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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. :grouphug: Just get out there and start asking people to be a friend! :):)
  2. Since we have a post with the article "The Problem With Palin" linked, I thought I may as well link this article. Why They Hate Her
  3. Obama appeared to me to be grimacing quite a bit, and there were times when he looked quite ticked. McCain did a much better job than I expected.
  4. Well, fortunately I'm a great multi-tasker! I'm listening and enjoying the WTM boards as well. It's 10:30am where I am, so it feels a little strange to be watching a debate on a Saturday morning!
  5. My dd is getting frustrated (ie. crying) over integers. Did anyone else's dc struggle with this chapter? I believe Cynthia (Hoggirl) mentioned her ds having to go slowly through this chapter. TIA-
  6. Actually, you didn't misread the original post. I believe your interpretation is correct.
  7. It seems to me that you were upset with her for not saying anything.
  8. I may be in the minority, but I think she responded nicely. It doesn't bother me at all. If she had made some kind of response to him (like the one perhaps you feel she should have made), everyone would be discussing how she isn't "diplomatic" enough. Either way, someone is going to be slamming her for what she did or didn't say. I think she handled it with grace.
  9. So glad you're back! Missed seeing your smiling face! :grouphug:
  10. Maybe get one of those "humane" traps? I really don't know what those are or where you'd get one but it sounds nice, doesn't it? ;)
  11. :grouphug:, Chris. What does dh think? If he feels the nanny position would be ok, I would not hesitate to take it. Does he know how you've struggled with everything? Praying for you, dear sister! :grouphug:
  12. :iagree:. The "conversation" is a post from someone's blog. It is completely fictional. It would be like someone posting a "hypothetical conversation" between Obama and Rev. Wright discussing race relations.
  13. No suggestions, but wanted to give you this :grouphug:. She is blessed to have a mom that knows what is best for her!
  14. Enjoy your visit! I think your questions are fine. The teachers should have Montessori training. My oldest dd attended a Montessori school when she was 3-4 and it was fabulous. She learned so much and if money was not an issue, my youngest daughter would attend one now. There are a few things that strike me as "liberal" about the philosophy. Can't really articulate it well, but they seem to be very "earthy". You may want to pm Chris in VA because her son attended one as well, and she may give you some good info as well. I really loved watching my dd learn and grow during those years. I would love to be able to duplicate it at home! Let us know how the visit goes.
  15. :grouphug: I completely understand your feelings. We are living in Japan for the next 3 years, and my oldest ds is stateside in college. I miss his hugs.
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