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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. Oh, I love kitties, but I'm so allergic I'm tearing up just looking at the cuties!
  2. :lol: You must have misread it, because it hasn't been edited. Too funny!!
  3. The one that my mother drilled and drilled and drilled into me was: Never end a sentence with a preposition. ie) Where is my book at? But, here is a question for everyone. Is it ok to ask, "What are you looking for?". Or should we say, "For what, are you looking?" :confused::D
  4. I'm not sure about the separate accounts, but we set ours to manually sync the ipods instead of automatic. HTH-
  5. LOL! I don't like sweet tea either and I was even told by my grandmother once that I'd be disowned if I didn't start liking tomato sandwiches! :D
  6. Several years ago, we flew an Israeli flag just to show our support. No, we are not Jewish.
  7. My 4-year old dd was in the living room while I was watching tv (ok, it was actually the Colbert Report), and she saw a picture of Obama. She is adopted from China and her skin tone is darker than most Chinese. Our conversation: dd- Mom, look! Do you want him to win? me- No, honey. I've already voted for McCain. dd-Oh. I want him (Obama) to win. me-Why do you want him to win? dd-I like him. He's, you know, brown all over. Kind of like me. me-(Not knowing what to say, so I reply brilliantly :confused:) Yes, he is brown, kind of like you. You both have pretty skin. :)
  8. Sorry, I find no redeeming qualities in either series and my dd will not be reading them.
  9. Well, I did not have my first one at or after 35, but I think you may want to hear the advantages/disadvantages from some of us who've had children earlier and later in life because we've actually experienced the difference. My children: DS, born when I was 22- he's 20 DS, born when I was 26- he's 16 DD, born when I was 30- she's 12 DD, adopted at age 1, when I was 39- she is 4 I was much more relaxed as a mother with my 2 daughters. I was my most uptight with my first son. I was worried more about his health, development, etc. I remember nursing him for about 3 weeks and then quitting because I "wanted my body back". I nursed my next son, and my daughter until they were at least 3 (my daughter a little longer). As I have gotten older, I have become less selfish. I believe I enjoyed the infancy stages of my children more as I grew older as well. I've gained an appreciation for my children at the age they are right now. I'm not in a rush for them to "grow up" as I was for my 2 oldest. HTH-
  10. My stepfather was cremated and his ashes were placed in a small "plot" at his church. The "plots" are about 1 ft sq. My mom wants to be cremated and placed in the same "plot", I guess on top of him??? ;) As far as some churches feeling it's disrespectful to cremate a body, I wonder if they realize what is involved with the process of embalming. I'm not sure that's any more respectful than cremation. When my grandmother died last year, my brother made a comment about his plans to be cremated and my father told him not to mention it to my granny's preacher, or the preacher would tell him he was going to h*ll. :D A few years ago, I watched a documentary on PBS about people who were going back to the old ways of burial (keeping the body in the home, old pine box, etc.). It was very interesting.
  11. I've never owned one before, so I need one that will make great bread and is idiot-proof. Thank you!
  12. {{{(((Tibbyl)))}}}, Not trying to be huffy, but that's such a bad idea!!!!! Why does it surprise me that you would even mention it?!!!:):):):):):):):): Oh, and please picture a row of smiley faces. Evidently they are surpressing our freedom of expression to 8 images. The injustice of it all!!! I mean, don't they know who I am and how important I am to me?
  13. Yes, but she did use some of the same letters in typing her post as are found in the word jackrabbit, so I think it is perfectly reasonable to allow this "rabbit trail". Obviously, you don't know "jack". ;)
  14. Well, I for one did my part and gave it 5 stars. Evidently those other people have no sense of moral immorality.
  15. Dear Elaine, don't you know that it's what they *don't* know about jackrabbits that makes them so knowledgeable about them?
  16. Welcome! It's election time, so most of us are a little crazy! :willy_nilly:
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