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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. No particular thread. Just all of the teA talk from a couple of weeks ago! And, there is a teA group as well.
  2. Actually, I haven't taken him in yet. I'm calling tomorrow morning. Thanks!
  3. Hi Chris! I will call the doctor tomorrow morning. We're 13 hours ahead of you. I definitely want them to run some bloodwork, but I'm not looking forward to it because the last time he had blood drawn he nearly passed out. *sigh*
  4. If you move your mouse over the little blue tags on the upper right part of the post, you'll see some words such as "politics" or "preschool", etc. Not all of the posts have tags. Some people were adding tags to posts that were just plain mean and stupid. Hopefully, that has come to an end. HTH-
  5. He's always been thin. And as he grows taller it seems he just gets thinner and thinner. I'm sure he hasn't picked up anything. He's too particular about food, etc. He hasn't tried any local cuisine.
  6. :iagree:. My granny died just last year and it was very humbling to witness her journey.
  7. When we went to church this evening, the pastor told everyone that we were going to be giving packets of tea to the surrounding homes as part of a prayer walk through the neighborhood. I couldn't help but think of all of the teA talk here!
  8. I love your space and your house! If we ever save enough money to come to Australia may we have a WTM meetup?! That would be fun! :)
  9. Thank you, Kissy. We've been here since July. I will definitely call the doctor tomorrow. I just get emotional sometimes.
  10. That's reassuring. I'm 5'6" and 122-125, so I guess I'm on the "thin" side. He's just so thin, I worry that if he ever gets really sick it would be harder for him to get well since he has no extra weight to lose.
  11. He's feeling fine otherwise. I haven't noticed anyone else getting sick and I have not noticed him going to the bathroom. He gets nervous easily, so I'm wondering if perhaps it could be his thyroid?. I think I will call the doctor tomorrow and schedule a check-up. Now I'm :crying:. He's never interested in doing anything with the family. He's content to hang out in his room.
  12. He does not eat a lot of healthy foods. He likes to eat junk like hot pockets, pizza rolls, etc. but I think most teenagers like those kinds of foods. He looks like he is starving. His chest and back are very bony.
  13. I really, really don't think so. I have never restricted what he eats. If I ate what he does, I'd be overweight. He hasn't been physically active for a couple of years, but he has begun playing roller hockey again in the last few weeks. Last week he participated in an outing with our youth group and after running some, he threw up. He also gets sick sometimes after practice. That bothers me. He had a scrimmage game yesterday and last night around 2am he threw up. He's still asleep right now (it's 11am here). At first, I thought the heat may have been a factor in his getting sick after physical exertion because it's so stinkin' hot and humid here, but that wouldn't be a factor for last night's episode.
  14. My 16-year old ds is very thin. He is 6'1-6'2" and weighs around 125 pounds. He looks almost emaciated (I hate using that word). Any advice? I'm worried.
  15. After reading the "Peeing Behind a Dumpster" thread, you can imagine what I thought you were going to tell us! :D
  16. How about the "our god is a warmonger"? Now, that's respectful. I guess our posts have to be respectful but our tags don't? :glare:
  17. I hope he's feeling better. I'm sure he was embarrassed. :grouphug:
  18. If you accept their invitation, they are automatically on your list. I just wonder if anyone would actually turn down someone's request to be their friend. :confused:
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