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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I've also had two friend who had it done. One lost weight initially but then has gained it back (and more). The other friend kept it off for many years but when her life began to spiral out of control she's started gaining weight back. She's not back to her pre-surgery weight, but definitely headed in that direction. The other problem this second friend had is alcoholism as a result of the surgery. She later discovered that there's a high incident of this for those who had WLS. She was shocked because she'd never had a problem before hand - she didn't even like alcohol that much. It was a very scary time for all of us her are friends with her... but now she's in AA and working through that. Just something for you to be aware of.
  2. could you make your own and then freeze it when you're making the pies? In my experience it takes longer to make the filling than it does to make the crust.
  3. This sounds a lot like my mom - although not the man part. So sorry. It's very hurtful, I know.
  4. yeah, even when things were good for me, it wasn't like that. THAT sounds abnormal to me. Maybe you should go see your doctor ;)
  5. Totally agreeing. It's been very frustrating the mental sigma involved. Like someone said. I remember that I used to enjoy it, but now it's like another chore I have to do. I'm trying to read this whole thread because it is bringing me some comfort that I'm not alone.
  6. I cried when she died too. She was like a family friend I never met.
  7. I did not make that connection. It's been a very long time since I've read any of her sci-fi novels except "A Wrinkle in Time".
  8. Yes, I've read "The Small Rain" and enjoyed it. It's semi-autobiographical..although she calls it a novel. :001_smile: I was thinking I would like to look at her children's book about Touche. She writes quite a bit about him in the beginning of "A Two-Part Invention".
  9. I just love her writing style, especially in her memoirs. I'm reading "A Two-Part Invention" which is the memoir of her 40yr marriage and 4th in the Crosswick Journals. Madeleine L"Engle holds a special place in my heart. I was a non-reader until about the age of 14. I discovered "A Wrinkle in Time" devoured it and fell in love with the fantasy/sci-fi genre. that all.....
  10. Capt. Jack is one of my favorite recurring DW characters. I hope he comes back again soon. Enjoy your evening. I'm so sorry about your sister in law. That's real tough. :grouphug:
  11. Good grief! That's pretty bad. I once saw someone surfing on their iPhone. Seriously? you can turn that thing off for an hour? You see a lot more than you want when the choir loft is at the back of the church :glare:.
  12. I've been slowly building my collections based on what I'm reading. So far I have: Classics Memoir Orthodox Fantasy Science Fiction I'll probably add more as I read from those genres. I like some of the other ideas I'm finding here too.
  13. Recent discussions with friends have raised some questions. I would love to hear from a variety of denomination members on policies. Does your pastor/minister/priest/rabbi know how much you donate to your religious institution or is that information only known to a financial officer or financial team? No, my priest does not know how much I donate. Is it common place for ministers within your denomination to know how much members of the church give? Why is the information important for a minister/pastor/priest/rabbi to have? No, I don't think it's the norm within my denomination but I cannot speak to all of them. I'm Eastern Orthodox and every jurisdiction (Greek, Serbian, Russian, American, Antiochian) runs things differently. Does this policy raise ethical concerns within your religious institution? it would if the priest knew. Does your church or denomination have a history of sharing financial information with officials outside of the financial officer? Not that I am aware of. I remember that the church I attended in childhood published a booklet listing family contributions. :001_huh: Since then though I have been under the impression that financial information was known only to a financial team--not to church officials. Am I naive?
  14. Are you just talking about fiction? If so I think these might be contenders.. "The Book Thief" "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" "The Name of the Rose" (I think this counts as late 20th) "The Eyre Affair" "The Giver"
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