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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. It's 12:30 am my time, and I'm staying up till she finishes posting! :)
  2. I do not drive on interstates. We lived in the DC area for 3 years and I never drove on the highways. I'm sorry I can't give you any advice, but at least you know you're not the only one!
  3. I pre-read it and blacked out all of the f-words, but evidently I missed a few! I knew he knew what was behind the marked lines, but it made me feel better knowing he wouldn't actually see the words. He liked the book as well.
  4. I have a great idea for where you could put one of those twigs. ;)
  5. I hope you can get some rest and that she will continue to do better. I also lost a puppy to Parvo and I understand how you feel. :grouphug: Let us know how she's doing.
  6. It is my signature scent and my husband loves it. I've received many complements on it.
  7. and even right now, at 11:48 PM, the heat index is 88! If I don't get out by 7am, I'm miserable. And the few days I've gotten out around 5 am there are bats flying around that are the size of large crows. No kidding. Their wingspan can be 3 feet!
  8. We arrived 3 weeks ago. We are on Okinawa, a small island south of mainland. I'm unsure of how to proceed with foreign language study for my son, who is a junior. To complicate matters, I've heard that many Okinawans speak a dialect of Japanese that some mainlanders find hard to understand. Option 1- He's had 1 year of German. He could complete German 2 this year and take 1 year of Japanese. Option 2- Have him complete 2 years of Japanese. He is not very interested in this option. I'm thinking of getting Rosetta Stone Japanese so my other children can use it as well. Thanks for your help!
  9. that is not liturgical and almost all children attend the service with their parents. Most of the families are larger than average (we have 4 children, and we would be considered a small family at this church), and most children are homeschooled. I love having the entire family together. It is a big turn-off for me to be greeted at a church door and have an usher immediately direct me to a nursery or childrens' church. We've visited a few churches where it was obvious that children were not welcome inside the sanctuary and we never went back. We are moving to Japan in a couple of weeks, and the thing I am going to miss most about Northern VA is our church!
  10. We had to put our dear Mike (9) down this past fall and our teacup poodle just a few weeks ago. It is so, so lonely in the house without a dog. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jann. :grouphug:
  11. Oh, sweetie. I'm sorry you're going through this (again). You have such a gentle spirit and are so fun to be with. I have to run some errands this morning, but I would love to have you over this afternoon if you and Nature Girl would like to come hang out! Just let me know! I'll supply the Starbucks!
  12. I would have gotten drunk as soon as I had gotten home from school. I bet a few of those students did, too. :(
  13. actually showed his 9th graders the Holy Grail movie after studying the Middle Ages. Absurd. :thumbdown: I couldn't believe a teacher would show that to a group of 14-year olds. While I don't have a problem with anyone choosing to let their own kids watch the movie, I did not appreciate my son watching it at school without me even being aware of it. I was not a happy camper.
  14. And if so, how do I do that? We are getting ready to move to Japan. Thanks!
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