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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I did research for a class on psychedelics and learned a lot. One thing that seemed important for a positive outcome was to take them with a professional present who can guide you through the experience. It didn't have to be a doctor, but someone who is experienced with this method. How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan was an excellent and educational dive into this topic.
  2. this is me exactly. I take melatonin every night. It doesn't help since my sleep problems are stress related right now. But, at least I'm doing something right. @Katy thanks for the link. I haven't been on the main covid thread in months. I think it is better to put information out on a new thread because I think there are many of us who avoid that thread.
  3. Not growing up but from my early 20s -- Bruce Cockburn. I know most of those names on the list. I know where some of them are from but not all.
  4. I was just remembered this thread from earlier this year. There were a lot of recs that I'd never heard of before. https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/697176-looking-for-a-historical-russian-epic-to-read/
  5. I loved Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin. I definitely plan to read more by this author. And, I did enjoy The Brother's Karamazov.
  6. I have Hashi's too. I've just started reading the book "Why Do I STill Have Thyroid Symtoms When my Lab Tests are Normal?" It's a little too early to tell but I think it will be helpful for me. I've definitely had issues with symtoms and my dr. always says, "Well, your numbers are normal." Ugh. Also, I have learned a lot from watching Dr. Rutherford on Youtube. He's a Functional Medicinie dr. not a traditional Internist. But, he seems to specialize in Hashi's because he also has Hashis and so understands how treating the symptoms can look different for different people.
  7. I don't go to the big box stores for my groceries anymore. My local national chain grocery store was completely stocked with TP. Lots of variety. The thing is the prices!! Oh my. Not just TP but everything. I bought mostly fruit and veggies... no meat, only one thing of salmon on sale. TP, bread, milk, yogurt. The total was over $100.00 !!!!!
  8. Feeling the same way @Jenny in Florida I wish I had an answer. I know it is because I invested all these years in raising my kids and being home and now I'm forced into retirement. Plus, there's the added bonus of watching some of the kids make bad decisions and I feel like I've failed at the one job I had. 😞 My youngest is 19 and I've been done with homeschooling for almost 10yrs, but I feel like Im still flailing around trying to figure out what I want to do with my life besides babysitting grandkids. I'd like to start by volunteering. I have done that in the past and it does give me some level of life satisfaction. COVID has made it hard though.
  9. I've been on antibiotic that caused anxiety and sleeplessness. It was awful. I'm so glad they figured it out and I hope that #6 works well. Definitely start taking probiotics. You've been on meds so long your poor gut must be reeling. Gentle hugs.
  10. Also, one thing. If/when you do need to put him down many local shelters will do it at a substancially reduced rate. You do need to call ahead, from what I know. My sister had to put her beloved dog down last year. It was much cheaper to do it at the shelter than at her vets. She ended up going to a neighboring county because our county was too busy at the time... and obviously they didn't want to prolong their dog's suffering. Hugs... I know this must be so hard.
  11. This is what I would do too. I would also ask that they send any test results over to your regular vet. Then call them and ask them to trarnslate it for you and ask their opinions. It seems to me that your cat is not actively dying and it isn't an emergency situation, but I could be wrong. Bringing him home and making further decisions from there is certainly okay. You can always take Havoc back in if you think it is needed.
  12. @Lecka - thank you. I'm pleased with the results. And, there are dirty dishes in the sink you can't see. 🙂 It is one perk of having a deeper sink and it being within the line-site of the front door. I am with your mom on the washing kids in the sink. Way easier on my back. @Patty Joanna - mine is actually a double can. One for trash and one for recycling. We are recycling more now that it is much more convienent. So there's that.
  13. Since this thread was ressurected I thought I'd update. We didnt get the farmhouse sink. I'm still bummed about it but what we have works very nicely. It's white and I do love how easy it is to clean up. We ended up going with the trash in the cabinet feature and I regret it. Yes, it is nice that it's hidden away and easy access. But, it gets gross and stinky. Additionally, the trash can is small by kitchen trash can standards. It is not your traditional 13 gallon size. We have to replace it way more often. You guys helped me so much when I was going through issues with our contractor and helping me to think things through with the sink and trash can. Here's a photo of the finished kitchen. All the natural wood cabinets were here when we moved in. We just bought cabinets for the island and the under the stairs storage:
  14. I'm sorry. It really does suck. I hope your brother ends up with a mild case. My BIL got it and no one in his family got it. They live in a very small one floor house and we was able to quarantine somewhat (staying mostly in the MB alone).
  15. Yes, but not to the extent as you. In fact, we just had a energy assessment done yesterday and I told the technician all about my super-humid master bedroom/bathroom. MB is on a slab and the attached bath is on a crawl space. The crawl space does have a plastic barrier but no dehumidifyer. It is super small and you can barely "crawl" down there between the joists... maybe crawl around like a snake would be appropriate. I have a small dehumidifyer running the bathroom at all times and a larger one in the Master bedroom that is used most of the summer just so I can sleep. It still smells a little mildewy on certain days. He told me that he suspects that moisture is building up under the crawl space and leaking out into the bath/bedroom. He is suggesting we have the underfloor over the bathroom, or "ceiling" of the crawlspace protected with spray foam insulation. I need to do more research before we agree to do that because I don't want mold building up under there too. He said that more insulation in the attic above the MB/bath would also help with the temperature variables. It's hot and humid in summer and freezing cold in winter , especially in the bathroom. Getting up to pee at 3am in January is pretty miserable. I might as well be going to an outhouse. 🙂
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