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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. You do make a good point about far away family. The stories are not always so easily pigeon-holed into a certain narrative. The thing is I've had a couple of patients who have far away family too and they still manage to have photographs and rooms with personal items. And I have patients with local families and their rooms just as the OP described. I'm sorry your MIL is being so stubborn.
  2. :iagree: You really do have to be careful. IT is very sad to see patients being left behind by their families.
  3. I was intrigued after hearing her interview on NPR yesterday, but now... probably not. I find that kind of stuff distracting to the story and unnecessary. I agree with sparrow - it's as if the author is trying hard to say "I can wear my big girl panties now." I guess I am a prude.
  4. I meant to add that Blessed Mother Olga is known to intercede for women & children who have physically or emotionally abused.
  5. I know that Blessed Mother Olga of Alaska (she's not been canonized yet) had a difficult marriage in the beginning and, because of her prayers her husband started going to church and even ended up the priest! I think he had been non-Churched and an alcoholic before that. There's St. Theodora whose husband was an iconoclast. She kept her icons hidden from him. When he died she was instrumental in the re-institution of Icons. St. Helena (Constantine's mother) was divorced by her husband (the Emperor) because she wasn't good enough (or something like that.). He later married a better connected woman.
  6. me too! Having a big snake fall on me IN THE DARK would have done me in.
  7. yeah, I should have grabbed my camera. It would have been hard to get good picture - It was gloomy, tree was shaded by the house, and the snakes are almost the same color as the tree itself. My kids were very disappointed they missed it when I told them about it.
  8. very cool. I bet that was it. The air is muggy but cool and we had lots of storms/rain last night. The ground is probably colder.
  9. I can completely relate. And I completely understood your description. I don't have much advice, but I've BTDT multiple times. It's hard sometimes. :grouphug:
  10. I didn't stand where they could fall on me... *shiver*!! I like snakes too, but at a distance. That's what my husband thought too.
  11. While I was eating lunch something outside caught my eye in our holly tree. I looked and it was snake! We've been seeing them around lately. Then I looked closer I and there were 5 other snakes roiling around in the tree together. They were acting like they were playing. I went outside to watch them. One fell out and then another, but the other 4 kept roiling around and then coming down the tree. One stayed and watched me for a very long time and the others just kept going back up the tree again... I've not come inside and they're still in the tree. Not sitting still - constantly moving - over each other and on different branches. They look like young garden variety of snake - probably about 1.5-2feet long. What could they be doing? I've never seen snakes act like this before and I've never seen so many together.
  12. I can totally relate to the bolded statement. Even though I officially retired last year I still feel like a homeschooler in my heart. I've even tried other non-Homeschooling forums and it's just not the same... there's just something about having this important part of our lives in common that makes me feel at home here and on other homeschooling forums. I also have two in 2 different schools because my youngest academics were not ready for traditional school.
  13. That's what I did. I kept my middle name and added on my maiden name to it. I've been married for almost 27yrs. So either it's not really a new trend or I'm very "fashion forward." or whatever it would be called for name trends LOL. The only issue I've had is that my middle name initials are now M-D. So sometimes I get something in the mail addressed with M.D. at then END of my name. :confused:
  14. oh, I meant to add. Do you have proof you mailed the device? Can you take them to small claims court?? for them the lawyers fees would be WAY more than your $400.
  15. This is horrible! I don't know much about credit reports but how much can this one bill really affect your ratings?? It's not like a mortgage or something, KWIM? I can't imagine it would do that much damage - but, like I said, I don't know a lot about how that works. I feel SO bad for you. Oh, I've heard that people who complain about co. on FB can get very fast results (or is that Twitter). I'm not on either, but have you been vocal on FB about your terrible treatment from Sprint??
  16. oh good grief! Your story is so disheartening. Can you contact BBB or some other gov't agency that deals with this type of problem?
  17. Just a different idea... not that I don't think the military is great... but some are saying it might depend on certain factors. So, if it doesn't work out he may want to look into AmeriCorp. My sister's nephew did this because he wasn't really the college type either (no money, bad grades, no interest in it at all). He did it for a year, found his passion (plumbing IIRC), and now has a career in that field. It was a positive experience for him.
  18. I agree with this too. I think you should talk with him... work as a team. You two seem to work so well together, I'm sure you can come up with something workable.
  19. I think you should send her some cupcakes. ;):D
  20. I have to come back and say that I felt rather icky after reading that article. As though someone was trying to manipulate me or something. Like a guy trying to convince me on a first date that I want to have sex with him ("come on, I know you want to - everyone does it") Eeww.
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