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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Are you saying that you've only been on the diet for 10days? I'm confused. Also, what books and/or websites did you read to educate yourself on LC lifestyle?
  2. I've been suspecting for a couple of years that one of the triggers for these terrible sinus type headache I get are from thunderstorms. I've been looking around and sure enough, severe weather seems to be a trigger. Does anyone else have this problem?
  3. but I think that would cause more to knock louder! LOL. OP - I'm glad you asked. We moved into a new neighborhood (a "real" neighborhood ;)) and I'm getting very weary of all the soliciting already! I hate to be a grump - but I just know it's going to get worse this fall. :glare:
  4. well said. I'm so sorry for you loss, Kalah. May your dad rest in peace.
  5. thinking of you & this family and praying this morning. i hope you were able to get back to sleep and get some rest.
  6. I have no tale of woe like yours but wanted to offer a :grouphug:
  7. Good grief!! This just takes the cake. I'm sorry. He now had two adult women in his household. Menopause is going to be a real joy-ride for him. ;)
  8. I agree. I think that honesty is the best policy too... but doing it that way is just rude too. One can be honest and kind at the same time.
  9. I'm sorry... :grouphug: especially for your parents who are hit by this the hardest.
  10. Well.. I don't think the whole family should go to this meeting. Just a meeting between the son and his dad/parents. I think there are some things that should be done in person.
  11. I dont' have a dresser, but my hubby does. My kids have dressers, but we try to put them in the closet when we can (they hate hanging things up anyway).
  12. I agree. ... although I *know* I'd need a long time to process this and I'd probably want to process by talking with someone ;) I would also be concerned for the children. but I wanted to add that I also think it's pretty cowardly for him to do this via email... especially to his parents. It's not very manly.
  13. just to clarify - I wasn't talking about marriage therapy - I mean individual therapy.
  14. :grouphug: for you. This sounds very hard on everyone. sounds like they could both benefit from seen a therapist.
  15. never mind... I just saw the link at the bottom of your post. :blush:
  16. Is this the name of the church or the name of the saint? I ask because the apples make me wonder if it's St. Dorothea- which is a particularly interesting saint to which you prayed in front of for faith.:001_smile: here's a bit of her story: Sorry it's long.... it's from here: http://www.antiochian.org/node/17490 It is the saint my oldest daughter took as her patron when we became Orthodox, that's why I happen to know about it. :D
  17. This. :iagree: I had a friend who died when she was 50 and she 2 had school aged daughters. I would ask her what you can do to help her make memories for her daughters. In addition to helping her write letters (my friend did this), you might see if she wants to record herself reading some favorite stories to her children. Take a freezer meal or two when you go. Even if they have extended family surrounding her, no one wants to think about cooking at a time like this. Just be there for her...it's so very helpful.
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