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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. We're planning on bringing the following items: Leapfrog Husband has a DS that she likes to scribble on (I'm talking about the Nintendo DS, not a ds- even though she'd probably love to do that too! :D) Crayons, colored pencils Stickers Portable DVD player with some dvds Wiki Stix And ??? She'll probably be a real trooper on the plane. I, on the other hand, am hoping to make it without being too much of a pansy (I do not like to fly).
  2. We're moving to Okinawa, Japan, in July and I would love to hear the hive's advice for keeping little ones content on a long flight. Thank you so much!
  3. Would it be advisable to pack all of them in plastic boxes? I'm not going to be able to take many books with us due to lack of space (we'll have about 1100 sq ft w/4 bedrooms- I don't even want to think about it :001_unsure:) so most of the books will have to be stored long-term and I don't think it's a climate controlled facility. Thanks!
  4. Our express shipment goes out on Tuesday. I'm planning to pack the schoolbooks we'll need just in case it takes 3 months for the regular shipment to arrive. Should I pack them in plastic tubs, or just let the movers pack them into boxes? What about the books that I'm sending over with the regular shipment and the ones that will go into long-term storage? If you have any advice you'd like to share I would appreciate it. Thank you!
  5. Praying that God will give you and your family peace and strength! :grouphug:
  6. who suggested my problems with stress/palpitations, etc., stemmed from my son (1 year old) still breastfeeding. He told me I needed to stop nursing and let the boy grow up. I never went back. Breastfeeding was probably the one thing I did during that time in my life that kept me sane!
  7. When they did mine, nothing was showing up so they had to give me morphine to see if that would relax the duct enough for it to allow some to go through. That didn't work, so they never had to give me the meds to make it contract (since my gall bladder had stopped functioning and nothing was going through), but I cried when they told me about the morphine. I absolutely hate having narcotics, and even though they gave me the smallest amount possible I felt so yucky I cried, ok it was more like teary wimpering. I hate that feeling! :crying: I had mine out 4 days later. Much better now!
  8. It's been about 2 weeks since he made the decision firm. My dh is enlisted and we are very proud (and me a little scared?), but this movie did both of us in.
  9. My dh even got choked up and had to leave the room at one point. I think he just stood in the hallway waiting for the scene to end.
  10. my dh and dd went and both enjoyed it. I haven't spoken about it in-depth with my dh but he said it was interesting. My dd is very sensitive and none of the imagery bothered her.
  11. it is imperative that you and your dc read the IG notes. The IG notes regarding the Hakim books are imho as important as reading the books themselves. It points out discrepancies and biases, which I think helps a student view any text with a more critical eye. I am looking forward to using 100 again with my dd in a couple of years.
  12. for my ds's freshman year and we really learned a lot. This year he is taking a World History class at our church, but next year we will be doing Core 300. Sonlight is a good fit for my ds. It may be because he enjoys history and reading (though he won't admit it). As for getting lazy with it, in my house that can happen with any curriculum. :) I think SL can be a great program for high school.
  13. last summer, dh and I decided to purchase new ones and we both chose white gold. I love my new ring!!!:D
  14. even if someone tells you it's ok to drink the water, don't! Trust me ;).
  15. We really liked both volumes. I wish her other volumes would be released in order for us to use them all. Oh well, by the time my youngest is ready, they should be finished.:)
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