do their chores completely without my being on them and reminding them to complete the work. My problem is that my older kids badger their younger siblings when they get distracted or don't complete their work. I'm constantly reminding them, "You're not the Mother!". That said, I think your response to her being unkind to her siblings is appropriate. Stick to your guns though and don't give in.
  11. The illness may not have been brought by God, but He can use it for our sanctification. In these, and any other tough situation I pray that God will help me to accept His timing and His will. Did you see the discussion over on the Orthodox Inquirer's group on the subject of suffering and illness? One book I suggested there, which I think is one of the best on the subject of Theodicy is "The Doors of the Sea: Where Was God in the Tsunami?" by Hart.
  12. University of Del has cancelled classes for Monday and are encouraging the students to go home. My daughter will be coming home - and perhaps bringing a friend or two. I haven't heard about Un. of Md. Baltimore Campus yet. I expect they may wait a little longer since it's mostly a commuter campus, but I have one son living there.
  13. I agree about those simple preparedness ideas... especially gas and money. When the Durecho hit this past summer we never lost power. However, most of the area around us did and we had a hard time finding gas. The place that had gas would only take cash.
  14. I'm sorry it didn't work out. I hope he finds something soon. :grouphug:
  15. That's a very good point. Honestly, I think I'd call this mod out on calling whistle blowers bullies.
  16. I like the one with Ciaran Hinds and Samantha Morton here
  17. Oh for pete's sake... To quote the great Inigo Montoya: Tattling and nitpicking is NOT bullying. (where's the rolleyes smilie when I need it).
  18. Call me cynical, but I think the news people are tired of talking about the elections. Has anyone seen this graph: http://my.sfwmd.gov/sfwmd/common/images/weather/plots/storm_18.gif it says to me that, at this point, it's anyone guess where the hurricane will end up.
  19. So speaking up about something that may be unethical (or illegal) is now being a bully? :glare: I think you were right. Couldn't the group lose it's privileges if they begin to engage in illegal activity?
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