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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. oh no! I didn't realize that had happened. I dont join in very often, but when I know I need to make an effort I try to come here. I'm sorry she's left this thread. Ugh... I hate that topic too. So far, we've filled my sister's truck and unloaded everything in its proper spot at the dump. I've done laundry and hung it out to dry. Got to get the truck back to my sister's house and that takes an hour, then it will be time to get ready for church. I dont know if I'll get much else done today. 😞
  2. My plans for today may be trunkated by the horrible sleep I got last night but here is what I planned out yesterday: borrow my sisters truck and fill with items for a trip to the local dump (dh is on his way to get it now) Wash the stinky dog. minor cleaning/spiffing on the main floor finish decluttering my closet and pack away summer clothes and/or continue decluttering the laundry room. memorial service then Vespers - I'm in charge of virtual recording tonight so I can't skip.
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-54761824 RIP. 😞 I was never a big Bond fan, but I did enjoy many of his other movies.
  4. The decluttering and organizing bug has hit me too. I don't have littles and we've downsized 2x with 2 moves since I stopped homeschooling. But, I still seem to be really good at collecting detritius. Ugh. I starrted going through the laundry room and found far too much stuff I packed up for our move 3 yrs ago and still haven't used. 😜
  5. Oh hon, that is awful. I will be praying for Ri and all of you. (((hugs)))
  6. Speaking of eye candy. Boy, Sherlock in Enola Holmes, is easy on the eyes. I think it's pretty funny that Superman is now Sherlock Holmes. Is that a step down or up for him? LOL. It's funny, but I do think he was terribly miscast. A hunky Sherlock??? Sheesh, he even has a chin dimple!! LOL.... (its very distracting ladies). My son played the Witcher game and tried watching the series. He said it was way too depressing to watch. I think it was best for his mental health that he stopped. He's not too interested in the books. I am mildly interested because it seems like my jam.
  7. We're doing something simple. It will probably be some kind of beef - boring I know. I don't have any little kids though. I do have friends who make a country theme out of Thanksgiving. One year it was Greece, another year Germany, etc. etc. Her husband loves to cook so it made planning a menu way more fun with help. I'm not that create or energetic.
  8. Us too. They just don't seem to last. We've not had any luck with solar lights either. They only seem to last a couple of years. I hope others chime in with some excellent recs. I'd be interested in finding something that lasts.
  9. Totally enjoying many of those shows too. We enjoy real-lilfe ones like "Secrets of the Zoo" and "North Woods Law" NOVA has had some very interesting ones about language/writing and yellow slime lately. Lots of old shows besides Barney Miller. We've enjoyed LoveJoy, Fraiser, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Silent Witness, Rebus, Outter Limits, & Battlestar Gallactica. I've got Sliders in my DVR but haven't checked any out yet. We're also watching Better Call Saul. We're in season 3 though.
  10. So, what happened? Did he forget?
  11. Also, I'm shocked, shocked that Star Trek didn't cover COVID on any of their story lines. 😉 😁
  12. I rarely watch up-to-date TV anyway but nope, no, nada. I will be avoiding anything with COVID themes. Just like I don't like TV shows that mention things like the president or other current events. I watch TV to get away from it all - even the murder mysteries. Funny side note. I have been watching Barney Miller lately. They did mention Mayor Koch on his inagaration day. At the end they were listening to his speech. It was kind of funny considering that was in the 70s. It was so long ago it could have been a fictional mayor. I'm in the 79/80 season and they have yet to mention the hostages. I am SO looking forward to The Expanse coming out in Dec.
  13. I'm glad your dad is well enough to come home and hope your mother has a quick recovery too. I'm sorry your sister isn't coming now. (hugs) I'm praying for everyone.
  14. Thank you! I also loved Elinor Oliphant..... Great book.
  15. hugs. I know those feelings all too well. It's a bittersweet time. Happy for them, but so very sad to close this chapter of our lives. For the first time ever we will have a small gathering for Thanksgiving. Four of my kids & partners/spouses have other plans. 😞 I know I need to share them now with their in-laws but it still stings. And because it's covid, I can't just invite friends or extended family.
  16. Good luck today. Prayers for you... and I love the new name.
  17. Coming back to re-check the recs and order more books. Thanks for all these choices. Here's what I've read so far in between some other library books I'm reading on self-care/health. The Singular & Extraordinary Tale of Mirror and Goliath – hard to pin down. I didn’t love it. I loved the premise, but it was a bit too creepy and a lot too disjointed for me to enjoy. One positive is that chapters were very short and it was mostly easy to follow the plot even though it jumped around. Murderbot series - LOVE IT! I would have never found this without a recommendation here. I’ve already finished 3 of them.💗 Sheepfarmer’s Daughter- Enjoying it. It started off a bit slow, and I was worried it would have too many standard tropes, which it doesn't. It's nice that it moves quickly without bogging down on one thing. However, I don’t find it to be a page-turner either. This is a book I have put aside and come back to with ease though. I appreciate that I have a book I can come back to after I’ve read some other books. What Alice Forgot – I forgot that it was reccomended here and listened to it as an audible. I didn't love it. I've currently got on hold in the library: Case Histories - loved the TV series, didn't know it was a book first. The Mother-In-Law Space Opera Say Nothing I'll add my own page-turner that I found in case anyone else is looking. Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony.
  18. yes it is true there is something to kill the trees if they are in the pipes. If they are in the pipes you may have to remove the tree anyway to protect the septic system and field. Hugs. That does seem very expensive to diagnose. I would definitely get another opinion if you have the time.
  19. as you may expect, checking all those things are first on the list of usual troubleshooting (and turning up the sound, etc.) She's been like this for more than a week.
  20. I've tried everything they say online but it doesn't seem to be helping and I can't find any other information on my specific problem. My Alexa responds when I call it, but it will not do what I ask it to do. For instance, when I say, "Alexa, what is the temperature?" The blue light will flash around but then nothing. I can get her to work via my phone app, but not the normal way. I can talk into my phone and say "Alexa...." and she'll respond at the Alexa device. What could it be?? I have the regular Alexa not the Echo. It's about 3-4yrs old.
  21. We've played Pictionary via Zoom but with fewer people. There is a way to play it together online (separate website) and they we just kept zoom going. Have fun!
  22. That is a cool idea! Happy Anniversary. Oct is a great month for weddings!
  23. As a matter of fact today is our anniversary. Every year it varies. We don't do elaborate and we just went on a weekend away last month (when the weather was nicer). Today we hope to go out to a restaurant and eat outside, but the weather is rainy, so I don't know what we'll do. Otherwise, nothing extra special.
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