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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Another factor of these timelines when the women enter menopause. I think in one respect it's an emotional wake-up call for many of us. We're no longer biologically doing everything to protect our children because they're leaving the nest or getting older/self-suficient (ie. putting up with someone who may be a selfish or demanding or whatever). Then we sprinkle in a lack of interest in teA since we're exiting the babymaking stage (which has been discussed on another thread) and you've got quite scenario for two unhappy people. They may not hate each other, sure, but it's not all lovey-dovey either. KWIM? My FIL is 102. Whenever I get these emotional darts thrown at me, all I think is, "I've got another 45years of this?! I don't think I can make it." just saying.
  2. :iagree: Same here - we're at 27 but still have an 11 yr old. I'm sorry to hear the Lisa W's marriage fell apart.
  3. It depends on what kind of person you are. I'm not a party person, so that was out. I asked for a big family trip.. and that's what we did. It was wonderful.
  4. A friend of mine started a new social network for knitters, crocheters & spinners along with a group of like-minded fiber artists. It's supposed to be a mix of Ravelry and Facebook. I looked at her page briefly and it does look pretty cool and I thought some of the crafters here might like to know about it. Niblestix It's free. They're planning to add other fiber arts as they grow and expand. I'm hoping Weaving will be next, but they need someone more expert than myself to help them get that up and running. :D
  5. I've looked into it too but there's a lot of stuff you need in order to do it well. There are cheese making kits (but I don't think they come with all the supplies). I can't remember what companies did this, but I'm sure I did a google search. There's also a couple of books on cheese making. See if your library has any.
  6. I have three who went all the way through high school being homeschooled. Oldest did community college and then she transferred to U.MD. She got into both colleges she applied for. Now she's working on her Ph.D in Cell Biology (Genetics) at Johns Hopkins and getting paid to do it. Next son will grad next spring in Chemical Engineer at UMBC (he also transferred from cc). He's looking to at post-grad colleges. The last one I homeschooled all the way through is also at UMBC in Mechanical Engineering. He's the only one that got a little money (we weren't too good at applying for that stuff and transfer students don't often get some anyway).
  7. I've had neck pain off and on for about 15yrs. It happens especially if I turn my head a certain way. I know exactly how I got it and I think it's a pinched nerve or disk problem (never went to the doctor). However, last year during our move I was so stressed the pain was unbearable and constant. I hate going to the doctors for myself and I just put up with it. Finally, I decided to try one of those memory foam pillows (the ones with the contours for side sleepers) at Target for about $20. I figured if it didn't help then I'd go to the doctors. I haven't had any problems since. It might be worth it to try first.
  8. I'm not in the Bible belt and I"ve seen it too. There's one church that is particularly bad. I had one member say to me when I told her I didn't go to that church "Well, why not?!". :confused: And this woman was trying to sell me something! I had one daughter told by her "friends" that they thought she wasn't a Christian because she didn't go to their church (and these were high schoolers - not little kids!). So yeah, it happens. To the OP. I would just ask her. I think the way you have expressed it here is fine. Just tell her you were wondering why the 2nd question about about church when you were told it was a non-religious based group. I would be honest and tell her about your former experiences with your kids and that you don't want a repeat, so you're a bit gun-shy when you see that question.
  9. We hate contract phone service. Pay-as-you-go has it's downsides but not nearly the hassles (and constant nickle and diming on everything) that you get from contract service. I hope you get your $400 back. This is just awful service.
  10. not yet, but I'm anticipating it. Actually, I can feel a little twinge last night in,but it was minor and I was too tired to get up and get meds. The last time we had big storms roll through I had that terrible 2day headache. It awful... :grouphug: I hope you find relief.
  11. praying for your family. May she rest in peace.
  12. I love a fall wedding. We were married on Oct12. I like the idea of a small, simple wedding. Good luck with all the last min. stuff.
  13. a friend and classmate of my daughter's committed suicide in her junior year... on my birthday in fact. It was horrible for us parents and all the kids at that small school. I think grief is very unpredictable. One thing my priest's wife told me is that it is like a rubber band. You think you're doing well and then: bang! it snaps back and all those feelings and sadness flood back. Boy was she right. Nearly 5yrs later, my daughter will still come to me from time to time crying about it. She'll light a candle and we'll pray for him and for his family. One of the things I know helped at the time was that there was a sense of community... both at school - since they were all grieving together - and at our parish. I never felt like anyone was trying to sweep it under the rug and move on.
  14. thanks. It's more than 2weeks out. That's why my DVR couldn't find it.
  15. I tried to do a search on it and cannot find it. What is it under? Masterpiece Theater?
  16. Yes, I totally agree. I'm in the NE. We only get about 4 months swimming - but really it's more like 2,5-3months. May is still too chilly and the kids were pretty much done with it by late Aug. Someone asked why close/open a pool. In northern climates you have to close it to blow out the lines. Otherwise the deep freezes will burst the pipes and then its $$$$ to repair. Besides, it's too cold to swim for 6-7months out of the year and it's more expensive to keep the pool running than to just close it and cover it up.
  17. You must live near me :001_smile:. I forgot to add the utilities cost... although ours didn't have a heater (thank God!). I also looked into filling it in and it was about 10K when I checked a few years ago.
  18. run away. Seriously. Or find out how old the pipes and major parts are (filter/pump). We had an inground pool at our old house. We lived there 19yrs. In a good year it only cost $500 for the basic chemicals (20x40' pool - with a deep end and shallow end). That wasn't if the pipes broke (our pool was already 15yrs old when we bought the house) or it was a super hot summer and I ended up with a pond. (or went on vacation and came home to a pond), or the vacuum breaks. Since it's a 60's pool that probably means it's cement or gunnite (sp?). I don't know what the upkeep is on those except that you do have to paint and probably caulk/fix cracks every couple of years. With a vinyl liner it has to be replaced about every 15-20yrs (we did it twice while we lived there - not cheap). In my area it was VERY expensive to pay to have someone do the work for you. Just to close and open the pool was nearly $400 each. We learned to do it ourselves. Anyway, I know there are those who love pools and there are some very nice things about having your own pool... like swimming after the kids go to bed ;), or just jumping in when it's hot, but you don't want to spend the whole day at the pool, having lots of your own pool toys and floaties and all those things that most public pools don't allow. .. but it is not a cheap hobby. It's like owning a boat.
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