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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. That was very helpful. I've been wondering about NZ too. I'm surprised that Stockholm had such a low percentage of herd immunity.
  2. Oh good grief. I'm sorry people were like that. It's incredible how thin-skinned we've become.
  3. That's great! He does look a little like Santa Claus 🙂
  4. @Plum - I love that meme, but I wish it didn't have such a strong swear word. I know some of my friends who need to see this wouldn't see the forest for the trees simply because of that one word. Right now the ones driving me batty are political. I hate election year.
  5. I was going to suggest something along these lines.
  6. I don't know how to get it dx. but my own son had an issue with this due to his concussion just before the close down. PT has helped tremendously with some of his symptoms, but he's still getting headaches everyday that require a long break in a dark room (sun sensitivity was another issue). We went in for the concussion and were referred to PT for his lingering issues....and the PT is the one who actually caught it.
  7. wow... that's a new one. I haven't seen it.
  8. I have kids involved in various levels of research. All of them say they would never be on the first round of vaccines (One used to work in first-round human drug testing). They know what can go wrong. I take their first-hand knowledge and won't go first. I am eager for a vaccine, I just don't want to be a guinea pig. I suspect that the military will be our first guinea pigs though.
  9. Well, people change. That's part of life and no necessarily a bad thing. She had different views than you, which probably can be just a valid (seeing a different way to fix a problem for example). It's just sad that she is being so difficult and unwilling to disagree about it. If she's doing it in person (or over the phone) I can see why you'd want to pull away. I also have a friend who is confrontational. It makes the friendship less enjoyable to me.
  10. I'm so sorry. I have not had many BFFs in my life - and they kept moving away anyway. I try to keep up with them on FB and fortunately, none of them are shrilly about their ideology. But, it's never the same anyway. I am sorry your's has ended this way. But, what is it about social media that causes people to see another person's views as evil? And then that person as evil?? I just got into a little discussion with another friend there... and some of her friends...whoa... I just couldn't believe how awful they were treating strangers on someone else's feed (not me). I see it on both sides of the political aisle. It is sad. Ive really tried to be careful not to get caught up in it and tried to be humble when I respond. I just hope I'm not making it worse.
  11. If I were looking for hostas I'd first go to FB Marketplace or Craigslist. That is how I try to buy most of my plants. I love getting them from local homeowners. Sometimes they're much older than me and have great knowledge. Generally the best time to find plants is spring and early summer, but you can still get lucky now.. I just did a quick search on FB and there were plenty of people still dividing and selling their hostas.
  12. Yes, I would. I have 2 friends who had to have dental surgery in the last month. They both felt very protected at the dentist and they are both fine.
  13. Another Update: She had a tele-med appt with her old doctor here in MD. This doctor thinks that it is an allergic reaction. We brought our own sheets/towels though. She put her on prednisone. G told me that her bumps are slightly better today and definitely not worse. She's relieved it isn't bedbugs. Also, while brainstorming we wondered if the cleaning supplies the rental uses may have triggered a reaction. She does have sensitive skin. I told her about the butt paste idea that AtheTexan recommended (I can't link your name) and she's going to try that idea on some of the really itchy ones. She says she'll get the prednisone but she's going to wait and see how she feels tomorrow before starting on oral steroids.
  14. what an awful loss. I'm so sorry. Hugs. I would try to remember to call her every couple of days to see how she is doing. In May, when my niece had her baby at 22 weeks (with 2 littles at home) we banded together and got them a GrubHub e-gift card so they didn't have to think about food for a bit.
  15. I certainly understand that a secular group would not want to use curriculum that teaches or promotes a religious perspective. But if a group won't even allow someone to "thank God" in their Introduction then I would suspect they wouldn't even allow a curriculum to mention the place of religion in something like Bach's music or Martin Luther King's worldview. I would hope that various secular curriculums can acknowledge the place of religion in people's lives without promoting said religion. It just sounded like one of the groups the OP mentions can't even do that.
  16. our dog went with us but I gave him his flea meds the day we left. Thanks for the tips!
  17. I agree that it doesn't make any sense. How in the world do they teach history if any type of reference to religion is banned? But, I also agree that some Christian groups can be selective and strict.
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