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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. Just curious, was this gentleman as concerned when Hillary Clinton was running?
  2. Well, I'm not sure exactly what your point is. I've read the article you linked twice now and I guess you'll have to spell it out for me. Do you think that a woman cannot be in charge of our military? Do you think she'll make decisions without regard to any advice she has received from her advisors? Could you be more specific as to what your trying to say?
  3. Praying, Stephenie. Please keep us posted when you can! :grouphug:
  4. Are you feeling threatened, Phred? Worried, maybe? I think it's a brilliant move by McCain. And, it's pretty apparent that there are several of us on this board that are quite happy about his pick.
  5. I understand what you're saying, but I also think of the boys/men who want their baby carried to term, and it's not. That must be very devastating.
  6. I just ordered am e-book lapbook journal from Knowledge Box Central. It is supposed to be ready for downloading on Aug. 30. I think my dd will enjoy using it. You can download a sample here: http://www.knowledgeboxcentral.com/apgesclajo2n.html
  7. The value pack does not include the hardback text or the written solutions guide. It's "text" is spiral bound, black and white, and reminds me of the MUS layout (except there are more problems). Each section has 2 problem sets, so the student can complete the 2nd set if needed. The solutions are on a DVD. A test booklet and test solutions manual are also included. I chose the value pack because I was concerned my dd would be intimidated by the size of the text and the "busyness" of the pages. And, it was less expensive. :) So, no you will not be missing anything important. HTH
  8. It's 8:15am Wednesday, my time. I hope it's ok for me to go ahead and post. This is my first ww! The 2 pictures are of my youngest, who did all of the posing herself for these shots. The pics aren't as clear as they should be due to a dirty lens from little hands. Hope you guys enjoy! Semper Fidelis Academy
  9. Beautiful post, Doran. :grouphug: I have also realized that my "downs" can actually minister to others.
  10. Hi Miriam, Here is a link to a pdf file that may be helpful: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/vis/downloads/vis-yf.pdf
  11. No words. Just :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. Oh, you're right. I am not credible. To the mods: May we close this thread? I'm tired.
  13. I'm game. I've pretty much bared my soul around here, so I may as well let you guys see my blog. I've opened it up so anyone can view it. It's nothing special. Just a way of keeping the folks back in the US in touch. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and if you'd like to begin your day with a laugh, scroll down to the post of me doing Wii Fit! Semper Fidelis Academy
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