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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Croquet. Giant Jenga. Bocce ball. Buy a slip and slide for water fun.
  2. Yes, I saw that. I grew up watching him and his wife do stand-up together.
  3. I have it set up so I don't see when any of my friends comment anywhere - unless it is on my own posts or something I'm following or have commented on myself. KWIM? I know it is possible to see when your friends post a comment, but I find that feature creepy and annoying, so I turned it off. It's been a while since I did that so I don't remember how to do it. But, it sounds like that is what you're asking about. I've only unfollowed a few people but I haven't seen their posts pop up because of the above.
  4. What I think I can gather from the right is that they think the "they" want it to tank so "they" can take complete gov't control to turn us into a socialist country (no more free market). That's why the "little guy" is being shut down. But, that doesn't make sense to me since part of the "they" would mean the President... isn't he usually their guy? That's the only thing I've seen from the far right and it hasn't been everyone who thinks that way either. It seems like there's many reasons floating around. Most of it is that they don't like gov't control or over reach (which I do understand being concerned about and am sympathetic to FWIW - I just think they've become a over zealous).
  5. Well, I was wondering about that. I guess it's an equal opportunity conspiracy theory 😁
  6. It's really surprised me with some people who I consider smart and not easily fooled. Sigh. I certainly don't mind people questioning everything they hear, but I think some of my friends have unwittingly ended up in an Echo chamber.
  7. @kbutton thanks for those links... I think the Christianity Today article will be more helpful than the drs. refuting every particular conspiracy because it speaks directly to Christians from a Christian POV.
  8. I did post that one to her. She dismissed it as condescending. 🙄
  9. certainly not all my conservative friends/family are buying into conspiracies.. just some.. but I don't see it with my liberal friends at all. Of course I have a very small friends list on FB.
  10. Since you explained that you mow the lawn 70% of the time I don't think I'd think much of it. I know people who have terrible allergies and cannot mow their lawn. I'd probably just make that assumption about your dh long before today.
  11. Seriously! I wondered what I'd done. Glad to be back too. Thanks to the hard workers at WTM for fixing it.
  12. I've nearly lost of friend over Plandemic. Ugh. She's a smart, educated, tenacious woman. She never homeschooled, so doesn't fit that profile. But she is very conservative. That doesn't mean she doesn't have a brain. It does seem like the CV conspiracy theories are running rampant in the conservative community. I find it an odd marriage actually. You'd think (with a certain Pres. being in charge) that the Left would be crying foul on this. I was pretty shocked that she just wouldn't hear from me that maybe this documentary is untrue or misleading. I encouraged her to follow the data. I really wish that medical authorities had not lied to us about masks in the beginning. They lost so much street cred with that one.
  13. I like both 5 and 6... Although I don't like all the red on #5 I just like the blue color. #6 is nice the way it is. Ya know what might be nice? Find a red that matches your brick for the door. Love some of those sheds.
  14. I haven't seen any others but the one @sassenach mentioned. I haven't watched any of them. But a friend posted the one about Flauci on FB with the comment "Whether it's true or not doesn't matter. Information is important!" 😜 Yes, yes it DOES matter. Thankfully, she has since taken it down.
  15. A colonial or Wedgwood blue would look traditional up against the red brick. I'd probably do white shutters to brighten it up but I've also seen it pared with black shutters. I just looked it up and 1677 at Benjamin Moore is the color I'm thinking of.
  16. That has happened to us too. Someone also put poop bags in my recycling bin 😡 This is at our old neighborhood. I would definitely be annoyed. I like the note idea.
  17. thank you for the update. Glad it turned out okay.
  18. For some reason toilet paper is missing from this graph. LOL
  19. oh my gosh... I was shocked the other day when I checked the comments box on the governor's FB page on one of his posts. Silly me, I thought I was going to find further information and pithy discussion. 🤯
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