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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Farrar is in DC but she does it all virtually. Her partner is in CA so they have a lot of knowledge about HSing in general, not just for Maryland/DC. I've used their services and was very happy with the help they provided. IIRC Rivka is does Pscho-Educational testing and things along those lines. I think she is a licensed psychologist.
  2. It's a bit too fancy, but there's plenty of room for a baby bump! LOL
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. hugs. One of my dearest friends is going through the same thing. Dad handled all the finances and took care of mom. They all thought she'd go first because her health was poor. But, he got pancreatic cancer and, thanks to COVID, did not go in until about 2 weeks before he died. And no one could visit him in the hospital. It's a mess and just so very sad too.
  4. Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs" fame has a "Texts from my mother" theme on this FB page. This one is a hoot and COVID related: In the title he says: Sometimes, it's hard to know how to respond to my mother. So, I'll leave it to you guys.
  5. Big Thing: My daughter got married on Saturday (photo included). Its been quite the COVID rollercoaster. Back in April we had hoped we could have a 50-100 person wedding by mid-July (you can laugh). About a month ago she finally bit the bullet and said she just wanted a civil ceremony in our backyard. Just immediate family. She got a blessing from our priest and she'll have the church wedding and reception on her 1 yr anniversary. Small things: My youngest granddaughter is really growing and cute as a button. I slept well the last 2 nights thanks to Sleep3. I got up this morning and rented a Rug Dr. and cleaned out my car, 2 couches, and our TV room rug. I can't believe how gross our couches were... blech. Saw my sister and BIL yesterday for the first time since he got COVID. He's looking quite good. Dr. says it will still be at least a month before he goes back to work. My son with his 4th concussion is responding well to PT for his headaches.
  6. I saw that authorities think there may be a link between him to another murder a couple of weeks ago. Angelucci was a rival men's rights lawyer or something like that. It just sounds to me like the murderer was already on the edge and something tipped him over. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/22/us/hollander-angelucci-judge-salas-shooting/index.html
  7. I have a very similar fridge. I have just added a few cheap plastic bins I got at the dollar store. They fit my cheeses very well. I have one for all the shredded cheese and another one for block cheese. The shredded is in the main fridge and the block cheese bin is in the large full-width drawer.... which has become my catch-all drawer 🙄
  8. I loved her and Dr. Bombay... oh and Uncle... whatever his name played by Paul Lind. I always felt like they didn't have these characters on enough. And if we're honest, Endora is the reason we're in this mess and poor Aunt Clara is trying to put it all back to normal 🙂
  9. I leaned toward classic names... or Biblical/Saints names too. Catherine, Lisa, Laura, Julia, Juliana, Abigail, Naomi, Sophia, Dorothy (or Dorothea if you want to name it exactly like the saint), Elizabeth (I really like Lizzy). Peter, Phillip, Timothy, Jonathan, Oliver, Gregory, Patrick, Andrew, Nathaniel, Benjamin, Matthew.
  10. oh goodness. Sending prayers and cyber hugs.
  11. I've enjoyed Dominion. You can play against 1-2or 3 bots... or against other humans. You can also friend people you know, so I've played with my kids in Philly a couple of times. We already played the game in real-life for years... there is a learning curve. I don't pay up for the other expansion cards, I just play the free version. I'm excited to try some of these others as I'm getting a little bored with Dominion. I used to love playing Risk.
  12. Just read about it. It does sound like an assassination attempt, but for whom and why? It's completely horrifying. I hope the authorities get to the bottom of this very quickly. That poor mother and wife.
  13. Its a good idea to have more than one floating around. My sister didn't have one and I ended up giving mine to her since her husband was so sick and it was clear we were fine. They didn't even know what it was... I was surprised the hospital didn't make sure he had one. He has double pneumonia. Of course, because of Covid, my sister could not go into the hospital with him and he was pretty sick even when they sent him home after one night stay. They may have said something but it didn't register.
  14. your YA did not come into direct contact with the covid patient? Then she doesn't necessarily need to test or quarantine for the 2 weeks. Everything I read (since we were potentially exposed nearly 3 weeks ago) was that if you had been in contact with a close contact of a covid patient you need to monitor your symptoms closely. The roommate who came into contact with the covid patient will need to quarantine away from everyone else. I would definitely have your YA wear a mask and practice social distancing and keep the person away from them. Clean everything. Start taking zinc, Vit C. and other supplements. I came into contact with a close contact of a covid patient and we stayed away from everyone for about 4-5 days and kept a close eye on symptoms. Basically I played "Is it covid or is it allergies" for a days---bought a pulse-ox and checked my temp several times a day. We cancelled everything we had planned within the next week just to be extra safe. Told everyone we might have seen what had happened to let them decide their comfort level if they were going to see us. Interestingly, close contact (my sister) never got covid from her husband and neither did their daughter. Thankfully, we've all been fine too. BIL got it at work and several of his co-workers also got it.
  15. Just seeing this and hoping you're back home and in bed now. Glad you were able to get quick help.
  16. praying for her and her medical team.
  17. @egao_gakari - this is a public forum. I don't know if I'd put that information out for just about anyone (ANYONE) to see. Maybe ask people to PM you the information.
  18. Thanks for the update. Hugs... change is so hard. Its also so easy to talk about change but the actual doing part is an uphill battle. Be proud of your mini steps.
  19. Thurs. is best for me this week. My daughter is getting married here at the house on Saturday.
  20. Id love to join. I don't know about other virtual meeting rooms but Zoom has a free option but your meetings can only be 40min - then they knock you off. If you get the paid account you can have meetings for as long as you need.
  21. I tried to see it last night but too much cloud cover. Is there a great place to check times for best viewing and where to look in the sky. I heard a brief thing on our local radio yesterday that said just after 10PM last night in the NW (or NE) sky and then again just before sunrise 😜
  22. That is very sad. So young and so sudden. May he rest in peace.
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