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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I'm feeling so blah and unmotivated these days. I've tried several books but they just haven't grabbed me. I think I need something a little more exciting. I'm looking for a book to read not to listen to. I have plenty of audibles, but I like to have one to read and one to listen to. Lately, I haven't had any good books to read. We seriously pared down our bookshelves for our last two moves and now I have no access to the library. 😞 Books I've enjoyed in the past: Eyre Affair and all the sequels by Jasper Fforrde Cloud Atlas by Mitchell - but I didn't like his other books True Grit The Book Thief Suspicions of Mr. Whitcher Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell Longmire Series Vera Stanhope series (I may just break down and buy another one). Fiona Griffith's series Pratchett's Discworld series LOTR Any good page-turners that aren't too gruesome?
  2. That's what I was thinking. I just noticed Nmoira, who died several years ago. It's made a little sad...
  3. oh, I thought that one was a link to a hilarious Amazon review of wax removal for men. Then we had other people linking to other hilarious Amazon reviews. That was a fun thread.
  4. I do. Sleep has been very difficult lately because of it.
  5. That's what i have too. @Carrie12345 i wanted to review the one I linked. I would say it is very ice at blowing *cool* air- just not real strong. My main issue is that this particular model is noisy. That may not be a problem for you, but for me I won't be able to use it at night to sleep. I would say for less than $50 it is worth it to give this type of fan a try.
  6. I think both VA and MD are similar even though they may call the phases something different. We have 3 Phases in our state. I think VA is the same. Counties have a say in how open they will be once the Gov says we can move to the next phase. For instance our county was a week or two behind our whole state. We just moved to phase 2 on Friday. No talk yet about phase 3- which is still limited but less so. We are behind VA, but I think VA has had better numbers than we did. @mlktwins I'm not sure what the mask requirements are in VA but in MD we have to wear masks inside stores. By watching outside I'm not sure you can tell that. I personally don't put my mask on until I'm headed into the store - unless there are a lot of people by the door, which is rare. But inside it is 100% mask wearing. Once outside I take off my mask because there is no need to wear one outside from all the things I've read. and plus it's been in the upper 80s with high humidity. I can't breath.
  7. That will be the case in many places not just county borders but also state borders across America.
  8. My first thought was it was because fewer childhood accidents and car accidents, etc. Vaccines didn't even come into my equation. I know my 6mo. grandson has continued with his.
  9. Your state is opening up but the news yesterday said it may not include No.VA. They may stay in Phase 2 for a few more weeks. Has that been confirmed?
  10. I was going to say exactly what @Arctic Mama said. We bought a fixer upper with some larger cosmetic issues (kitchen, yard is bad shape, and bathroom remodels). But what lay under the surface was much worse and a lot more expensive. I'd probably do it again, but I would hire a A/C and electrician to both do an extra inspection of those things if they seemed fishy at the initial home inspection. It has been nice to make this house our own.
  11. My 3 boys did their growing after 16. My oldest especially (which I've written about here). In fact, my oldest 2 boys didn't stop growing until they were in their 20s. My 19 yr old (the tallest) seems to have stopped though - but I'll wait until he's 21 to really know. The boys definitely have a competition about this - they check every time they are together. 19yr old (the baby) is pretty proud that he's the tallest.
  12. We've had a oscillating fan (the tower kind) and they are nice. We also have had the smaller fans that sit on top of a desk or dresser. As long as the air is moving it would help. But, I just bought this off Amazon. Haven't had a chance to test it yet so I can't give it a review for you. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085RGPYJG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I see it is unavailable, but there are several similar ones on amazon.
  13. just listened to the local traffic news and it sounds like you are correct. IT may not be as bad as the worst days but it sounds like the beltway is back to normal congestion.
  14. It should be fine. Most of NoVA and Montgomery County (where 270 is located) are in Phase 2. I was on 495 yesterday (which was Sunday - so not a good indicator) and it was pretty quiet. Traffic has definitely picked up on most of the roads I travel, but it is still not at pre-covid levels. He could plan his drive-through and come either late morning-mid afternoon or after 6:30PM it might be best, just in case. That said, I would not consider driving through DC from No.VA (95 or Rt. 66). When coming to-from No.VA to my home off 270 I never consider going through DC - ever. I seems like a huge nightmare to get through. I'd rather deal with traffic on 495 - even in pre-covid rush hour. The only time it's worth going through DC is if 495 is shut down for some awful accident.
  15. What I do is I find the image I want - click on that... then RIGHT click on it. Choose "Save Image" (not copy or "save link"). Then I save it in my own pictures file. Then I come here to this thread. Click on "Choose Files" here at the bottom. Then choose the photo and it works. But, I'm doing all this on my laptop. I have no idea how to do this on an ipad or phone.
  16. goodness, they are adorable. So glad for the happy update.
  17. Could you have an outdoor meeting? Maybe sit 6 feet apart on the lawn. When my dh visits his mom about 40 mins away, they sit outside on the deck and chat 6 feet apart. I think at this point you'll need to be honest with your mom and tell her you are more concerned about the virus and its effects specifically on your family (asthma) and you'd like to see her but there are parameters.
  18. I'm glad you have a diagnosis but it wish it were something less serious. I hope that the meds help you tremendously.
  19. I think John the Baptist began baptizing in the wilderness for repentance and the cleansing of sins. In the Eastern Orthodox tradition Christ's baptisms is seen as sanctifying the waters. We see the waters (the deep) as a place of the world. When you look at icon of the Baptism of Christ (Theophany) there will often be demons and serpents in the waters. We see Christ as "Crushing the heads of the demons who lurk therein" . Christ did not need to be cleansed, but the world, through his baptism, is sanctified. The prayers for the blessing of the waters are quite beautiful. It says things like "The river was held back and the mountains leapt for joy at seeing God in the flesh" and 'At Thine (ephiphany/theophany/revelation) all of creation rejoiced" -- different translations. For many Christians baptism is seen as a little death. We go down into the waters and rise again a new creation. There is a lot of symbolism that prefigures Christian baptism and/or our understanding of salvation through the waters of baptism. The crossing of the Red Sea, Moses getting water from the Rock, Isaiah pouring water over the altar before fired rained down, Isaiah 55 (Ho, everyone that thirsts, come ye to the waters...), Isaiah 12: "You shall draw water out of the wells of salvation". I would assume that the mikvah is all part of that as well since water is seen as purifying and cleansing.
  20. I have generally done zoom lunch meetings with friends. My sister hikes a lot and she will often go with a friend. It seems like a nice way to see friends in person and get outside.
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