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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. You ladies have been such an encouragement to me and I am so very thankful for all of the kind words. I am humbled by all of the loving words and prayers said for me. God is so good, so gracious, so kind. You have been a reflection of His love for me. As I am adjusting to a new culture and country I am continually reminded of how blessed I am. I may not have a lot of "physically present" friends, but it is a comfort to know that I am accepted here. I come to this board for information, laughter, and fellowship. You ladies rock! :)
  2. Karen, I obviously disagree. I believe abortion is murder. You do not.
  3. A party sounds great! It's 12pm here and we were supposed to start school today, but I've decided I'm taking a personal day. :) :party:
  4. You mean you can't read his mind? ;) My dds think I'm supposed to know what's wrong without asking!
  5. Praying for you, Chris. Please let us know what happens! :grouphug:
  6. Thank you for the kind words. I posted about my abortions a few months ago (?). The attacks came from my posting in the Republican/Abortion thread yesterday. I was attacked because I am now anti-abortion and they feel as though I have no right to take that stance since I had abortions in the past. I am pretty certain that the attacks were not coming from people who are pro-choice and telling me that it's hypocritical of me to be pro-life since I had abortions.
  7. That's great! Last year I read my first Austen book. Maybe we should start a book club! :D
  8. I deeply regret the decisions I made to abort. I know many, many women who are in the same position. We just don't like to talk about it. I don't know many people whose beliefs about certain issues, or about life in general, are the same as they were when they were teenagers.
  9. As some of you know, I have stated in past threads that I have had abortions. Evidently, some people think that takes away my "right" to to be anti-abortion, or try to stop them in any way. I've been told that I will have to "justify" those 2 abortions before God and I've been called a sanctimonious twit. I regret many foolish decisions I made as a teenager, abortion is only one of them, yet it has affected me in a deeply and in ways that I do not care to share with others. I'm a big girl, but I do think it's a shame that we can't be open with each other and not be attacked.
  10. Well, she asked how I justify it, and my response was that things certainly aren't going to change under a Democratic Party leadership. I hope that makes sense.
  11. Well, it certainly isn't going to stop under a Democrat. And the beauty of it is that I don't have to justify my reasons for voting pro-life to anyone. :)
  12. Well, I may be completely off base here, but I'm not sure a tour of living quarters or shadowing someone, is a realistic option. And as a wife of an Enlisted Master Sergeant, I must say that I am just a tiny bit offended by "especially if they are not joining as an officer" :). My husband is doing what he loves, and has been in the same MOS (field) for over 18 years. To the op- I would find out what he wants to do in the service, and then help him decide which route would be best for doing that job. My oldest ds recently decided he wants to join the military and has decided to go the officer route because he's already in college. I have shed a few tears (in private) over this, but I will support his decision 100%. I asked him if he had prayed about it, and he said yes. My job now is to support him and pray, pray, pray.
  13. "The Inquisition, the Inquisition..." Wish I had a kickline smilie! Hee Hee Hee! I just keep picturing the scene wear Gregory Hines is trying to pass himself off as a eunich. (the fan scene) :D
  14. :rolleyes: I was surprised he (the teacher) didn't show Mel Brooks' History of the World.
  15. We adopted our youngest dd from China. When people speak to me and ask questions as if my dd isn't around it bothers me. Questions such as: How long have you had her? How much? How do your other children feel about her? It's great that your church has such a culturally diverse environment!
  16. Well, let's see...my oldest ds was shown Monty Python's Holy Grail movie when he was in a World History class (9th grade). This was somehow supposed to correlate with the Middle Ages :glare:. I was at the principal's door the next morning. I would absolutely not sign that piece of paper!
  17. :grouphug: I'm so happy she got in touch with you!
  18. I really like the Apologia elementary series. My dd learned so much using the Botany book and Fly Creatures book. She's in 7th grade this year, so she's doing General Science but I purchased the Swimming Creatures book so she could read it. She has really enjoyed these books. :)
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