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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. I hope you hear from them soon. Praying for a speedy recovery for her!
  2. We received an update on her in our Sunday School class but no one mentioned how long they would be gone. I'll let you know if I hear anything. I'm so thankful it wasn't a brain tumor, which was what the doctors originally thought she had.
  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You are blessed.
  4. and say I think they're ridiculous. I don't even think they're funny in any way. I get so tired of seeing little girls dressed in clothes that make them look like teenagers, and poorly dressed teenagers at that. :glare:
  5. I want to encourage you to seek God continually and remember that your children are His. I recommend that you try to find a Moms In Touch prayer group in your area. I don't know if you've ever heard of the group, but here is their website: http://www.momsintouch.org Mothers usually get together once a week and pray for their children, their children's schools, teachers, administraton, etc. It was a blessing for me to be a part of a group when my oldest was in high school.
  6. I am so sorry you are going through all of this. They loved you. That's the important thing. You are loved and wanted. :grouphug:
  7. We get our household goods shipment tomorrow and I am looking forward to having our things. I know what you mean about the middle school girls. I've already explained to my dd that they can be ruthless, and she agrees because a couple of her friends attended middle school and she witnessed a change in their personalities. DH and I are just going to have to sit down and really pray about it.
  8. :iagree: Knowing there have been errors in the past, I just wouldn't feel right about not checking. And, the farmers were over-charging I think everyone would be checking over each invoice. :)
  9. I am 99% sure that I'm going to order Level 1 and 7 this week for my dds. I've heard great things about it. :)
  10. I've only mentioned that it may be a possibility. I told her that it was a decision that her father and I would have to be in complete agreement on and that we'd have to pray about it. Let me clarify that the school is not a Japanese school. It's an American school. Japanese is the main foreign language they offer (obviously). I think she would enjoy it. She's very out-going. Lots to think about...
  11. We are living in Okinawa, Japan, and the Dept of Defense school system will allow homeschooling students to take classes. I would not want her to take any core classes, but I am thinking about letting her take Japanese. I would have to provide transportation for her, but that would not be a problem. I guess my concern is this: Would this be compromising my homeschooling beliefs? Part of me feels this would be a great opportunity for her to learn the language of the country in which we live, but part of me is concerned with the environment of middle schools. What do you think?
  12. My son had night terrors for several years and I gave him some water once only to have him choke on it because he was not really awake. He would often have his eyes wide open, but he was still asleep. He never remembered any of the terrors the next morning, but they were frightening for me to watch. He outgrew them by around 9 or 10. His occurred when he was overtired.
  13. Congratulations and thanks for letting us know!
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